#Ethiopia is committed to rebuilding #Tigray and ensuring that citizens are sufficiently provided for while #rebuilding efforts are being exerted. We welcome the #international community’s support in efforts to scale up #HumanitarianAssistance and close existing gaps. 1/11
Following actions have been taken in #Tigray: The second round of #HumanitarianAssistance has delivered food and other essential items to 2.7 million people; 2/11
Emergency #shelters and non-food item kits supplied to over 245,000 displaced persons in #Tigray; 3/11
The Ministry of Health @FMoHealth has been working to operationalize health facilities in the region with provisions of emergency supplies. Up to 60 #MobileHealth teams have been established; 4/11
#Humanitarian support has been improved with implementation of a notification system. Previously inaccessible areas now being reached with help of military escorts; 5/11
#Visa extension permits are being granted to #humanitarian groups. New guidelines have been introduced for permits to use communication equipment; 6/11
More than 192 staff members of #UN-Agencies, international NGO’s including #InternationalMedia have been provided access to the region; 7/11
The Federal Ministry of Agriculture @MoA_Ethiopia has allocated Birr 10 million to strengthen the regional #agriculture and #natural resource bureaus, with shipment of 14k tons of fertiliser; 10/11
The Ministry of Education @fdremoe has allocated Birr 95 million for #reopening of #schools and dispatched 1 million #facemasks to the region. 11/11
As of May 3 #AxumCriminalInvestigation led by Federal Attorney General @FAGEthiopia has collected testimonies of 95 witnesses and documentary evidence. Discovered #TPLF trained and deployed about 2,500 para-military personnel in major cities of the region. 1/6
#AxumCriminalInvestigation found that #TPFL “trained” 1,500 youth to shoot guns during the period from 10 to 18 November 2020 to confront #ENDF. 2/6
#AxumCriminalInvestigation recorded testimonies of 116 victims of #rape and identified members of the #FederalPolice and EENDF involved in the crime. Cases with #FederalPolice transferred to the Regional Prosecution Office, members of #ENDF transferred to military court. 3/6