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Oct 30th 2022
35th Sunday Special #ShoutOut for Nationalists

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सब जुड़ जाओ, एक हो जाओ

RW को फ़ौलाद बना दो

Please don’t wait for others to follow, Initiate

You follow 1st, others will give U follow back

Please be active & participative with these accounts later on

Let’s be united against the Leftists

A team in monitoring the Shoutout process now onwards

This is the TEAM #ShoutoutForNationalists working hard for processes & lists every time

Follow them in LARGE numbers & strengthen their voice

Read 22 tweets
Mar 10th 2022
Here's why everybody should be buying $pLUNA on @prism_protocol right now👀

A short 🧵, you won't regret💸
1/ Let's start with the basics: @prism_protocol let's you split ("refract") your $LUNA into two components:

- $yLUNA: representing the underlying $LUNA's yield (current APR 42 % on @prism_protocol) and
- $pLUNA: representing the principal

2/ The current ratio of these two components is heavily weighted towards $yLUNA, it representing around 87 % of $LUNA's price ($81), while $pLUNA is only capturing the remaining 13 % ($12). 🤔

That's no wonder as...
Read 11 tweets
Sep 19th 2021
This is a story.
I know that I look like a lonely gullible slewfoot loser who will gladly give anyone who says something nice to me money. Well the jokes on you because I ain't got no money! You think I'm a #SugarDaddy I'm a #SplendaPapa
People see me as mark.
So they are always trying to hit me up on social media with the #HeyBby stuff...
...and I'm usually like...
Read 62 tweets
Apr 15th 2021
Getting❓about how #COVID #vaccines were tested & granted EUAs so quickly? I sure am, esp from folks "on the fence" or taking the "wait & see" approach.

👇Here's an infographic you can use to explain the #clinicaltrials process.

#epitwitter #MedTwitter #vaccinehesitancy Clinical trials process: pre-clinical research through Phase
2/Pre-clinical research:
Decades of groundwork prepared the scientific community for this moment:
🦠6 other human coronaviruses
💉mRNA & viral vector vaccine technologies
3/Clinical trials:
No #clinicaltrials phases were skipped. The scientific community was 'all hands on deck' w/many layers of red tape removed.

🐌In 'normal' times @NIH may require 1yr PLANNING grant b4 eligible to submit Phase 3 trial grant (>2yrs b4 full grant MIGHT get funded)
Read 9 tweets
Feb 24th 2021
The fact that adaptive designs allow prespecified changes to be made to an ongoing trial based on interim results also creates the potential for biases to be introduced at different stages of the trial. #AdaptiveDesigns
This brings additional demands for transparency and adequate reporting of adaptive trials so that consumers of research findings can make informed judgements about the validity and trustworthiness of results. #AdaptiveDesigns
Inadequately reported adaptive trials that are difficult to interpret their results and reproduce methods, results, and inference. This can severely undermine public confidence in research findings to influence clinical practice resulting in research waste.
Read 9 tweets
Feb 24th 2021
PANDA is an open access & multidisciplinary practical educational resource for those who are keen to learn more about adaptive designs. The aim is to help them make baby steps & bridge the existing practical knowledge gap. See demo version here:
Our target audience includes statisticians, clinicians, proposal developers, trial managers, data managers, health economists, and reviewers of grant applications. See the scope of what is covered by the PANDA toolkit:
The toolkit is structured to enable users to easily find content that is relevant to them. We take PANDA users through a learning journey from planning & design to reporting covering general considerations & specific types of adaptive designs.
Read 8 tweets
Aug 6th 2020
People often ask me why and how did I get Abhiram to start A Thirsty Mind. I have two reasons.
Firstly, he has grown up seeing my #workfromhome. It simply meant all his life he has watched me, #interview people.
Sometimes it annoyed him, but of late it is fascinating him. “How cool amma, you earn money by asking people questions, even I want to do that!” I said, why not?
Secondly, while toying with the thought of encouraging him to ask questions to people, Vendanth started his #podcast.
It resolved the challenge of using a particular medium for Abhiram to conduct interviews. Presenting here, an interesting episode of Curious Vedanth, where he talks to B R Rajeev, a CG Supervisor. #PodcastRecommendations
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Aug 6th 2020
Presenting an interesting episode from a fellow podcaster: Curious Vedanth. I must say, that Vedanth inspired me to start my own podcast.
In this episode of Curious Vedanth, he talks to B R Rajeev, a #CG Supervisor.
They talk a lot about how cartoons and other animated characters are brought to life on screen. Rajeev has worked on blockbusters such as .@Disney's #Tinkerbell and #Planes and the .@TheEmmys winning episode of @GameOfThrones
Read 3 tweets
Jul 19th 2020
Do kumd de Sun! Aufe muaß I zum Antennaspitzel! </acrophobia>
Und das ist oben: "LC-Übertragerkreis zur verlustarmen Abführung hochfrequenter Stoffwechselprodukte". Spule aus 2mm Audiolitze auf 40 mm Polokal-Abwasserrohr, 20 Ampere-Relais und fetten Kondensatoren. Der grüne ist von der Porzellanmanufaktur Rosenthal 7 kV Spannungsfestigkeit
Jetzt noch 1 schickes Häubchen mitm Callsign drauf & ab in den Shack, die letzten Korrekturen messen. #OnTheRoofAgain
Read 13 tweets
Jul 7th 2020
1/ Hey #MedEd and #MedTwitter! We are back with a brand-new edition.

