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May 18th 2023
#Musik über die #Lebensspanne? #LetsGO 🎵🎶
Bereits vor und kurz nach der Geburt kann Musik wahrscheinlich positive Effekte auf die kindliche Entwicklung haben (1/n)
Diese Übersichtsarbeit schlussfolgert, dass Musikinterventionen bei #Frühgeborenen mit geringeren Schmerzen und Verbesserungen in der Gewichts- und Schlafentwicklung einhergingen - v.a. wenn Musiktherapeut*innen involviert waren (2/n)…
Im #Kleinkindalter: Viele Eltern singen lt. einer Studie täglich für/mit ihren Kindern - unabhängig vom Einkommen oder der Ethnizität. Singen ging mit zunehmendem Alter der Kinder zurück. Es zeigte sich außerdem: Väter sangen weniger als Mütter (3/n)…
Read 11 tweets
Apr 5th 2023
I just had a visit from the head of HR and the House ethics lawyer, I appreciate them letting me know that if I am expelled, I will lose my health benefits. I also appreciate the ethics lawyer, letting me know that in one case, a member who was potentially up for expulsion
decided to resign because if you resign, you maintain your health benefits, I appreciate that information.🤔
Heavens to Betsy, all this does not mean I am considering resigning-NEVER. I am ready to have my hearing in the public view, #LetsGo
Read 3 tweets
Jan 26th 2023
@ChristLayla @314Phaethon @VincentCrypt46 @30STMBot @ShannonLeto #echelon Trust, is very important--I will get the blue one to @realDonaldTrump Let's glow instead and be ourselves! This is the frequent-C to be on...I don't want to deal with John...I want to have fun with my tribe
Just got confirmation from my neighbor MACI, that her parents and herself, do support me-I told her to tell her family hello for me and that GOD has this! She wished me luck and we are now washing my hippie clothes with all my fun patterns...Ya'll wanna chill or what? ImageImageImageImage
Read 15 tweets
Dec 20th 2022
The results are in! @brightbeamntwk highly anticipated list of who we should be watching in Education Reform. This year’s 22 in '22 list is comprised of familiar and new names breaking ceilings and making positive noise. #LetsGo! Like, comment and share.…
#1 Dr. Greg Carr is the definition of no holds barred, #IYKYK. From education to politics to Black liberation, @AfricanaCarr is going to say what you need to hear. Catch him every month on #BTBEP hosted by @ShaynaTerrell1 from @CenterBlackEd.
#2 Kwame Sarfo-Mensah. For a lot of us in school, math was a struggle. Host of Radical Math Talk, @identityshaper sets the record straight about math: he makes it real, relevant, and fun. Just watch his son work. What a prodigy!…
Read 23 tweets
Nov 15th 2022
Learned so much in this evening's @AACI_Cancer@ webinar on physician use of social media! Dr. @fumikochino highlighted sev successful research collaborations that began via #SoMe & said that Twitter has helped a lot with the "hustle" all #MedTwitter junior faculty face.
Dr. @SyedAAhmad5, who began tweeting during the #pandemic, highlighted opportunities to expand reach of #MedEd via #SoMe. For example, he taught this to #MedStudentTwitter, then realized there was no reason the learning needed to be confined to his operating room. cc @AACI_Cancer
Drs. @Jasosamd, @fumikochino, & @SyedAAhmad5 provided examples of using #SoMe to inform #MedTwitter, #SurgTwitter, & the pt #advocacy community about one's own research, as well as to promote the work of colleagues, esp mentees.
#mentorship #HeForShe #SheForShe
cc @AACI_Cancer
Read 10 tweets
Aug 27th 2022
Hoy en #SábadosDeHipertrofia💪


