#AMC#GME#NAKD#OCGN#TSLA alright good evening everyone and Happy Sunday to you all. While I'm buried up under the rule recap for both the YouTube channel and here, I wanted to answer a couple questions for you guys as I've seen a lot of comments come my way. So tonight's recap
we will go over your comments and questions going into the week. Before I get started can I just say you guys have truly outdone yourself. I have been in awe all week at the massive amounts of love here on my feed. I sit just at 4,787 followers and counting. I want to first
thank each of you as I wouldn't be here without you.
Now lets get into it...Your biggest questions answered...Many of you are asking for a status report on each of the above stocks and whether or not HF and MM will be able to find whatever crevice or micro hole they can to wiggle themselves out from
having to pay us. As you'll see in further DD presented here on L2BU the DTCC and OCC have basically put in place a hedge of protection and cover over each and every one of us to ensure that this will not happen. First up lets check out our rules. For the options block I talked
about how the OCC has added the Rule 801 to it's arsenal aka skin in the game. If you haven't seen the YouTube please check it out as you guys need to understand that concept from what I'm about to discuss here. The members of the OCC had to ensure that they had enough liquidity
available should a member default if and when something like a squeeze would take place and we read the rule 1006 within the OCC rules and regulation handbook in regards to specific situations that would trigger the clearing fund being used. As one of the final layers of the
protection but in place, the OCC ensured that it's protocol should a member default from extensive losses or liquidity shortfalls would be to go through it's waterfall rules to which order matters. That is to ensure that no matter how much it possible could be that if a squeeze
happens the OCC will be able to cover whatever happens to should a member not be able to meet it's obligations. As we keep that in mind lets move over to the DTCC. The DTCC has it's very own three branches, two of which we've covered the rules for and the third branch I'm looking
into in order to provide some guidance. Rules from the DTC and NSCC have been as follows:
003, 004, 005(still waiting on that to come back from the dead lol) 801 (which is now the 002), 802, 006, 007. Now later on this evening we'll discuss the new and updated 002 and 802 rules
as they go hand in hand with each other as you will see. But each of the above 7 rules from the NSCC and our main rule from the OCC are actually providing us with the ultimate shield around each investor. If you guys remember, the whole point of these rules being written is to
mitigate or cause some behavior to cease and desist. Well what behavior might that be...not finding borrowable shares to short the stock, shorting the stock without actually having a back up, selling naked calls on the options block with no expectation to buy them again,
going into massive amounts of debt just to stay afloat, not being able to pay short term obligations as they come due. Okay well what else, it appears to me that debt seems to play a larger role in this than anything before
not just on the side of the corporations and big business but also on the side of the HF and MM. I'm not sure if you guys saw it but according to 60 Minutes. Before you go there with me yes I watch 60 minutes sometimes lol. On April 13th I believe they did a
a special on the market and they talked about how the margin debt was 814B and counting by folks using loans to combat whatever was going on in the market for those who want a percentage that's up 49% from previous years. And so when we put it into perspective the whole
crux of the matter is don't spend money if you can't afford to pay it back. That is the behavior each one of these rules is trying to get too. That member's shouldn't be defaulting or trying to skirt the rules that you should be able to pay their obligations as they come due.
For instance and in a subsequent tweet tonight as you'll see is that the NSCC 002 rule is to basically put in force a daily supplementary deposit that is requested by 8 am est and due by 9 am est. they want the money now and it's not just about the options market. To their
credit, the NSCC recognized that the regular average securities market was over leveraged and members did not and still don't have the liquidity with which to pay if something like a squeeze were to happen so they have to make sure that before any activity get's started in
regular trading hours before HF and MM get active and be like: Don't act like you forgot that you owed me a check.
🤣🤣🤣🤣 I still find that extremely funny lol. Don't ever just be a multi billion dollar hedge fund and get a call from the NSCC because you are now one of the biggest risk factors in the market. That's a shame you'd think they would learn after Lehman brothers went down in 08.
So to plainly state it no the organizations cannot get out of paying you. We will all get paid.
