'Scotland's New Choice' Independence after Brexit' our NEW ebook from 25 leading academics examining what independence would mean for #Scotland after #Brexit and #COVID19
➡ the process of independence
➡ the economics of independence
➡ the implications on politics & society
➡ the international aspects
➡ the view of independence from elsewhere
Chapter 2️⃣ comes from @uoessps@OliverEscobar who argues that there must be civic spaces where people can meet across differences and diverse perspectives to engage in productive conversations.
📚 @Coree_Brown and @DaniCetra then bring in an international perspective with reflections from nations which have held second votes on independence #Quebec#Catalonia
If Scots vote for independence, what would the constitutional road to sovereign statehood look like? @sionaidh examines the negotiations that would likely take place before #Scotland becomes an independent country.
This section begins with a letter to the incoming Finance Minister of a newly independent #Scotland from @DavidNFBell addressing how to stabilise the economy in the short and long term post-independence.
What are the implications of independence for public revenues and spending? From @ProfGraemeRoy@david_eiser@Strath_FAI discussing the scope an independent #Scotland may have to make different choices over taxes and spending.
Next up, we have @cometoblame on international trade, providing constitutional scenarios for #UK#Scotland highlighting the implications for international trade.
Currency 💷dominated the debate in 2014 but what currency options are now open to an independent #Scotland Jeremy Peat argues three possibilities remain.
Begins with @CairneyPaul on policy making and political structures in an independent #Scotland - is there the potential for reforms to accommodate a new political reality?
How do Scots see themselves? @rosie_michael@NasarMeer explore the importance of country of birth to a sense of Scottishness and/or Britishness and the extent to which being Scottish and British can be complementary to each other.
Is #Scotland a fairer country than the rest of the UK for disabled people and carers? Would independence lead to different social and equality policies? @KirsteinRummery argues that the Scottish Government has not taken the opportunity to be radical.
The proposed approach to migration in #Scotland remains divergent from #UK policy but in what ways have immigration issues raised by Scottish independence changed since the 2014 referendum asks @SarahKyambi
An independent Scotland could not single-handedly tackle #ClimateCrisis but it could put it in a better position constitutionally and legally to facilitate more ambitious climate change aims argues Antje Brown ♻
If Scotland became independent, could it and should it then join the #EU? @KirstyS_Hughes chapter examines if it would be possible for an independent #Scotland to join the European Union.
Examining the implications of #UK departure from the #EU#HumanRights framework for Scotland and the challenges/opportunities of independence - chapter 1️⃣5️⃣ from @drkirsteen
What would an independent Scotland's defence and security priorities be? Colin Fleming argues that both sides of the independence debate will have to demonstrate its competency on the matters during #indyref2
🌐 @DanielKenealy5 looks at the potential international role and influence an independent #Scotland could have, discussing the factors that will determine the success and failure of small state foreign policies.
What does it mean to be an independent country in an interdependent world? ↔ @McEwen_Nicola discusses how #Brexit has changed the debate surrounding Scottish independence.
What might the English think of Scottish independence? @michaelkenny_@BennettInst argues that the feelings of the English will be one of the factors that shapes negotiations on the future relationship between #Scotland and #UK
And last, but certainly not least, we hear from Michael Keating @aberdeenuni discussing the two types of small states, asking whether #Scotland would do well as a small state.
2/ Michael Keating begins, the internal market is, in many ways, a way of replicating what exists to faciliate the European single market. Two options are available: a single standard or principle of mutual recognition
3/ No internal market covers everything, how do we determine the exceptions? The EU operates under a very broad principle, allowing governments to override for public policy objectives. The UK Bill is much more narrowly defined.
CCC Co-Director Nicola McEwen also discusses the proposals set out in the UK Government's white paper on the internal market and explains how these could have a profound impact on devolution in the UK
As Boris Johnson visits Scotland today, how might he make the case for the Union? CCC Fellows @DaniCetra and @Coree_Brown explored this issue in recent publications
Lots of questions remain about how the internal market might operate, says Aileen. Will there be possibilities for the devolved parliaments to override these cross-cutting internal market constraints? How will it operate? How will it be enforced?
She suggests that the white paper sets out an internal market which covers a greater degree of policy areas than existing EU regulations.