#Ejercicio #leucina #proteina #microbiota #dieta…
1⃣ Consumo diario de proteínas de 1,6 a 1,8 gr/kg/día, priorizando la proteína de alto valor biológico
2⃣3 comidas al día con 0,6 gr de proteína por kg de peso, con al menos 5–6 g de leucina.
🧐2.5 gr de leucina👇
3⃣Balance energético diario positivo o neutro⚖️
4⃣Mantenimiento de la diversidad de la microbiota intestinal, considerando estrategias dietéticas, polifenoles, probióticos, prebióticos y alimentos fermentados 🦠❤️
Read 7 tweets
Aug 16th 2022
📚Hoy en #ManualDelAutodidacta
#hilo 🧵
Webs q ofrecen información GRATIS d la composición de los alimentos, macronutrientes, micronutrientes, polifenoles.. y herramientas interesantes, como hacer comparativas, calculadoras, etc..#LetsGo👇
1⃣ MyFoodData es una herramienta de comparación de datos nutricionales, macronutrientes, micros, aminogramas..👇… Image
2⃣ FoodStruct compara alimentos de manera muy gráfica. Aquí Hígado Vs Sardinas👇👇🧐 Image
Read 8 tweets
Jun 5th 2022
The United States is an incredible statistical outlier among economically developed countries re guns per capita. 1/
#gunviolence #guncontrol #facts #congress #senate
This translates directly to another statistical achievement for our country compared to the rest of the developed world - a several fold higher chance of gun death. 2/
#GunViolence #guncontrol #publichealth #facts #congress #Senate
Your baby or young child now has a 1/100 chance of being killed by a firearm as he/she grows up, and that chance is increasing year-over-year. 3/
#GunViolence #guncontrol #children #facts #congress #senate
Read 9 tweets
Jun 4th 2022
#URGENT Twitter, I need your help-my health is critical I travel abroad to recieve trx in 4 weeks as a #pwME- An anonymous donor has covered the cost of my #HelpApheresis trx🙏🏽🦋 We are Rapidly trying to raise costs co-trx, accommodation, ✈ & care costs.… ImageImageImageImage
I am severely disabled. I have been since the onset of my illness. I suffered rapid deterioration and I'm now suffering widespread structural degeneration after being gaslit heavily for the past 8yrs. This is a chance to Save My Life. My health has been critical all year.
I have been in and out of A&E all year referred there by my specialists doctors and the ambulance services for emergency plasmapheresis treatment and they keep sending me home because I'm immunocompromised I wouldn't be immunocompromised if they actually treated me.
Read 41 tweets
May 25th 2022
It’s morning. It’s time to act. I’ve just left VMs at offices of @SenatorCardin, @ChrisVanHollen, @RepKweisiMfume. I’ve confirmed my whole fam age 18+ is reg to vote, I’m donating to @MomsDemand & volunteering. #LetsGo #GunSafetyNow #RobbElementary…
Register to #Vote, confirm that you are registered, request a mail-in ballot, or find your polling place here: Stop scrolling & act. Ask your friends & family too. Help them w/ the process if they need it. #RobbElementary #GunSafetyNow
And if you feel like your views & concerns are not well-represented by your elected officials, maybe it’s time for YOU or someone else in your life to @runforsomething. #GunSafetyNow #RobbElementary
Read 4 tweets
May 20th 2022
@Jeremy_Danner @Eric_Schmitt Toward #ElPaso southwest Eric flew,
but it seems hardly anyone knew
that to Texas he’d flown.
His events overblown,
as a rule, attract supporters few.
#GreitensTreasurer in Texas tanned;
his self-marketing no one can stand.

@EricWoods @rogersforKC @FEC 🇺🇸
@Jeremy_Danner @Eric_Schmitt @EricWoods @rogersforKC @FEC A tax-sponsored trip to #HoltsSummit already caused Schmitt’s polls to plummet. His credo? #DoLittle. At work he would fiddle; each typo incredibly dumb. It alas beggars taxpayers’ belief: he misspelled his own name on a brief. @FEC

@Jeremy_Danner @Eric_Schmitt @EricWoods @rogersforKC @FEC#LetsGo to Florida: #SpringTraining might help me relax; my complaining in the county of Cole had grown out of control. With #75days remaining ’til the primary election day to assured defeat I’m #ontheway.”
@donaldjtrumpjr @tedcruz

Read 10 tweets
May 13th 2022
$CYBL DPS team growing, HUGE source of revenue and exceeding expectations, and HIGH profit margins.
✅Q2 Product Rollout
✅2 New May/June Opps
✅Expanding Verticals
@CyberluxC Corp
✅2 acquisitions in review
✅NYC I-Bank 5/16-5/18 - Q2 Plan
✅Addtl corp actions #Buyback
Q2 Fast Start plan was successful!
🔥June filings expected for #StrategicIP w/ IP Partners!
💎#UAS Hardware Software Integration
🎯Ukraine Support Plan complete - Executing ASAP 🤯
🚨SOF Field Work w/ Q2 Schedule set
🚀BREAKTHROUGH #UAS #StrategicIP filings complete (2/3)
⚡️3 New EU Renewable & Telecom opps
⏱️Renewables Project Pipeline for Q3/Q4
🪙Bitcoin Mining Partnership to be complete May/June
🇨🇴 Testbed in Operating & Full Function w/ Colombian agencies monitoring! Q3/Q4 additional rollouts!