Next question: what are my price expectations in the squeeze? I have to say as an accountant I only like to give numbers that I can reasonably make a good faith valuation. But after
going through the information for all of our meme stocks there is an infinite amount of possibilities. That is why I'm placing no limits on it whatsoever. If we happen to get to a stock value that is above 1k or rises to 1M I'm going to grab a drink and enjoy the ride. Trust me
once the squeeze is started there will be no stopping it. Only the exchange on which these stocks sit can halt it at that point. When you see a photo like the one below...this is me telling you to lock in and hold on tight fasten your tray tables as we are off to the moon.
Lol! On a serious note remember everyday we build a new floor propped up by a resistance level. We have help coming in from all sides helping us to remain stable. Don't you ever forget that as you. We are in it together. Alright
#AMC#GME#TSLA#OCGN#NAKD alright part 3 here we go. Now were we left off in part two was discussing about TSLA and how we need their sales to match their forecasts. Why is this important from an accounting perspective and internally the company is looking at having strong
quarters as we emerge from the pandemic. I know a big part of that is the micro chips and supply chains when it comes to materials both importing and exporting them and it doesn't help that a lot of it has been hampered due to the pandemic. So tomorrow I'll listen in on the call
and hopefully I can give you some insight as to what to expect from the company going forward. #OCGN you are up...Wow can I just say you guys have held and held you all saw some massive gains last week so kudos to each and every one of you who are continuing to hold onto this
#AMC#GME#TSLA#OCGN#NAKD Alright Part 2 of the recap....so before I talk status lets talk timing. Now I know every week we have folks that have done a great job at hyping us apes up and letting us know that timing is really important. This has been a long process for all of
us as I'm sure many of you didn't expect to be here almost 4 months after the partial squeeze in January and our miniature squeezes that we've had over the course of the last few months. Now timing is really important and here is why. We are in essence waiting on three rules to
finish our own protection and cover that is the NSCC 002, 007, and the return of the 005 rule. Without these three rules we are missing added layers of protection. Now it is my thought that the SEC is going through these rules as we speak and is requiring these organizations to
So this whole rule in a nutshell is that DTCC is going to an automated system called ClaimConnect for the following reasons: 1. Manual adjustments are not subject to the DTC's risk Management Controls, which can unexpectedly put the receiving party at risk. 2. It lacks a unique
identifier or way to track the adjustment. 3. no automated notification process, so you can see where and what's happening to the adjustments as they are being made or accepted by either party. 4. No platform exists where you can see the work being detailed out.
#AMC#GME#TSLA#KOSS#OCGN good morning everyone, I hope and trust you have had a wonderful morning despite what is going on in the market. Below is your ortex data and a few words of wisdom as we go through this valley today.
Hold if you can only buy more if you can afford to. Don't jump one ship to get to the other one just to have to come back. Reason is that you create an undue tax burden by selling short just to take whatever gains you get to apply it to the next stock. I'm sorry but nothing
short of a squeeze will get me to sell either my GME or AMC. I'm not going to dump one for the other as I like options and I always have. I'm definitely not going to pay Short term capital gains at my ordinary tax rate. Nope, as my nephew say's it's never going to happen. I'm
#AMC#GME#wallstreetbets#AMCSqueeze#GMEtothemoon#MEMES#stonks let’s talk about this rule that is being changed and why.... so the SR-NSCC-2021-006 (not 806) 🤪 time to put my glasses on. 🤓 The purpose of rule change is to I quote “remove a service that allows issuers of
Securities, either themselves or through an issuer-designated administrator, to track and limit the number of beneficial owners for an individual Security (“Security Holder Tracking Service”),” so what is going on???? Let’s walk down memory lane... in 2008 the DTCC built this
tracking system to allow companies that were closely held to track and limit the number of shares sent out to investors in regards to ownership. The system knew the stock the shareholders had and how much each one held. That’s great in a perfect world but unfortunately for us
#AMC#GME#TSLA#MEMES#STONKS#MOONING#TOTHEMOON#Wallstreetbets Part 3 "Stepping into the light"
There is definitely more to why having this specific order type will change trading but that is my first glance and synopsis of it. I will be watching the court case as it goes
by and providing updates, but we want the appellate court to rule in the SEC’s favor so that we can literally take out almost every strategy that has been used to hit us hard during these last five months by HF and MM albeit through the ATS or holding orders until it
makes sense for them to release it until it provides them with the ultimate benefit. This coupled with all the other rulings would provide another layer of protection as we move into the final stages of the endgame for our infinite squeeze.