🔥Market Froth, Anti-Bubbles & the Consequences of Unparalleled Monetary Easing🔥@RaoulGMI@ParrillaDiego
Are we in a bubble❓
“We are now in a new paradigm. We're in a new paradigm when the rules of the game are changing. And by now, the bubbles are basically too big to fail.”
How did we get here❓
3 things to know 👇
✅ "The first one is we've just kicked the can down the road. We've delayed the problems, primarily through money printing and debt."
✅ "The second thing that we've done is we've transferred the problem. So this is basically currency wars and trade wars."
✅ "The third thing that's happened is we're transforming the problem. It's the transformation of bubbles into inflation and inequality."
What’s the end game❓
“I think the way this ends-- and I can see it-- I think it's a very high conviction. It was science fiction not long ago. It's inflation.”
How can I protect myself ❓
"So if you ask me, Diego, what's going to be the most explosive 20 to 1 hedge? $VIX. What's going to be the second most effective where I have less risk? #Treasuries. Longer term? #Gold."
"What we have is a bubble in indexation, we have a bubble in cap weighting strategies, and that exacerbates itself right up until the point like in 2000, where you are maximally exposed to tech or 2008 👇
were your maximally exposed financials, and today your maximum exposed to tech and biotech and a few other things. The bubble is in the valuation of the sectors that are overvalued, but the markets are filled with pockets of opportunity."
"Are there individual companies in the markets that came public through a SPAC that are overvalued? Yes."
What should we do in such an environment ❓
"We should spend our time do what we always do as investors, is identifying big durable trends and owning those, trying to avoid the scams and the bad people."
“Well, we have certain signs of a bubble-- excesses in speculation.”
"You have certain industries that are in a deep recession depression, like travel, and restaurants, andevents industry, while at the same time you have semiconductors running very hot with all sorts ofshortages, et cetera, et cetera. It's a very mixed bag."
Is there something else going on here ❓
I think we are seeing a shift from a free market economy to a planning economy. And instead of having a free market resolution to the deflationary side, we get a changing shift in how the economy works.
What are you seeing in markets ❓
"I would say that the US dollar index probably can hit 70 or so at the end of this decline"
Emerging Markets
"EM usually move counter to the dollar. And they outperform when commodities outperform. And I think that as long as we have a dollar bear market, let's say for the next four years or so, we have an outperformance by emerging markets."
"I think as long as people, and millennials have more affinity to technology-- as long as they believe this is a great way to store your savings, it will work."
Where do you see risk❓
"The medium-term tools are warning. They are warning, and I think we could have a multi-week correction very soon."
What should people do at this point ❓
"What I would do is I would circle the assets that I would like to hold for longer term, because I really have a fundamental conviction. And the rest, I would single out for reduction of risk in my portfolios."
“You can't really compare this [when considering stock prices alone] to what we saw with the internet bubble, because interest rates back then were 4% or 5%... People had risk-free alternatives..”
.@agurevich23 sees things a little differently. He says, “Bubbles happen in paradigms... I think we’re not in a new bubble in assets… I think we’re still in the aftermath of the burst of the cash bubble in March 2020."