We are just getting started! #Letsgo (3/3)
Read 3 tweets
Feb 28th 2022
I started this account on Sept 21.21 hoping my account would inspire some citizens to research #blockchain/DLT.

Today I hit a big milestone of 10K!🎇

United with regulated #DLT research!🤝

No giveaways, no price predictions, no bullshit!

--Quick Thread of Words--
The DLT industry is constantly growing,
Reminder to never stop learning citizens!🌱

I wanted to share my mission board below as it felt great to cross those milestones off!👇

Disclaimer: I am not here to baby step-anyone and
Do NOT provide FA!
Now a big shout out to all those that participate in my network. The ones that RT, utilize my content, leave feedback and share information!

We are creating a community of utility-driven Blockchain DLT enthusiasts!

We are just getting started!🌱
#United #Citizens #DLT #fintech
Read 10 tweets
Dec 23rd 2021
La réforme de la gouvernance économique 🇪🇺 est à l’agenda. Un petit thread pour tout comprendre, ainsi que les solutions que nous proposons, alors que la Commission consulte à ce sujet. 👇👇 #LetsGo #EUTweet (1/n)… Image
Cette gouvernance est fondée sur trois piliers :
a) la règle d’application de l’interdiction que les déficits publics dépassent 3% du PIB et la dette 60% ;
b) la règle imposant aux États de viser en moyenne du cycle un solde budgétaire proche de l’équilibre ; (2/n)
c) Une procédure ciblant d’autres déséquilibres macroéconomiques qui sont à corriger par des mesures relevant de différents domaines de politique économique. (3/n)
Read 23 tweets
Dec 16th 2021
📣#HCWvsHunger, the AMAZING Exec Chef at the Lord #Baltimore (& prev Ritz-Carlton), @chefdini, will be making homemade 🍩 at your Balt/DC worksite for 50 ppl (outdoors & brings minifryers) if you’re the next donor to give $1K+ to food bank for #Feedalizumab! Holiday party ✅! Image
Tweet 2/2: We’ll use the earliest official Google form time stamp on any $1000 or more donation following my tweet to determine the winner. Donate to any food bank first then log it here in 30sec for #HCWvsHunger #Feedalizumab. Must be Balt/DC area to win!
Wondering what this is all about? Read more about Health Care Workers Vs. Hunger here. We’re taking care of you all during this #pandemic & we’ve raised > $550K since Dec 2020 to make sure people don’t go to bed hungry on our watch. #HCWvsHunger
Read 4 tweets
Sep 21st 2021
Potential playoff managers and the coaching trees they belong to:

Baker: Too old
Bell: Sveum, Matheny
Boone: n/a
Cash: Francona
Cora: Hinch
Counsell: n/a
Kapler: n/a
Montoyo: Cash
La Russa: Too old
Roberts: Black
Shildt: Matheny
Snitker: Cox, González
Tingler (lol): Banister
So either a newcomer or someone from KC #letsgo
Grifol's actually an interesting candidate. No major league managing experience but he managed in the minors, has been a quality control and bench coach in the majors and is noted for building strong connections with Latin American players.
Read 4 tweets
May 20th 2021
A truly momentous day at San Francisco General Hospital @ZSFGCare @UCSF @SFGHFoundation: for the first time since March 5, 2020, we have zero patients with #COVID19 in our hospital. A huge milestone in our battle against this pandemic.
We have been at a decreasing level of COVID-19 patients at the hospital for many weeks. And no doubt, we will continue to admit and care for more patients with COVID-19 in the weeks and months ahead.
But today, wanted to celebrate the care that’s been delivered at SF General @ZSFGCare @SFGHFoundation, mourn the patients we have lost, and give our best wishes for strength and healing to all patients still recovering.
Read 24 tweets
Apr 26th 2021
#AMC #GME #NAKD #OCGN #TSLA alright good evening everyone and Happy Sunday to you all. While I'm buried up under the rule recap for both the YouTube channel and here, I wanted to answer a couple questions for you guys as I've seen a lot of comments come my way. So tonight's recap
we will go over your comments and questions going into the week. Before I get started can I just say you guys have truly outdone yourself. I have been in awe all week at the massive amounts of love here on my feed. I sit just at 4,787 followers and counting. I want to first
thank each of you as I wouldn't be here without you.
Read 25 tweets
Feb 21st 2021
A new, real-world Israeli study shows the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is almost 90% effective at stopping COVID-19 transmission (not just symptoms)…
This comes right on the heels of a Mayo Clinic study showing the same:
Granted, stopping transmission was always very likely, but it's good to have multiple confirmations. #LetsGo
This also supports the positions that 1) strict prioritization isn't essential (everyone is a possible vector); 2) getting vaccinated means you can ditch the mask, at least around people you know.
Read 6 tweets
Jan 26th 2021
Been quietly working on this thru 2020... Excited to finally share @UntappedVC, a new VC firm I started w/ my true friend and role model @jessicajackley!

