Given recent events in #Afghanistan & my focus on that country since 2008, I’ve been engaging in a lot of professional reflection of late. I'm going to share some results of that in this (long) THREAD. 1/n
To do this, I went back and re-read everything I’ve written publicly on #Afghanistan over the past two years, as well as a few pertinent older pieces. I’ll post links to these articles as I go. 2/n
I’ll start w/this article I wrote in @WarOnTheRocks in 2016. In it, I described how the #Taliban were steadily encroaching on key rural areas of #Afghanistan & how the #ANDSF were struggling to stop them. 3/n…
@WarOnTheRocks Key quote: the #ANDSF “are only capable of holding the line in areas absent of sig #Taliban pressure, where the coalition has maintain[ed] a steady advisory presence & where there are strong leaders...In areas where these aspects have been lacking, [they] are slowly failing” 4/n
@WarOnTheRocks By 2018, then-President Trump declared his intent to withdraw, so I wrote this paper for @WarOnTheRocks titled “So the President Wants Out of #Afghanistan: What Happens Next?” 5/n…
@WarOnTheRocks In it, I highlighted an earlier assessment we @CNA_org had made in 2013: “if the US & NATO do not maintain a training & advisory mission in #Afghanistan, the absence of advisors…is likely to result in a downward spiral of [#ANDSF] capabilities—along with security." 6/n
@WarOnTheRocks @CNA_org I also said: “[the #ANDSF] have been steadily losing ground to the #Taliban, even w/substantial spt from the's likely they wouldn't be able to hold out militarily on their own for long…the resultant downward spiral would occur over the course of 6 mos to 2 yrs.” 7/n
@WarOnTheRocks @CNA_org I also assessed that a “CT-Only” (status quo) option would fail due to the inability of the #ANDSF to keep the #Taliban at bay, a topic @LaurelMillerICG discussed much more elegantly a couple years later. 8/n…
@WarOnTheRocks @CNA_org @LaurelMillerICG In 2019, I discussed the costs of war & peace in #Afghanistan. Key point: While the US was bearing the brunt of $ costs for the war, Afghans bore the brunt of the human cost: I estimated the death toll for Afghans—including #Taliban—in 2019 would be ~17-25k (~45-70/day). 9/n
@WarOnTheRocks @CNA_org @LaurelMillerICG Also in 2019, I wrote about the USMIL’s strategy shift from COIN to pressure/attrition, consisting of: “⬆️kinetic strikes in support of the #ANDSF, targeting #Taliban revenue-generation mechanisms & expanding the train, advise & assist mission.” 10/n…
@WarOnTheRocks @CNA_org @LaurelMillerICG Key points here: 1) the failure of the 2nd & 3rd elements, & resultant heavy reliance on airstrikes & #SOF/Commando raids as a result; 2) the cautious embrace by Resolute Support--& the whole-hearted embrace by #Afghanistan's MOD--of body counts as a metric for "pressure." 11/n
@WarOnTheRocks @CNA_org @LaurelMillerICG These articles were “explainers” & “think-ahead” pieces. I didn’t offer much in the way of predictions, beyond noting the likely cont'd degradation of security in #Afghanistan & failing of the #ANDSF, trends that were borne out but that weren't hard for obj audiences to see. 12/n
@WarOnTheRocks @CNA_org @LaurelMillerICG In 2020, I asked whether the US would “go to zero” troops in #Afghanistan. I concluded it wouldn’t--I assessed it would at least try to keep a small, uniformed presence at its Embassy in Kabul. 13/n…
@WarOnTheRocks @CNA_org @LaurelMillerICG I also argued that it should try to keep an advisory presence in place to stem the slow failing of the #ANDSF. The Biden plan was to keep 650 USMIL at the Embassy; they were to engage in at best a limited advisory capacity. 14/n
@WarOnTheRocks @CNA_org @LaurelMillerICG In late 2020, I wrote this piece for @lawfareblog titled “#Afghanistan Will Be the Biden Administration’s First Foreign Policy Crisis.” In it, I noted the #Taliban’s steady territorial gains & impending “siege” of the country’s cities. 15/n…
