Below we will review key aspects he highlighted... /1
From the outset, the #Caliph explained that the current notion of "freedom" increasingly pushed in the West is no more than slavery to one's base desires /2
He highlighted that Islam not only gives women their rights but further warns them from exploitation in the name of "freedom" that would harm them in the long run /3
In his speech he outlined the many rights Islam provided and continuous to provide women, such as:
⚡️ Mandatory consent in marriage
⚡️ Right to own, earn, inherit and control own wealth
⚡️ Right to divorce
⚡️ Right to education
⚡️ Right to kindness & dignity
+ Many More /4
Let's take some key ones...
1. Consent in Marriage
The #Caliph emphasised the right to #consent and that no woman should ever feel coerced in this regard, quoting from Sahih Bukhari The Book of Marriage, to show that without the woman's consent, the marriage becomes INVALID /5
2. Education
He highlighted education of girls as a key step in the uplift of future generations.
In addition, he emphasised the permission in Islam that a woman should work, reiterating the Islamic position that any money she earns is hers ALONE /6
While tribal societies have historically preferred sons, the #Caliph highlighted how in #Islam, a man who raises daughters excellently will be granted paradise by God.
Which other religion raises the status of girls like this? /7
A key, important right often overlooked is the right to kindness and dignity. This is mandated in #Islam for women. The #Caliph emphasised, in the words of the Prophet (sa) that the best man is he who is best to his family. /9
Quoting the Quranic statement that "your wives are a garment for you and you are a garment for them" the #Caliph reminded men to treat the women in their lives with warmth and friendship. /10
The above is a *small* selection of the #womensrights the #Caliph covered that Islam mandates. He emphasised that no other religion hints at such teachings.
We call on news outlets and commentators to be aware of what the #Sharia teaches when discussing #AfghanistanCrisis /11
In his recent livestream, Rashid (@MrAdnanRashid, @EFDawahOfficial) was confronted by an Ahmadi missionary @maula_bas for his slander against Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as).
In this thread we’ll show how Rashid’s lies were exposed, and how we’ll meet the challenge to debate. We’ll show how:
🔸 Reason
🔸 The Quran
🔸 The character of Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra)
🔸 The verdict of Imam Abu Hanifa (rh)
... is on the side of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as)
Firstly, let's set the scene.
The missionary calls Rashid after his recent claims that the Promised Messiah (as) called the Muslims 'kanjari ka bacha' - the children of prostitutes, based on a quote from Aina-e-Kamalat-e-Islam.
"A believer is not stung from the same hole twice" goes the hadith, and Haqiqatjou is proving it true, venturing to lie again, more brazenly, and more foolishly about Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as), the Imam Mahdi and Masih.
In this article, Haqiqatjou's "specialist" on Ahmadiyya Islam, Mufti Abdullah Moolla, enters into the fray a second time, after having been roundly debunked by this platform only a few days ago (see tweet below)