My heart is heavy this morning.
A long thread..TRIGGER
I became a dr, a brown one at that!Doesn’t that mean we have equality? Despite the fact at least a 1/5 of the work of GPs is fam violence related - there’s no fam violence Medicare rebate. GP’s are financially #MedTwitter
Penalised if they spend too long with a patient.
Medicare cards are linked with abusive hsbs so some women cannot access medical help.
GPs know that women need more than what can be offered in a consult- but the psychologist or psychiatrist books are full- & they charge gaps...
But these women, even the rich ones are under financial control & cannot pay!
So we sometimes try not to charge but then we have our own families to consider & once again female drs will wear the costs because the govt won’t.@RonniSalt@Lisa_Wilkinson@Drhutch2011
...need to get police assistance but the local police tells me the DV liaison officer (dvlo) is out on other duties - oh & she’s getting paid less than other cops too...@ms_dines@dhanyajmani@duskywhalerkate@AbigailBoydMLC
...& The organisation that used to give women an untethered phone has had funding cuts, the shelters have had funding cuts, women’s legal services have funding cuts ...@HayleyFoster_@mckaty@MWS_NSW
...So she needs legal assistance, but can’t use access any without money, and the free service is not specific enough for her, & shes not eligible for legal aid.
...She can’t search Google for accomodation if he’s tracking her phone, she can’t search up rentals or ‘family lawyers’ but even if she could she wouldn’t be able to pay for it @womenssafetynsw@NTVorg
....If she goes to the police, they wants to see bruises but abusers know better than to leave them...
...If she has damage from being raped, he will say it’s ‘rough sex play’
And she obviously regrets it now and wants to punish him for it
...if he’s using coercive control over her she cannot access the legal system because that’s still a COMPLETELY legal behaviour
If he’s sent her 250 texts it’s her fault for responding, it’s also her fault for not changing her number, it’s also her fault if he threatens suicide because he obviously “really loves her”’s her fault for not responding so that’s why he texts. ...
....If she tries to leave with the children. She immediately stops being a victim of domestic violence. She enters a twilight world where she is now the perpetrator of the worst crime in this country- ‘taking the children away from their dad’ @custodypeace
...Suddenly the police don’t want to know her & say this is a ‘family court matter’
The lawyers, even her own , will say she is unreasonable for wanting to keep her kids away from someone they are scared of. @CCCBuryStEd@TheACECC@moonscapecat@TrishDoyleMP
...They want evidence- but what evidence? She’s not able to take photos of abuse because he’s tracking her phone, & he’s reading her messages & looking at her diaries. She’s not allowed to record her abuse without asking his permission first...@paulmcgorrery
...They want evidence of the child abuse , but when she provides it she obviously ‘coached them’ to make up lies.
She is repeatedly asked to ‘be cooperative’ & let the kids see their dad, but the kids are terrified of him even when she’s there how can she possibly send
them there alone? Which person wants to send their child to someone who scares them? Who hurts them?
She is told to stop being emotional because the kids will absorb her distress & she will be considered a risk to them
But she cannot access a psychologist because if she does they’ll say she’s “Mentally Ill” and therefore unreliable & probably a bad mum @scarlettrfranks
I can tweet all day about the barriers she will face leaving an abuser , I can tweet all day about all the obstacles she will face trying to get medical help, or psych help or legal help.
But instead I am going to wear black, because this is a day of mourning -for everyone woman who is not safe, or has not been safe in the past, or who one day will not be safe or who worries her daughter will not be safe. A mourning for families that have lost one of their
precious girls .
For all the women scared to walk the streets in the dark (and that’s most of us)
For all the women who have silently PM’ed me with their story, or the story of a loved one because they are still at risk, or bc there are legal proceedings or just because..
...For all of us on the frontline who are so sickened by what women have to go through. And how little the govt cares about them.
Kates story is all of our story because it showed us clearly with how much ease a woman’s experience at the hands of abusers are dismissed. @davtw2
...for the sheer hopelessness we all face each & every day.
I will be marching today because I’m lucky enough to be able to, for those of you that cannot - because of safety issues, PTSD symptoms, personal preference, distance or disability, I’ll be taking photos & recording what
I can and post updates as they happen.
I’m so sorry if this post triggered anyone. My intention is to validate and vouch for.
I haven’t touched the sides yet, with this post , there are a million more barriers to safety ...please feel free to add them here
2/ Psychopaths display a lack of empathy and compassion. They can be grandiose & even charming.
When psychopaths are in leadership we see more bullying, & increased staff turnover. @Barristerious@sally_stevensxn@shaunwarnock_sw@yabbtopia
3/ organisations with leaders that have psychopathic traits tend to display more unethical and destructive behaviours & have poorer outcomes also. Rates of psychopathy in corporate/executive roles are up to 20%.
Compared to say 1% in the general population. @Drhutch2011#auspol
1/ Dear @ScottMorrisonMP it’s long but here’s Another Way to respond to rape allegations 1. Demonstrate true compassion for the victim & her family 2. Invite other potential victims to come fwd in a private
& safe way 3. Encourage current staffers to feel safe to report with a
a guarantee of no reprisals 4. Offer psychological support for family & friends of victim 5. Reassure the public you take this seriously & will leave no stone unturned 6. Remind the public violence against violence women will not be tolerated 7. Launch investigation into
The obstacles were stopping the victim from coming forward & demonstrate a desire to address said obstacles 8. Never say it’s “he said/ she said” when it’s obviously more than that 9. Enlist independent investigators 10. Be open about rships with police mates @motorcymick
1/12 The person whose details Neil Punchard illegally obtained & GAVE to her abuser, was at risk.
1.She had left him
2.She was pregnant
3.She was female
4.She had children
She had been to court about his abuse before.
Everything about her was high risk. @cait__kelly
2/12 All people who are responding to victims of abuse need to know the basics.
A police officer - law enforcement- needs to know this ...when 2/5 of the assaults they record are family violence related.
Police ought to know this when it is their core business. @Drhutch2011
1/7 Do you even read your own links Joe? Read the article again, but slowly this time, with your glasses on. You have completely (deliberately?) misread the article in order to foist your false narrative on others. Dr. Read said nothing of the sort & if he played your game he
2/ 7 Would be demanding a public apology or threatening legal action. Let me quote from the article YOU posted:
“The Arson Emergency narrative is a bad faith argument spotlighting ignition (what starts the fire) over condition (what keeps the fire burning and makes it spread)”
3/7 Read told Mashable over email that he's "angered" to see commentators "twist" reported research into ignition statistics, or to use them to gloss over the environmental factors affecting the spread and intensity of fires, no matter how they're lit.