1/ $AXXA Although the #Tweet front is #quiet, $AXXA has been working on yet another #NewDeal for several months which would expand our range of #TechnologyPlatforms.
2/ $AXXA ‘s management team seeks to acquire technologies that can be #repurposed in order to generate new revenue streams. Repurposed #technology may not even be used in the same #sector or #market it was originally developed for.
4/ The #SoftwarePlatform was merged into a new corporate structure along with $AXXA’s High Net Worth #HNW user communities lists from a different acquisition, and a 1031 #RealEstate license from a third acquisition to create #AXXAInvest.
6/ With the principle and strategy outlined, back to the deal: The #NewTechnology is software based. It would expand $AXXA’s #AssetBase, diversify the Company’s revenue into a #NewMarket, and reduce economic risk.
7/ We are currently at the #DealStructure stage. The #range being considered is anywhere from $AXXA’s outright #acquisition of some / all of the corporation, some / all of the technology, to certain #licensing rights.
That’s the #update. More to follow. #END