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May 27th 2023
Brian Plain is your "Independent Cost Procurement Specialist #Near New England" lowering expenses"

Schooley Mitchell: Brian Plain & Joe Gifford
225 Cedar Hill St
Suite 200 D117 Marlborough, MA 01752
508-266-5814…… #expenseprocurement Image
#Small, medium, and large businesses/corporations start saving money today with @SMBrianPlain:

Schooley Mitchell: Brian Plain & Joe Gifford
225 Cedar Hill St
Suite 200 D117 Marlborough, MA 01752
Read 5 tweets
May 22nd 2023
What is @pendle_fi you may wonder?👀

Pendle Finance is a DeFi protocol built on @ethereum & @arbitrum that allows users around the world to manage and trade #yield. It's a #permissionless platform, open to anyone with internet access.💯

🧵 Image
@pendle_fi @ethereum @arbitrum In traditional finance, #yield is the income from an investment, like interest from a bond or dividends from stocks.✍️

In #DeFi, yield often comes from #ProvidingLiquidity or #staking tokens. @pendle_fi introduces a novel approach to treating yield.🔥

@pendle_fi @ethereum @arbitrum Pendle wraps yield-bearing tokens into "Standardized Yield Tokens" (SY).📝

These #SY tokens are split into two components:👇

1️⃣ Principal Token (PT)
2️⃣ Yield Token (YT)

Representing the original investment and expected yield, respectively.☑️

Read 7 tweets
Apr 28th 2023
Get an exclusive inside look into @autoscale_!🕵️‍♂️

We sat down with their CTO @gfusee33 this Wednesday and delved into the inner workings of Autoscale Vaults, the "Zap" module, and the platform's future.

Here are the top 3 key takeaways from our conversation🧵
#MultiversX #DeFi Image
Q: Could you delve into the inner workings of Autoscale Vaults (aVaults), elaborating on their primary characteristics, the variety of #assets they support, and the advantages they offer to users in terms of yield optimization?
A: Autoscale Vaults, or aVaults, are smart contracts that form the core of Autoscale's platform, serving as the foundation for its #yield optimization strategies. There is a dedicated vault deployed for each asset, which means aVaults has the potential to encompass all assets……
Read 8 tweets
Mar 18th 2023
Find our Massachusetts Commercial Cost-Savings Excellence Experts near your business location "in Boston MA or Marlborough MA", online:

Schooley Mitchell | Brian Plain
255 Cedar Hill St
Suite 200 D117 Marlborough, MA 01752
Phone: (508) 266-5814… #business
"#Companies or #Cambridge/MetroWest/Boston/ Marlborough, & #MA #SmallBusiness owners can #followme on Twitter at @SMBrianPlain 📞 1-508-266-5814. "Our #businessexpenseandcost #reductioncompany directions" on #GoogleMaps:… Linkedin:…" Brian Plain is a business consultant who lives and provides
Read 4 tweets
Feb 13th 2023
#Climatechange, combined with continued development and urbanization in some areas, has increased the risk of 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐯𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐟𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 in much of #Europe; and, despite extensive efforts to reduce the #risk, #flood impacts have increased in recent decades. Image
The climate crisis makes it increasingly urgent and necessary to put #adaptation strategies, as well as #mitigation, at the center of policies.
So what type of adaptation? How can we, in the face of different risks, identify the most effective #strategies?
A new study in @NatureClimate, co-authored by our Francesco Dottori and Lorenzo Alfieri, focuses on river flooding: simulating different types of interventions, they present a cost-benefit analysis to identify the best strategies for limiting land vulnerability to #flood #risk. Image
Read 4 tweets
Jan 29th 2023
Alright as promised i'll be sharing one of my strategies from my arsenal!
Sell 1 strike ITM CE & 1 strike ITM PE at 9:16. Put a SL of 40% on both side. Once 1 side SL is hit keep the other side open.
Also we will re enter the side in which SL was hit once it reaches at the cost again. We exit the strategy at 3:15.
For E.g
Lets assume Nifty is trading at 18000. We will sell 17900 CE and 18100 PE. Assuming both are trading at 100 each. SL
becomes 140 on both sides.
Lets say market moves up and CE sl gets hit. We will continue to hold position on Put.
We will sell CE again if it comes back to 100 again with a sl of 40%.
Read 8 tweets
Jan 18th 2023
Best #intraday setup

If you are struggling to take entry at the right spot, this will be very helpful for you

Read all below messages.