@WarOnTheRocks @CNA_org @LaurelMillerICG @lawfareblog I offered 4 recommendations to the incoming Biden admin: 1) Prepare a compelling case that the #Taliban was not meeting its commitments in the US-TB Agreement & pause the timeline for completing the withdrawal of all US troops until such time as they did. 16/n
@WarOnTheRocks @CNA_org @LaurelMillerICG @lawfareblog 2) Signal limited patience for #Taliban intransigence w/the deal by allowing the #ANDSF to go back on the offensive; 3) Prepare CT options that didn't require a military presence in #Afghanistan, to include covert/clandestine options. 17/n
@WarOnTheRocks @CNA_org @LaurelMillerICG @lawfareblog 4) Reform the #ANDSF to make them less dependent (“Part of the reason the #Taliban have been emboldened is that they see the US providing less support to the Afghan army & police & they believe these forces will collapse if & when the US leaves the country”) 18/n
@WarOnTheRocks @CNA_org @LaurelMillerICG @lawfareblog I concluded: “None of these suggestions will be easy to implement, but they are nonetheless necessary to prevent a quick failure of US policy in #Afghanistan.” The Biden administration did only the 3rd of these. 19/n
@WarOnTheRocks @CNA_org @LaurelMillerICG @lawfareblog Earlier this year, my work shifted to more predictive analyses, largely IRT being asked to address forward-looking Qs. The 1st was this article for @CTCWP, who asked: “After a US withdrawal, would the #ANDSF or the #Taliban have the mil advantage?” 20/n…
@WarOnTheRocks @CNA_org @LaurelMillerICG @lawfareblog @CTCWP To answer that, I did a net assessment across 4 tangible + 1 intangible factors: size, resources, external support, force employment & cohesion. I found that post-US withdrawal, the #Taliban would have a *slight* military advantage b/c of better strategy & stronger cohesion. 21/n
@WarOnTheRocks @CNA_org @LaurelMillerICG @lawfareblog @CTCWP In APR, I looked at the history of #ANDSF development & its decidedly mixed results. I floated the idea of establishing a remote advisory cell in the wake of a US withdrawal, to stem the impact of removing US support functions from a shaky ANDSF. 22/n…
@WarOnTheRocks @CNA_org @LaurelMillerICG @lawfareblog @CTCWP [My @CNA_org co-author Alex Powell & I later expanded on the idea of a remote advisory cell for the #ANDSF & concluded it was a feasible & useful option.] 23/n…
@WarOnTheRocks @CNA_org @LaurelMillerICG @lawfareblog @CTCWP Also in APR, @RyanBaker51 & I published an article on the logistics of #Afghanistan withdrawal. While its premise was to explain how hard it would be to get out by the 1 MAY deadline of the US-#Taliban agreement, it made a couple of prescient points. 24/n…
@WarOnTheRocks @CNA_org @LaurelMillerICG @lawfareblog @CTCWP @RyanBaker51 “The fact that the USMIL provides logistical & other support to its allies & partner forces in #Afghanistan means that the pace & order of the withdrawal should account for the distinct requirements of these forces. This includes…Afghan forces..." 25/n
@WarOnTheRocks @CNA_org @LaurelMillerICG @lawfareblog @CTCWP @RyanBaker51 "...who will likely be expected to take control of the bases & any residual equip the US & its NATO partners leave behind, & who will have to adjust their posture & operations to account for the departure of critical enabling capabilities such as advisers, air & fire spt..." 26/n
@WarOnTheRocks @CNA_org @LaurelMillerICG @lawfareblog @CTCWP @RyanBaker51 "...& contracted maintainers & logisticians. Failure to account for the needs of these partner forces could lead to their collapse, which would increase the security risk to US personnel still in the country & have significant diplomatic & reputational costs.” 27/n
@WarOnTheRocks @CNA_org @LaurelMillerICG @lawfareblog @CTCWP @RyanBaker51 In JUN, I was asked to address another predictive Q: Will #Afghanistan Collapse When the US Withdraws?

