Today Sunday, I woke up and it was a strange day. Of grief and anguish. Burdened with the pain of what was not, and is not ...
We all have moments like this, and it's part of the way.
How can we heal? or transform these moments? #meditation#akashic#heal#spiritualawakening
It helps me first to understand what moments I am going through.
I am in a stage of GREAT transformation in my life, in two aspects that are main to me.
And from there, understand what emotions and turbulence it generates in me.
The longing for another time, place, or person. It takes us away from living our present. And if we do not live our present, the continuous present without pause (what we can call future) do not manifest either.
Holding attachments hurts, and more when they arrive in the form of longings (it is different to walk a path towards a defined goal).
Today it hurt like it didn't hurt for a long time. It was a wound, a thorn that bothered from time to time, and he couldn't register it as such. Neither understand its cause and the effects it brings.
And today I chose to stop the pain. The processes all have their forms and times. So I decided to take a sheet and a pen. And take a moment to connect with me, my divine presence.
And of course ask for help, in this case, I connected with Kuan Ying (a great ally in my life and more in key moments). I started talking and jotting down questions and taking notes of the answers (even the ones you don't like).
Yesterday I had a talk, and that talk activated seeing unhealed wounds, a thorn of a longing not fulfilled in the past, and not manifested in the present either. Today this is repeated to me.
Sustaining the past of what did not happen is standing in a boat leaving the port. And with your hands hold the ties without letting them go. It hurts to let go and let go. The fear of the unknown of the new road hurts and what we can find in new ports.
I chose to let go, and heal. I keep writing down responses that I receive to my questions. And there I got to #hoponopono today for the first time.
It was a beautiful process, as they say: I'm #sorry, Please #forgiveme, #thankyou, #ILoveYou.
I had already read and known about it. But he had never practiced it. I had done other practices, similar, but not the same.
It was beautiful to be able to break free and release in this process. Cry from love and gratitude, from what has been lived and achieved. Breathe and be able to look up and accept today. And navigate once the infinite continuum of presents.
Each one of us makes and discovers its processes. With our times and forms. In my case this tool, and today, it helped me transform and loosen this thorn. Transform my afternoon, and be able to breathe relieved, smile again.
And you? How did you spend the weekend? How are your weeks starting?
Those who want to share are welcome!
And those who want to consult, here I am. Also, my dm are open.
Here again introducing myself. I am Nikos and I am working fulltime in #spiritual service. To guide and collaborate in the transformation processes that you are living. #Healing#meditation
The services and gifts I work with are #Akashic#Healing, Simple #Tarot Readings and Reports, Akashic Records, and #Spiritual Mentor. I am opening my schedule for February. My dms are open.
In the following link you will find more information. About my services, their details, frequently asked questions, schedule and contact, and means of payment.
La propuesta, cual invitación similar a los desafíos Olímpicos, es canalizar e integrar las energías de la Verdad y real Luz en nuestras vidas. Así aceleramos y recibimos bien todo lo lo bello y luminoso que esta llegando.
Conectándonos y en comunión con nuestro yo superior, y hermanos mayores. Pedir y solicitar un caudal constante de Luz que llegue a nosotros, recibirla y la integremos a nuestro cuerpos y chakras.
The proposal, which is an invitation similar to the Olympic challenges, is to summon and integrate the energies of Truth and real Light in our lives. So we accelerate and welcome everything beautiful and bright that is coming.
Connecting and communing with our higher selves, and older brothers. Ask and request a constant flow of Light that reaches us, we receive them, and we integrate them into our systems and chakras.
They have as their origin the same consciousness of a higher degree (atman). That in the process of incarnating and descending on the planes, to gain experience. It does this by separating its energies into two independent evolutionary plans.
Energetically it separates into complementary opposites, generally divine masculine and divine feminine.
Their encounters and union processes, when both are incarnated, is a complex process (generally this happens when it is not well understood) and coordinated.
Beautiful DF thanks for the invitation. And now the same thread and message in English.
Let's talk about twin flames! In my case from what I intuit, know and see, from here Nikos DM! #TwinFlames#TwinFlameReunion#divinefeminine#divinemasculine
Let's talk about the sensations, both the annoying and the pleasant ones.
We are going to a better place, but walking with our steps and actions to travel that journey. Only we can carry us and walk our way.
In the case of sensations and emotions, beautiful and annoying: Let's be honest, what hurts is ours, whether we are DM or DF. This like everything has its origin in mirror work.
Gracias por la invitación bella DF. Si te parece? vamos por aquí! Hablamos de llamas gemelas! En mi caso desde lo que intuyo, se y veo, desde aquí Nikos DM!
Hablemos sobre las sensaciones tanto las molestas como las placenteras.
Estamos yendo a un lugar mejor, pero caminando con nuestros pasos y acciones para transitar ese viaje. Nadie puede caminarlo por nosotros. #llamasgemelas#LLG
Sobre las sensaciones, hermosas y molestas. Seamos sinceros, son nuestras duelan lo que duela, seamos DM o DF. Esto como todo tiene su origen en trabajo del espejo.
Para entender esto, entendamos que esta pasando.