For this week’s #TweetorialTuesday from the #MedEdTwagTeam we are going to talk about #VirtualWhiteboards

#VirtualLearningEnvironment, #VirtualLearning, #Zoom (@zoom_us)
2/ Here is the series of #tweetorials that @JenniferSpicer4 from @EmoryDeptofMed and I have been bringing you every Tuesday.

Welcome to Week 5! Make sure to go back and check out our previous threads if they are of interest.
3/ Last week, @JenniferSpicer4 dropped some knowledge on improving the #learningclimate & interaction.

One of my favorite ways to increase interaction when I am teaching IRL is a #chalktalk

🙏 to @a_steverson for her #chalktalk on “troponinemia”

👀 the @gradydoctor #shoutout!
Read 16 tweets
Jun 13th 2020
While fully acknowledging we have much work to do, I hope this quick story makes you as happy as it made me: Earlier this week 2 @CalgaryPolice officers from 5 District stopped a vehicle with an expired plate. The driver turned out to be a new Canadian and didn’t realize the...
...the registration was expired. Instead of ticketing the man and towing his car, the officers explained the situation, requirements and how to renew, etc. After the interaction, the man called 911 to report the POSITIVE interaction he’d had with our officers...
...While we don’t normally encourage calling 911 for non-emergencies, this call - at this time - made the day of the Calgary 911 operator who received it. Thankfully she took the time to pass the story along to a supervisor who sent it to me. Think about this, a seemingly simple
Read 7 tweets
Mar 8th 2020
Ohne Feminismus wäre ich heute nicht in der Politik. Warum? Das habe ich diese Woche auch den Schüler*innen des Gymnasiums in der Maroltingergasse erzählt. Ein kleiner #thread zum internationalen #Frauentag Sigi Maurer mit Mikrofon auf der Bühne sitzend vor Schüler*innen
Das mit mir und der Politik hat an der Uni begonnen - mein Studium sollte abgeschafft werden (thx Karl-Heinz Grasser). Dagegen hab ich protestiert, bin in der ÖH gelandet, und dann auch im Senat der Uni Innsbruck. Dort waren 2 Frauen - ich und die Betriebsrätin - und 22 Männer.
Der Senatsvorsitzende hat immer meinen Kollegen in der Studi-Vertretung gefragt: und, Michael, wie sehen das die Studierenden. Der Michael sagte dann immer, da kenne ich mich nicht aus, das soll die Sigi sagen. Ich durfte also antworten, 10 Minuten später die selbe Abfolge.
Read 11 tweets
Dec 13th 2019
#PSA #share/#RT #Austin
#mustwatch this very well done & COMPELLING video.
via @YouTube "Scenario-based modeling is d only way to beta-test development code" w/drawings & explanations from #ATX #architects who beta-tested #CodeNEXT.
#Austinites #info 1/3
Great huge #shoutout to Chris & Gina Allen for the work thats gone into d beta testing & presentation for #COAcityOfficials on behalf of many of us #Austin #homeowners/#TaxPayers. Looking forward to seeing more of your work!
Please #share/#RT & make sure #Austinites r aware 2/3
#WakeUpATX #CodeNEXT NOT about #HousingForAll! #MayorLier & 6 other clowns (Natasha,Garza,Renteria,Casar, Flannigan, Paige) voted to allow #hotels n Mixed Use zones replacing possible residential. @austintexasgov staff says needed 4hotels.
#Recall info 3/3
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Sep 13th 2019
Welcome to day 13 #30days30waysUK where our topic is #SafeNight. Every night should be a safe night...
... unfortunately however, emergencies can also happen at night but there is a lot you can do to be prepared and stay safe. Today, we’re again joined by many partners and @northantsfire.
Start by taking a look at their #30days30waysUK video 🔊