I compared the post-Soviet withdrawal experience w/what seemed would be the likely situation post-US withdrawal. It's worth dwelling on this a bit. 28/n…
@WarOnTheRocks @CNA_org @LaurelMillerICG @lawfareblog @CTCWP @RyanBaker51 Notable quote: “scholar Thomas Barfield wrote, ‘It was universally believed that once the Soviets left, the mujahedin would overrun govt outposts, take regional cities & march on Kabul in a matter of months, if not weeks.’ & yet Najibullah held his govt together for 3 yrs...”29/n
@WarOnTheRocks @CNA_org @LaurelMillerICG @lawfareblog @CTCWP @RyanBaker51 In that vein, I noted: “At the time of Biden’s [withdrawal] announcement, there were a flurry of predictions that the #Taliban would move quickly to overrun govt outposts, seize regional cities & ignite a broader civil war or march on Kabul to topple the government..." 30/n
@WarOnTheRocks @CNA_org @LaurelMillerICG @lawfareblog @CTCWP @RyanBaker51 "...But will these predictions turn out to be accurate? Or will they, like those of Najibullah’s quick demise, prove to be overly dire?" 31/n
@WarOnTheRocks @CNA_org @LaurelMillerICG @lawfareblog @CTCWP @RyanBaker51 To answer these Qs, I referenced a paper by @US4AfghanPeace while he was @RANDCorporation. He noted 3 incorrect assumptions made about the Najibullah regime: 1) it was brittle & likely to fragment once the Soviets left. 32/n
@WarOnTheRocks @CNA_org @LaurelMillerICG @lawfareblog @CTCWP @RyanBaker51 @US4AfghanPeace @RANDCorporation 2) The departure of Soviet advisers would decisively shift the military balance to favor the mujahideen; 3) The Soviets cared only about securing a “decent interval” between their departure & the government’s collapse. 33/n
@WarOnTheRocks @CNA_org @LaurelMillerICG @lawfareblog @CTCWP @RyanBaker51 @US4AfghanPeace @RANDCorporation I explored these assumptions in the context of contemporaneous #Afghanistan: 1) Was Ghani’s govt brittle? I gave a mixed answer: Ghani’s govt had a stronger popular mandate than Najibullah (though still not a strong one) but Ghani had less firm backing from his int’l patrons.34/n
@WarOnTheRocks @CNA_org @LaurelMillerICG @lawfareblog @CTCWP @RyanBaker51 @US4AfghanPeace @RANDCorporation 2) Would the #Taliban have a decisive military advantage post-US withdrawal? I relied on my prior net assessment to say their advantage would be “slight,” but not decisive. 35/n…
@WarOnTheRocks @CNA_org @LaurelMillerICG @lawfareblog @CTCWP @RyanBaker51 @US4AfghanPeace @RANDCorporation 3) Did the US only care about a “decent interval?” Or would its support be sufficient to prevent a collapse? I wrote that the US resource commitment was firm, but “what is not clear is whether the US has a well-crafted and synchronized post-withdrawal strategy.” 36/n
@WarOnTheRocks @CNA_org @LaurelMillerICG @lawfareblog @CTCWP @RyanBaker51 @US4AfghanPeace @RANDCorporation I concluded w/several predictions about a post-US withdrawal period: 1) “those predicting the quick demise of the [@ashrafghani] government are likely to be wrong”... 37/n
@WarOnTheRocks @CNA_org @LaurelMillerICG @lawfareblog @CTCWP @RyanBaker51 @US4AfghanPeace @RANDCorporation @ashrafghani 2) The #Taliban likely don't have the manpower or the conv mil resources to seize & hold more than a few provincial capitals – & any massed attacks on the cities are likely to incur the same vulnerability to airstrikes that the mujahideen faced in their assault on Jalalabad. 38/n
@WarOnTheRocks @CNA_org @LaurelMillerICG @lawfareblog @CTCWP @RyanBaker51 @US4AfghanPeace @RANDCorporation @ashrafghani 3) The #Taliban are more likely to lay siege to #Afghanistan's cities IOT generate political concessions in #Doha than they are to “empty the madrassas” in #Pakistan for a Tet-style gambit to seize the country by force. 39/n
@WarOnTheRocks @CNA_org @LaurelMillerICG @lawfareblog @CTCWP @RyanBaker51 @US4AfghanPeace @RANDCorporation @ashrafghani 4) It is unlikely that @ashrafghani's government will be overthrown purely militarily in the next couple of years. Rather, political dynamics will decide his future and that of his government. 40/n
@WarOnTheRocks @CNA_org @LaurelMillerICG @lawfareblog @CTCWP @RyanBaker51 @US4AfghanPeace @RANDCorporation @ashrafghani I concluded: “it seems that predictions of the imminent demise of #Afghanistan’s govt are as precariously reasoned as those of Najibullah’s time. However, this is not to suggest that such an outcome is impossible.” I offered a few key indicators to watch as tests of this. 41/n
@WarOnTheRocks @CNA_org @LaurelMillerICG @lawfareblog @CTCWP @RyanBaker51 @US4AfghanPeace @RANDCorporation @ashrafghani 1) Attrition rate of aircraft; 2) Cont’d contactor support to the #ANDSF; 3) The extent to which the #Taliban went hard at provincial cities vs laying siege to them; 4) What happens to Ghani’s political coalition.

