The Commission has not learnt from the mistakes of the past, says @joseggusmao.
"This Recovery Fund has an umbilical cord relationship with the European Semester and the looming threat of a return to the infamous macroeconomic conditionality."
For @joao_ferreira33, member states will have to foot the bill of the Recovery Fund:
"Member states will have to pay for the money they receive now with cuts in the money they were expected to receive in the future."
It is positive that the Recovery and Resilience Facility has criteria for the disbursement of funds and specified objectives, according to @silviamodig.
"We need to improve the economy and to create trust in the future for the people."
"We need a Convergence and Growth Pact, not just a Stability and Growth Pact. We have to move quicker in implementing national plans, as well as doing all we can to avoid any type of corruption," @papadimoulis in #EPlenary on #NextGenerationEU
"The vaccines have been developed thanks to billions of euros of public money. Yet, patents remain in the hands of Big Pharma. As a result, governments cannot produce sufficient doses..."
"Only three contracts have been made public. This is what they look like: the most important information is hidden! For the other contracts, we will have to wait. Because yes, Big Pharma decides, not the Commission." @ManonAubryFr to Commission President @vonderleyen#EPlenary
"What an admission of impotence Ms. @vonderleyen! Isn't it for us to make the law? We are capable of imposing unprecedented restrictions on freedoms but unable to set rules for Big Pharma? We call upon a Committee of Inquiry to hold those responsible to account." @ManonAubryFr
In condemning the "illegal ruling" by Poland's constitutional court to ban #abortion, @MEugeniaRPalop says such criminalisation is "a violation of #WomensRights."
"It is part of an international, far-right conservative objective: to destroy gender equality."
"Women have the right to decide over their own bodies - a #HumanRight that cannot be violated," says @nvillumsen.
"In spite of mass street protests, by pushing through the #abortion ban with the help of illegitimate judges, the Polish government has violated EU #RuleOfLaw."
Describing Poland's #abortionban as "illegal & regressive", @deppcppeguengl's Sandra Pereira says it "goes against the dignity of women & their reproductive health rights."
"This ban also hits the most disadvantaged women in our society the hardest."