Another excellent #FireSafety video is by @Norfolkfire which highlights the risks in your home room by room and gives advice on how to make it safer. Take a look 🔊…

#30days30waysUK #SafeNight #SafeEscape
Read 8 tweets
Jan 8th 2019
Born & raised in #Fanar #Lebanon, a tiny country in the middle east with a lot to offer. I always had a positive outlook on life maybe because of the culture or values🤷‍♀️.
If you don't know #Lebanon or a #lebanese then you should start mingling 🤣
@IWS_Network #VoicesIWS
I grew up surrounded by a loving, joking & tough type of family that always support each other even amidst fighting. You can imaging being 4 kids in different age groups can cause a lot of fights growing up 😂 #siblingsfight #family #VoicesIWS
I have my issues🤷‍♀️! I always wanted to prove myself & make my family proud(2nd child). A pressure that was just in my head; they were always proud of us. I wanted to grow up to be a doctor or an army officer like my dad. Let's just say I changed my mind! #VoicesIWS @IWS_Network
Read 27 tweets
Nov 3rd 2018
#Gender #Identity (FCO since 2009) Mathematical Analysis of @MoJGovUK stats 30 June 2018 wrt sexual offences (99.1% #Male) #Male-pattern Sexual Offending shared by #Transwomen, 60 is just under half of 128 #female from total population of 30M in #England & #Wales. @munkihanger
#Gender #Identity:
#Tavistock *Gender Identity* Clinic
#BAGIS #British Assn of *Gender Identity* Specialists
#GIRES *Gender Identity* #Research & #Education #Service &
@FCOHumanRights since 2009/10-ish!
Why does this #Lesbian of the #BritishEmpire know? 🤔
@faintlyfalling 😊😊😊
#Shoutout for @mrkhtake2 for patiently explaining that #Intersex people can ONLY be i) #female with Variant Sex Characteristics from typical #female sex characteristics presentation &... ii) #male with Variant Sex Characteristics from typical #male sex characteristics. @ClareCAIS
Read 29 tweets
Aug 31st 2018
This is @CorEyPTownsend, clear your calendars and grab your best bereavement garment because today's the day we pay some R-E-S-P-E-C-T to the #QueenOfSoul: #ArethaFranklinFuneral #ArethaHomegoing
Our Editor-in-Chief @blacksnob is live at #ArethaFranklinFuneral and you’ll all be pleased to know that they did our auntie RIGHT.

The #QueenOfSoul is draped in a long gown, gold sequins and gold red bottom shoes. #ArethaHomegoing
They knew that they had to do the #QueenOfSoul right, because she would’ve been ready to tell each & every one of us about ourselves if we had her up there looking any type of way. #ArethaFranklinFuneral #ArethaHomegoing
Read 95 tweets

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