All of these indicators went south quickly after publication.42/n
@WarOnTheRocks @CNA_org @LaurelMillerICG @lawfareblog @CTCWP @RyanBaker51 @US4AfghanPeace @RANDCorporation @ashrafghani That’s a lot of recap. What have I learned from this? What should you learn from it?
@WarOnTheRocks @CNA_org @LaurelMillerICG @lawfareblog @CTCWP @RyanBaker51 @US4AfghanPeace @RANDCorporation @ashrafghani My earlier works (2016-2019) were attempts to explain what was happening & think ahead of it. Not to be predictive, but anticipatory. In this, I was (along w/others such as @JamesC0706) correct that the #ANDSF weren’t as strong as #DOD or the Afghan govt wanted to believe. 44/n
@WarOnTheRocks @CNA_org @LaurelMillerICG @lawfareblog @CTCWP @RyanBaker51 @US4AfghanPeace @RANDCorporation @ashrafghani @JamesC0706 I was (along w/various @CNA_org co-authors & others such as @VFelbabBrown & @billroggio) correct that the #Taliban’s strategy was to capture #Afghanistan from the outside in (rural to urban) & that they’d make considerable progress doing this post-US surge. 45/n
@WarOnTheRocks @CNA_org @LaurelMillerICG @lawfareblog @CTCWP @RyanBaker51 @US4AfghanPeace @RANDCorporation @ashrafghani @JamesC0706 @VFelbabBrown @billroggio I was (along w/various @CNA_org co-authors) correct that the withdrawal of US advisory & other support would result in a downward spiral of #ANDSF capability, especially after the USMIL’s switch to an attrition strategy heavily predicated on air power & #SOF raids. 46/n
@WarOnTheRocks @CNA_org @LaurelMillerICG @lawfareblog @CTCWP @RyanBaker51 @US4AfghanPeace @RANDCorporation @ashrafghani @JamesC0706 @VFelbabBrown @billroggio In 2020, I was asked—& sought—to be more predictive. In this, I was less successful & in some cases dead wrong. My net assessment predicted the #Taliban would have a *slight* military advantage. 47/n
@WarOnTheRocks @CNA_org @LaurelMillerICG @lawfareblog @CTCWP @RyanBaker51 @US4AfghanPeace @RANDCorporation @ashrafghani @JamesC0706 @VFelbabBrown @billroggio While lots of people (including many in #Afghanistan) panned me for this conclusion at the time, this turned out to be closer to accurate than most. But it was still off the mark. Why? 48/n
@WarOnTheRocks @CNA_org @LaurelMillerICG @lawfareblog @CTCWP @RyanBaker51 @US4AfghanPeace @RANDCorporation @ashrafghani @JamesC0706 @VFelbabBrown @billroggio It was too focused on tangible aspects. I included cohesion, a critical intangible, but I should have included other intangibles as well. Morale would’ve been good but very hard to ascertain. To me, in hindsight, the most important missing factor was information operations. 49/n
@WarOnTheRocks @CNA_org @LaurelMillerICG @lawfareblog @CTCWP @RyanBaker51 @US4AfghanPeace @RANDCorporation @ashrafghani @JamesC0706 @VFelbabBrown @billroggio The #Taliban waged brilliant PSYOPs during their offensive. Their narrative of inevitability was backed by whisper campaigns, outreach to political figures (nationally & locally), pics of captured weapons/gear, videos of #ANDSF surrenders + amnesty, & lots of bluster. 50/n
@WarOnTheRocks @CNA_org @LaurelMillerICG @lawfareblog @CTCWP @RyanBaker51 @US4AfghanPeace @RANDCorporation @ashrafghani @JamesC0706 @VFelbabBrown @billroggio The govt’s narratives were two-fold:

1) “It’ll all be fine after the US leaves, the #ANDSF have got this”

2) “It’s all #Pakistan’s fault. #SanctionPakistan & the #Taliban will die on the vine.”

Neither of these rang true w/anyone paying attention. 52/n…
@WarOnTheRocks @CNA_org @LaurelMillerICG @lawfareblog @CTCWP @RyanBaker51 @US4AfghanPeace @RANDCorporation @ashrafghani @JamesC0706 @VFelbabBrown @billroggio Had I included that as part of the net assessment, the balance would have been a strong #Taliban military advantage; more reflective of what we actually saw. Strong lesson on the importance of *intangible factors* in military analysis. 53/n
@WarOnTheRocks @CNA_org @LaurelMillerICG @lawfareblog @CTCWP @RyanBaker51 @US4AfghanPeace @RANDCorporation @ashrafghani @JamesC0706 @VFelbabBrown @billroggio In my @Diplomat_APAC article, I was right that Ghani’s fall would happen politically—the #Taliban victory wasn’t purely a mil one; it was a political & psychological campaign, buttressed by mil action. But I was wrong that Ghani’s fall wouldn’t happen before 2022. Why? 54/n
@WarOnTheRocks @CNA_org @LaurelMillerICG @lawfareblog @CTCWP @RyanBaker51 @US4AfghanPeace @RANDCorporation @ashrafghani @JamesC0706 @VFelbabBrown @billroggio @Diplomat_APAC 2 reasons. 1) Faulty assumptions. I assumed the pace of US withdrawal would be measured, IAW the logistical challenges @RyanBaker51 & I articulated in @WarOnTheRocks. I assumed the US would devise a plan for what came after, that included maintaining contract log/maint spt. 55/n
@WarOnTheRocks @CNA_org @LaurelMillerICG @lawfareblog @CTCWP @RyanBaker51 @US4AfghanPeace @RANDCorporation @ashrafghani @JamesC0706 @VFelbabBrown @billroggio @Diplomat_APAC I assumed the US would attempt to est a remote advisory cell to bolster #ANDSF confidence. I assumed the #Taliban would play a long game—employing siege tactics vs assaults on cities. & failing that, I assumed the #ANDSF would defend the cities. 56/n
@WarOnTheRocks @CNA_org @LaurelMillerICG @lawfareblog @CTCWP @RyanBaker51 @US4AfghanPeace @RANDCorporation @ashrafghani @JamesC0706 @VFelbabBrown @billroggio @Diplomat_APAC 2) Missing pieces. I missed how damaged the power networks in #Afghanistan’s north were. I missed how weak the warlords had become, in part b/c of @ashrafghani's deliberate undermining of them. I missed that the #Taliban had perceived these trends & sought to exploit them. 57/n
@WarOnTheRocks @CNA_org @LaurelMillerICG @lawfareblog @CTCWP @RyanBaker51 @US4AfghanPeace @RANDCorporation @ashrafghani @JamesC0706 @VFelbabBrown @billroggio @Diplomat_APAC I missed the #Taliban’s desire to push hard while the mantle of jihad against the foreign occupier remained, as opposed to standing by & watching us go. I missed the group's willingness to sustain massive casualties in an offensive vs utilizing a siege + talks in #Doha. 58/n
@WarOnTheRocks @CNA_org @LaurelMillerICG @lawfareblog @CTCWP @RyanBaker51 @US4AfghanPeace @RANDCorporation @ashrafghani @JamesC0706 @VFelbabBrown @billroggio @Diplomat_APAC I missed the *extent* to which Ghani’s govt was popularly disliked across #Afghanistan & how little people would stand up for it. I missed the *extent* of his govt’s incompetence, especially in the security sector. 59/n