🧵 1/3
Use below mentioned parameters at your charting platform (tradingview).
1. Previous day's close
2.Today's open
3.Previous day, Week & Month High
4.Previous day, Week & Month Low
5.Camerilla pivot level (Only R3,S3)
6.EMA : 9&32
🧵 2/3
In charts, Colours used for:

PINK- R3, S3

🧵 3/3.
Read 18 tweets
Jan 17th 2023
Did you know that attending a business workshop can be a game changer for your career and business? It's a great way to learn new skills, network with other professionals, and gain valuable insights. #BusinessWorkshops #CareerDevelopment
2/5 Whether you're an entrepreneur, small business owner, or working in a corporate setting, a business workshop can help you stay ahead of the curve and adapt to industry changes. It's an investment in yourself and your business. #Entrepreneurship #SmallBusiness
3/5 But it's not just about learning new information. Business workshops also offer the opportunity to collaborate with other like-minded individuals and learn from experts in the field. This can help you to develop new perspectives and gain valuable feedback. #Networking
Read 5 tweets
Jan 8th 2023
Commenting thread on the below and similar analyses:
There is too much emphasis, in many assessments of #Russia's 2014-15 & 2022 invasions of #Ukraine, on allegedly fundamental or even fatal mistakes made in these decisions by #Putin & his entourage. /1…
The ideological predisposition towards an irredentist revanche, in the neo-Soviet & -Tsarist elite of #Russia, has been strong since the 1990s. This imperial drive was waiting to become unleashed, and has been marginally contained by rational calculus & strategic deliberation. /2
It was looking for different ad hoc opportunities rather than developing competing long-term #strategies to become implemented. Soft, dark, sharp and other forms of non-military power instruments were only applied to the degree that they could replace traditional #hardpower. /3
Read 6 tweets
Jan 6th 2023
(1/6) Are you looking to get into #trading but don't know where to start? Here is an overview of the longer-time frame trading strategy which is one of the widely recognized strategies! 🧵

Read more at…
(2/6) Understand what the longer-time frame #tradingstrategy is - it uses charts with a more significant time frame from one hour to one day and has slower price changes. 📈⏳
(3/6) Benefits of #trading this way - you don't have to spend the entire trading day in front of a computer and it helps control emotions as you can make better trading decisions when not as emotional. 🤯
Read 6 tweets
Nov 18th 2022
(1/6) We announced our Private Beta Launch of #ProfitSharing 2.0 in AMA yesterday! 📅

Hello #everyone; this is the seventh update on this final stage of the evolution of #PS2.0. Last week we announced Closed Beta & have continued moving in the same direction this week. 📢 Image
(2/6) We gave ambassadors and veteran users access, and we have started selecting users from the waiting list. It is amazing how many users have signed up for the waiting list. 🤯

From #Zignaly, we want to thank all of them for their confidence and interest in using PS 2.0! 💪
(3/6) During this week, we have been able to define the internal processes to start the migration of services from PS 1 to PS2.0.

We are already doing internal tests. ✨ Soon, we will contact the first traders to coordinate migrating their services to #ProfitSharing 2.0. ⌚
Read 6 tweets
Sep 29th 2022
Thread :
Pourquoi est-il particulièrement bénéfique de s’intéresser à l'investissement dans un marché baissier comme on le vie actuellement
#Crypto #investing #cryptomonnaie
Le premier point important à soulever c’est que les plus grandes opportunités financières se trouvent dans les périodes de crise. Pour les rendements les plus élevés sur les coins les plus connus il vaut mieux se placer quand ces dernières sont loin de leur point le + haut (ATH)
Presque toutes les cryptos ont perdues un gros pourcentage de leur ancienne valeur et celles qui retourneront à leur ATH connaîtront une hausse de plusieurs centaines de % (voir milliers pour certaines) par rapport à aujourd’hui.
Read 16 tweets
Sep 15th 2022
Losing money in breakout?

Try going for the stocks which have retested

Below in the thread🧵is detailed explanation with examples

#Nifty #trading #tradingstrategy #strategies #nseindia #StockMarketindia #StockMarket #stocks #sharemarket
@kuttrapali26 @JayneshKasliwal @VCPSwing
When a stock gives a breakout but fails to go in the direction and complete its target then it is called as failed breakout or a fakeout. In this type of situation stock either consolidates or goes in the opposite direction. Refer to the images for better understanding.

whenever a stock trails back to the resistance after a breakout and bounces off from support and starts moving towards the target that time it is called as a retest entry. This is one of the best approaches for breakouts.

Read 6 tweets
Aug 15th 2022
"The emergence of #government as organized #violence-cum-#robbery"
SFI Seminar by @CoenTeulings (@UniUtrecht)

Video link:

Follow this 🧵 for highlights + slides! Image
"What's the motivation of this paper? We've seen in most of these locations that there was an #emergence of some form of hierarchical #government [correlated with] a monopoly of #violence and increased #inequality [and] most people lost."

