It has to be reminded that it did NOT work on #HongKong, where the main driver was treaty expiration, NOT Chinese pressure. Even there, economic, political and military considerations made it unpalatable.(/)
Yet treaty duly expired, since there was no way for the UK to act otherwise. If anything, what should worry #Taiwan is NOT #China. It's #Germany, which is turning into a sort of Neutral player whose goal is to displease no one.(/)
However, Since Germany is #Europe's bank it has a disproportionate influence on policy, hence the soft touch with Russia, China, Turkey, Iran, you name it. Any country where bosses have an Iron hand on trade issues get treated well.(/)
Countries with either rule of law, or not so interesting as a business partner, or with strained relations with members of that list get treated less well. #Taiwan fits this profile (as do the #UK and #Visegrad countries).(/)
In a world where countries adhere each to his own set of principle, after the repression in Hong Kong Taiwan should be much less of a pariah. Yet while Chinese bullying has firmed a favorable political landscape locally, the list of countries warning China off is not longer.(/)
#France is holding a permanent seat in the #UN security Council, but that doesn't mean they'd take a firm stance against Germany's wishes. China can threaten as much as it wants without #CAI being seriously in danger. Like #Nordstream2.(/)
That's a movie quote in a quite likeable, witty, and at times heart rending movie with Jack Nickolson: (/)
But the quote is eminently applicable to the US treasury 10 Year rate shown above: indeed, what if the multiyear trade wind brought by the Central Bank Eudoxus is about to blow against the ship?(/)
If you are an established company with a medium to big balance sheet, you not only can afford the paperwork (internal ratings, anyone?), but YOUR risk premium is compressed by Central Banks.(/)
Meanwhile, smaller companies and prospective new entrants cannot and will not find funding, since at that earlier stage there is a level of "funding cost incompressibility" given the risks involved.(/)
Dopo, dovrò continuare la mia settimana con adempimenti senza senso. E lui vuole "assumere i giovani migliori" (/)
Forse, e dico forse, potrebbero cominciare dal fare un paio di modifiche. Una, scrivere un bel #DL che renda non punibile il cittadino che ignori qualunque richiesta di dati già in possesso della #PA (/)
In più, c'è un problema "negoziale": se sei un imprenditore come @recifar , ed hai seguito la polemica su VDL - Gallina - Vaccini, hai due impressioni: 1. questi sono burocrati fissi nel presente; 2. quando sbraitano dopo urlano "penali" e se la prendono con te.(/)
Ora, ADESSO c'è un problema di scarso numero di VACCINATI. ed i politici strepitano per avere più vaccini, ma quello che secondo me Renato, @carloalberto@AlfonsoFuggetta , e tanti altri amici che stimo pensano è: (/)
"Questi vorrebbero avere ORA tanti vaccini, catena logistica in piedi e rifornita ad ogni nodo, tracciamento del processo, in e out, inclusa la fase somministrazione e richiamo."(/)
And the old man knows, because as the most perceptive of you have realised, he did NOT name banks within those investors. Because in 2008, the pick was between "banks " and investors. (/)
It's yesterday to me since I am almost 60, but people may not know how dire the situation was, especially for bond investors. Equities were smashed to a pulp. An equivalent disaster went on in bonds... with a twist.(/)