@WarOnTheRocks @CNA_org @LaurelMillerICG @lawfareblog @CTCWP @RyanBaker51 @US4AfghanPeace @RANDCorporation @ashrafghani @JamesC0706 @VFelbabBrown @billroggio @Diplomat_APAC I’m sure I missed other things as well, that will only become apparent in the weeks & months to come. 60/n
@WarOnTheRocks @CNA_org @LaurelMillerICG @lawfareblog @CTCWP @RyanBaker51 @US4AfghanPeace @RANDCorporation @ashrafghani @JamesC0706 @VFelbabBrown @billroggio @Diplomat_APAC What should we take away from this? 6 things. 1) Qual analysis is hard & messy, but less so when the intent is explanatory & anticipatory. Predictive analysis is incredibly difficult. Assumptions matter enormously & need to be cont challenged via indicators of falsification. 61/n
@WarOnTheRocks @CNA_org @LaurelMillerICG @lawfareblog @CTCWP @RyanBaker51 @US4AfghanPeace @RANDCorporation @ashrafghani @JamesC0706 @VFelbabBrown @billroggio @Diplomat_APAC 2) Primary research & ground-level knowledge is critical. My earlier work benefitted enormously from frequent trips to #Afghanistan. My work over the past two years has suffered from the lack of it—multiple trips had to be cancelled due to #COVID19. 62/n
@WarOnTheRocks @CNA_org @LaurelMillerICG @lawfareblog @CTCWP @RyanBaker51 @US4AfghanPeace @RANDCorporation @ashrafghani @JamesC0706 @VFelbabBrown @billroggio @Diplomat_APAC 3) I got a fair bit right, though it was never fun or enjoyable to be right about things like the #ANDSF failing as an institution or the #Taliban winning on the ground. I like to think I improved as an analyst, though some will dispute that. 63/n
@WarOnTheRocks @CNA_org @LaurelMillerICG @lawfareblog @CTCWP @RyanBaker51 @US4AfghanPeace @RANDCorporation @ashrafghani @JamesC0706 @VFelbabBrown @billroggio @Diplomat_APAC 4) I am only human. I get things wrong. I understand the implications of getting these things wrong & feel *terrible* about them. I will pray for those affected by the things I didn’t get right & strive to do better in the future. 64/n
@WarOnTheRocks @CNA_org @LaurelMillerICG @lawfareblog @CTCWP @RyanBaker51 @US4AfghanPeace @RANDCorporation @ashrafghani @JamesC0706 @VFelbabBrown @billroggio @Diplomat_APAC 5) We are all only human. Many got this wrong. The fingers of blame are out. Beware those who point them too far beyond themselves. I accept my share of blame, tho I was never in a pos'n of authority. I encourage those who were to accept it as well. 65/n…
@WarOnTheRocks @CNA_org @LaurelMillerICG @lawfareblog @CTCWP @RyanBaker51 @US4AfghanPeace @RANDCorporation @ashrafghani @JamesC0706 @VFelbabBrown @billroggio @Diplomat_APAC 6) We must all strive to do better. The US especially must learn from this experience. Unlike its post-Vietnam experience, the US cannot just put #Afghanistan behind it. A campaign of reflection & learning must now begin. I stand ready to support it, recognized flaws & all. 66/66
Another example of a USG leader accepting blame/responsibility 👇…