Some deets (like our portfolio) below👇
1/ We’re a pre-seed/seed fund investing in unexpected founders, found off the beaten path, not well connected to VCs. We’re talking young, underrepresented, small town, immigrant, and so on.
2/ These founders aren’t in our network (almost by definition), so we primarily source through outbound, meaning we reach out to founders.

We look at tens of thousands, track and tag thousands, and reach out to the startups that stand out.
Read 7 tweets
Jan 8th 2021
Today I made many critical announcements re vaccine distribution via executive order:

-Long-term care facilities must be vaccinated by 1/23.
-Starting Monday, teachers are eligible (should be prioritized based on age/comorbidities).
-On 1/18 all Utahns age 70+ are eligible. 1/
-Every facility must report doses administered by 7am.
-Vaccines must be distributed w/in week of receipt.
-Vaccines not administered will be subject to redistribution.
-Those w a positive COVID test in past 90 days should not be vaccinated (will ask feds to change to 180). 2/
-Vaccine distribution will be managed by local health departments (LHD’s).
-LHD’s have capacity for 50,000/week (our current allocation from fed is only 33,000/week).
-Simplifies allocation based on geography.
-70+ population finished by end of February, then 65+comorbidities. 3/
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Oct 30th 2020
While I sincerely hope you have been following the Governor’s weekly press conferences, today I will share a couple threads on the seriousness of the coronavirus spread and the Unified Command’s response. 1/
Unfortunately, most states are seeing record numbers of cases and Utah is no exception. Today will be another very bad day. 2/
6 weeks ago I shared a thread about the way that hospitalizations—and death—will always lag behind case numbers. And that warning about overwhelming out healthcare system? We are now seeing 50-70 new daily hospitalizations and it is a reality. 3/
Read 13 tweets
Sep 12th 2020
Next Friday, we will break down Industry 4.0 / 4th Industry Revolution for different disciplines.

I am a 3D-printing subject-matter-expert and I am living in the future of manufacturing. Next Friday, let’s discuss how to catapult your career into the future of digitized work. Image
Help you determine whether you need a career transition or addition of new skills. What exactly should you consider adding.

I shouldn’t be the only one winning awards and getting paid. It’s time to break it down for my people. I don’t think I need a guest 😃. #LetsGo
In Canada, not everyone get paid well. Some spend over one year to find jobs. Some got jobs before landing. Some get first jobs and it’s 6 figures ($120,000), some get first jobs and it’s $40,000.

All careers are not created equal. Living in Canada isn’t also created equal.
Read 3 tweets
Jul 22nd 2020
This thread is inspired by this Tweet.😎 Here's why evangelicals will always struggle with justice issues and end up fight each other rather than doing something constructive. This is also why evangelicals have no idea what to do with #BlackLivesMatter.
(1) “Making disciples” and Matt 28:18-20, framed as the starting point of mission, is arbitrary and has no basis in the Old Testament so evangelicals are forced to make "X" a "gospel issue" in order to justify action. The OT should frame the *why* of mission as much as the NT.
(2) For evangelicals, their understanding of the gospel begins with Gen 3, not Gen 1. As such, the telos of redemption, which is about the cosmos (not just saving souls), is entirely missing. Gen 3 fits w/their Matt 28 framework so why care about creation?…
Read 19 tweets

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