2/Pre-clinical research:
Decades of groundwork prepared the scientific community for this moment:
🦠6 other human coronaviruses
💉mRNA & viral vector vaccine technologies
3/Clinical trials:
No #clinicaltrials phases were skipped. The scientific community was 'all hands on deck' w/many layers of red tape removed.
🐌In 'normal' times @NIH may require 1yr PLANNING grant b4 eligible to submit Phase 3 trial grant (>2yrs b4 full grant MIGHT get funded)
4/🌎Pandemic nature of #SARSCoV2 = relatively easy to enroll tens of thousands of participants & accrue enough #COVID cases in trials to detect vaccine effects (adequate statistical power). It might take several yrs for less common diseases.
For #COVID#vaccine trials, 60+ days of follow-up after last dose was required for at least 1/2 of participants (to monitor for non-acute effects; 30-45d likely sufficient to detect long-term vax effects).
6/Phase 4: monitoring of "real world" safety & effectiveness data continues after EUA, including via VAERS & V-safe systems in 🇺🇸
8/Nearly 80 million persons in 🇺🇸 have been fully vaccinated for #COVID19. Nearly 200 million doses have been administered. The full clinical trials process was implemented & rigorous safety monitoring continues.