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More from @JJSchroden

30 Aug
I’ve seen lots of discussion lately about #Taliban-captured weapons in #Afghanistan, much of which is ill-informed. So, I’m going to discuss five myths about this topic in this THREAD. 1/n
(Note: The format for this was inspired by this excellent “five myths about the #Taliban” article by @a_a_jackson that you should also read) 2/n…
Myth 1: The #Taliban have captured $88 billion worth of weapons & equipment.

Not true. That number is (according to @SIGARHQ) the sum total of funding appropriated (not all of which was spent) for security reconstruction (mostly, the #ANDSF) since 2002. 3/n
Read 23 tweets
14 Aug
A parable. 1/n
There was a man, who developed a rash on his hand. It wasn’t debilitating, but he desired to be rid of it. So he went to a doctor.

The doctor prescribed a cream & told the man to apply it every day. 2/n
This the man did. The rash receded, but did not disappear. The man kept applying the cream. Some time later, the rash began to expand again. Slowly, but discernibly, it was growing. 3/n
Read 5 tweets
13 Aug
I was asked today "what does the future hold for #Afghanistan?"

Rather than hazard a prediction, I went back to two of Colin Powell's questions for intel analysts: What's known? And what's unknown? 1/n
In regards to what's known, I'll assume you're familiar w/events of the last week & won't rehash it all. Suffice to say, we know the govt is in *serious trouble*

2/n Image
We also know that, despite what else they may say, western countries have concluded the collapse of Kabul is at least possible, if not probable & imminent

Read 8 tweets
12 Aug
As an analyst, I do my best to look at the available data & devise analytic frameworks to organize & make logical & transparent sense of it. This is, however, not math. The answers aren't firm. There are no scientific laws on which to rely. Much has to be assumed. 1/n
I do my best to keep track of my assumptions, to revisit them, to test them, & to gauge the risk associated with them being wrong. In this case, I assumed the #ANDSF would recognize that its advantages were in defending the cities. That they could dig in around them. 2/n
That when the #Taliban massed to take cities, the AAF could decimate them from the air. I wasn't sure how long the #ANDSF could withstand a siege & repeated assaults on the cities, but I assumed it would at least be thru this year. Those assumptions now look like poor ones. 3/n
Read 5 tweets
12 Aug
Comments on #Afghanistan from yesterday's #DOD presser w/@PentagonPresSec in this THREAD. 1/n…
MR. KIRBY: I have seen lots of press reporting this morning about assessments coming out of #Afghanistan. I know you're all interested in that, let me tell you, I am not going to talk specifically about intelligence assessments one way or the other... 2/n
...We continue to monitor the situation in #Afghanistan closely. We are mindful of the deteriorating security situation. And our focus right now remains on supporting the Afghan forces in the field where and when feasible we can from the air, as well as completing ... 3/n
Read 105 tweets
11 Aug
Comments on #Afghanistan from yesterday's #DOD presser w/@PentagonPresSec in this THREAD. 1/n…
@PentagonPresSec Q: The air strikes that the U.S. has done thus far over the past three or four weeks with some regularity, how much difference have those air strikes made on the ground, in terms of the battlefield? 2/n
@PentagonPresSec & secondly, I'd like to ask you about @SecDef's thinking on this question about the utility of limited air strikes in #Afghanistan. So as you get to Aug 31st, what is his view about, do air strikes alone by the U.S. make a decisive – can they make a decisive difference? 3/n
Read 49 tweets

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