- @CoenTeulings (@UniUtrecht) ImageImageImageImage
Citing work led by SFI's Tim Kohler in 2017 showing the increase in #inequality (as measured by #GINIcoefficient) as society evolves greater political #scale and more complex/abstract means of production: Image
Read 10 tweets
Jul 20th 2022
Today is an hot day, not only for temperatures, but also for economic data.

Follow me meanwhile I unroll all the new prints we had today

Super important thread on #inflation and the #housing #market

Lot of metrics to cover, get comfortable and get ready

🤓🧵 Image
#CPI prints:



#Canada YoY

#Canada MoM

Let's unpack it briefly
With a 9.4% UK finds itself on the firsts European (continent) Countries that are approaching double digits #inflation, and with the lack of haste in interventions on the #monetary #policies side, the #peak #inflation seems still far away. Let alone the MoM momentum, still high
Read 20 tweets
Jun 30th 2022
Many who became a Full-Time #Trader in the last two years would be in a dilemma because of the volatility in this market.

Be a part-time trader instead of leaving it.

This #thread 🧵will be on what all #strategies, I personally use to generate active #income in the market.
We will discuss positional trading and investing in stocks and then about option trading.

In #Stocks, we don't take any leverage, so risk is lesser, whereas in #Options it is a leverage instrument, so risk is high and it can wipe out your capital.
#Investment #Portfolio:

This is basically my long-term portfolio, which I create for a horizon of more than 5 years.
There are certain criteria which I use to filter stocks in #Investment.

Mostly look for the sector where you know something.
Read 20 tweets
Apr 19th 2022
1/ The #PhysicalVersusPaper discussion and the effect on silver’s price can be a heated topic. Part of the last “#spaces” event we touched on various #derivative products constructed by BofA and JP Morgan.
2/ Expanding on this topic where #Silver (the actual metal) is used as a ploy to create publicly traded #investments, let’s look at 2 more traded #securities.
3/ Just like buying processed food, what is on the front of the box may not necessarily have anything to do with the actual ingredients listed on the back label. Remember to read the #nutritional facts in the prospectus before consuming.
Read 11 tweets
Mar 31st 2022
1. Relating to the approval/start of emergency #COVID19 vaccine dose - 4th #dose and vaccinating lower age groups of children:

Is there any #emergency now?

Global #Deaths are now all-time low since the start of mass #vaccination. #Cases are also not rising. (plots attached) ImageImage
2. For #India #COVID19 Deaths and Cases are now all-time low since beginning of #pandemic (plot)! Hence not at all an #emergency; instead, heading towards normalcy after two years.

There is indeed not an emergency for US too (plot).

Then why any emergency approval/#rollout? ImageImageImage
3. Israel began vaccinating 5–11 years old in Nov, 2021 and initiated the fourth #dose during Jan, 2022. Israel in fact is leading/ guiding the vaccine rollout strategy.

For #Israel, the recent peak not only in Cases but also for Deaths reached an all-time high (plot). Image
Read 13 tweets
Dec 5th 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 12/05/2021…
A Nitrogen Shortage is Brewing, So What Will it Take to Cure The World's Fertilizer Deficiency?…

#NitrogenFertilizer #NaturalGas #prices #shortages #CropYield #projections
Scientists Concerned About New COVID-19 Variant Detected in South Africa With High Number of Mutations…

#COVID19 #evolution #variants #detection #transmissibility #virulence #PublicHealth
Read 13 tweets
Sep 10th 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 09/10/2021…
Why Afghan Refugees Aren’t Actually Welcome in California…

#refugees #california #AffordableHousing #consequences
21 Experts on the Future of Expertise: How is expertise being redefined in the modern era?…

#expertise #FutureTrends #consequences
Read 8 tweets
Aug 30th 2021
Back in 2014, when financial #education was restricted to a few, we decided to make #content accessible & affordable for all

With that resolution, in 2016 we launched #webinars with the best trainers sharing their most valuable #trading #strategies

It worked. Read why & how? -
We had the #best trainers sharing valuable strategies in 2-3 hours webinar at < ₹500, it became an instant hit and there was no looking back.

Out of our 250+ #webinars, here I have handpicked the ones which has the power to change your TRADING DESTINY. Image
Sivakumar Jayachandran - @Justsiva123, a NISM Certified Professional for Equity Derivatives, talks about Scalping which refers to a style of trading where an #INTRADAY trader makes money purely on the #price momentum.
Read 21 tweets
Aug 27th 2021
You requested and we delivered!🙌

Presenting you, StockEdge Version 7 with 10 of the most demanded features!

Now available on and will soon be available on #Android & #ios.

@mystockedge @vivbajaj @vinaypagaria

🧵Here's a thread on what's new-
You can now download all scans, strategies and my combination scans data in EXCEL Sheet for your #research.

Check here:… Image
Now you can check 7 day historical data of scans and #strategies.

Check here:… Image
Read 13 tweets

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