Australian #Hendra Virus zoonosis from race horses which gave clue to the #NipahVirus zoonosis from Malaysian farmed pigs on the edge of the rainforest (eating fruit bats faeces-contaminated fruits on the ground), killing the pig farmers!! Re:-
@infinity10 WATCH NOW!! Repeat just started - FYI I only managed to catch the #DIALOGUE 10 minutes into it last night - after I came back from dinner at Ishin Japanese Restaurant off Old Klang Road KL (I can see it from my apartment), 6.00 p.m. sitting: Exactly this portion!
*section: Interview with Nobel laureate from Australia (Melbourne I think) - Peter Doherty:-
@WFPChief Dear Sir, Is there anyway I could communicate with you directly, to fill you in on the failure of your credit card donation system plus the incompetence of your team, which caused @WFP to lose my monthly credit card donations for Yemen?! 🤔
2/ (which you told @stephensackur of @BBCHARDtalk was the most pressing, thus my FIVE attempts to make a monthly credit card donation until 09/22, which all failed on December 10, 2020, after which I felt harrassed via nonstop Whatsapp MESSAGE from #WFP's Business Number at UN )
@NEWSCNBC "The News with Shepard Smith, a daily evening newscast launched in fall 2020." So haven't been missing it for too long?! 🧐 No wonder haven't come across it b4 (whilst news channel surfing - my idiosyncrasy) but only very recently (whilst programming my TV news 4d day)!
PEMBETULAN:- @501Awani#AllahYarhamTunRazak meninggal dunia pada tahun 1975 (bukan 1974) - saya pelajar Tahun 2 di Universiti Malaya semasa itu: SEMUA RAKAN-RAKAN YANG TINGGAL DI KOLEJ KETIGA SEMASA ITU (TAK KIRA BANGSA) SEBAK MENANGIS BERSAMA-SAMA ATAS KEHILANGAN ALLAHYARHAM.