2/The "extreme precipitation-flood paradox" arises from fact that despite abundant evidence for increasing rainfall extremes due to #ClimateChange, there is not (yet) a correspondingly clear & systematic increase in flood magnitude. nature.com/articles/s4324…
3/To address this conundrum, we use a high-resolution regional hydrologic model coupled to a high-resolution (single model) regional climate large ensemble (collectively, a "hydroSMILE") centered on hydrologic Bavaria (including parts of Germany, Austria, & Switzerland).
4/Well-calibrated regional hydrologic model large ensembles remain rare and computationally intensive, but one has been developed by our collaborators at @LMU_Muenchen and we were fortunate to be granted access for the purpose of this study. nature.com/articles/s4324…
5/Our key finding is the existence of a "precipitation extremeness threshold" that dictates the hydrologic response in a warming climate--above which flood magnitudes clearly increase but below which flood magnitude is modulated by land surface processes. nature.com/articles/s4324…
6/In general, the mechanism for this behavior appears to be related to the competing effects of increasing extreme precipitation (on the one hand) and the soil-drying effects of rising temperatures (on the other) in a warming climate. nature.com/articles/s4324…
7/This creates a situation in which more "moderate" extreme precipitation events may yield muted increases runoff/flood peaks due to antecedent dryness of the soil & landscape (i.e., the soil has more capacity to absorb water, and less enters rivers/lakes/streams), but...
8/...But the very most extreme precipitation events (i.e., those with recurrence intervals of ~20-50 years or greater) appear to overwhelm the background soil drying effect and produce large increases in flood magnitude/frequency. nature.com/articles/s4324…
9/This result is striking, since it suggests that while smaller floods may *decrease*, the largest and most destructive #floods will likely *increase*--meaning the sign of flood hydrologic response to #ClimateChange likely depends on event intensity! nature.com/articles/s4324…
10/Now, the details regarding the exact mechanisms and location of this crossover threshold do vary from catchment to catchment based on hydrologic characteristics, and are probably regionally/geographically dependent as well.
11/But we argue that the broader existence of such a hydrologic threshold is likely generalizable across much of the world--and there is indeed some emerging evidence for this in observations (see paper for further discussion). nature.com/articles/s4324…
12/These findings have two substantial implications. First, this type of threshold behavior can likely help to reconcile climatological and hydrological perspectives on changing #flood risk in a warming #climate. nature.com/articles/s4324…
13/Previous studies focused on less extreme floods, which have shown little change or even decreases, will likely be unrepresentative of changes in higher-magnitude events: robust statistical signals are unlikely to arise in datasets shorter than 100 yrs. nature.com/articles/s4324…
14/This points to an important and intrinsic limitation of observation-only studies, as well as to the critical importance of large modeling ensembles that can yield larger sample sizes for rare, high magnitude events. nature.com/articles/s4324…
15/Second, this suggests that despite historical uncertainties, large increases in flood magnitude are likely for very largest events--potentially including those unprecedented in modern record (& similar to those which have been observed in recent months).nature.com/articles/s4324…
16/That climate warming may act to decrease magnitude of (more common) moderate flood events, while simultaneously increasing magnitude of (rarest &) most extreme events, points to risk of developing a“false sense of security” based on recent experience. nature.com/articles/s4324…
17/Assuming this finding is broadly generalizable across regions, as we believe is likely, it has major implications for climate #adaptation and #flood risk mitigation activities, as well as infrastructure design, in a warming #climate. nature.com/articles/s4324…
18/Finally, I want to thank lead author @ManuelaIBrunner for being an amazing research collaborator these past few years! I wish her the best in her new role at @UniFreiburg. You can read her own thread on this research here:
California, on statewide basis, is now experiencing its worst drought in observational record going back to late 1800s--narrowly beating out peak of last drought in 2014-15 (as measured by PDSI, a metric that takes into account both precip & temperature). #CAwx#CAfire#CAwater
There is a clear trend toward increasing aridity in California--and yet little trend in mean precipitation. How can this be? A very strong warming trend due to #ClimateChange means same the amount of water falling from sky just doesn't go as far as it used to. #CAwx#CAwater
We explored this phenomena in research published in 2015 (finding that rising temps are the main factor behind increasing CA drought severity): pnas.org/content/112/13…
Dry lightning event of *some* magnitude is now looking increasingly likely across *some portions* of CA on Sun/Mon. Details to come. But first, some thoughts on potential wildfire risks posed if this comes to fruition. (Thread) #CAwx#CAfire
Usually, fewer than 1 in 10 lightning strikes actually ignites a wildland fire. These numbers can be higher if lightning is not accompanied by precip, or if lightning occurs under unusually dry conditions in dense vegetation. But in general, lightning ignition *rate* is low-ish.
A big problem thus arises when there are a very large number of dry lightning strikes. This occurred during the extraordinary and historic Aug 2020 event in Northern CA, where 10,000+ strikes were observed (and subsequently *hundreds* of fires were ignited).
Posting as heads-up to weather modeling world (not as a realistic prediction of future conditions): the (new) GFS has occasionally been spitting out completely absurd surface temperatures for CA's Central Valley. 18z run today shows 128-130F. Anyone know what's up?
An intense and very possibly record-breaking heatwave is indeed possible in that interval, but not "hottest temperature in modern history" hot. I'm assuming it's the surface scheme, but then again, the 850mb temps are absurdly high also (though maybe feedback from sfc?).
Seems as if the ECMWF is now doing something similar. Either both models share some kind of similar surface scheme bias/error that involves sporadic positive/self-reinforcing surface temp feedback during extreme events (still by far most likely), or...hmm.
Correction to give more accurate context: vegetation dryness & flammability metrics (1000hr fuel moisture & ERC, respectively) are indeed exceeding record levels for *calendar* date over most of Sierra Nevada, but *not* records for *any date.* (Phew!) (1/4) #CAwx#CAfire
For those interested, the confusion apparently arose due to a differing period of record for NorCal vs. SoCal data via the NorthOps/SouthOps GACCs. In SoCal, period of record is only ~10 years, so "any date" records less meaningful. So: data not wrong, but context is missing.
This really doesn't change the overall picture: there's still an exceptionally severe drought across all of Northern California and vegetation is still exceptionally dry--even relative to extreme values of recent years. But it's important to get the details right! (3/4)
@MichaelWWara@jtemple As I've been emphasizing recently, the *predictable* aspects of Fire Season 2021 (soil moisture/vegetation dryness) are as bad or worse as any observed historically. The level of landscape flammability--especially in denser brush & forests--is genuinely scary. BUT... (1/2)
@MichaelWWara@jtemple ...A big part of what makes certain fire seasons exceptionally severe (from lives lost, homes burned, & ecosystems damaged perspective) has substantial random component. Do ignitions primarily occur during extreme fire wx? Do we see many heatwaves/wind/dry lightning events? (2/3)
@MichaelWWara@jtemple Latter aspects are largely not predictable in advance (except perhaps frequency of heatwaves--which are indeed expected to be elevated). In 2020, we were very unlucky w/all the unpredictable elements. I hope we won't be in 2021...but that's not a good management plan! (3/3)
My perspective piece, "A shorter, sharper rainy season amplifies California wildfire risk," is now out in GRL. I discuss recent findings pointing toward shortening & sharpening wet season, & implications for ecology/wildfire. (1/17) #CAwx#CAfire#CAwateragupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.102…
This perspective is in response to a recent analysis led by Jelena Luković showing that seasonal onset of CA precipitation has become progressively delayed (by ~1 month) in recent decades, w/ shorter but sharper rainy season. Underlying paper: agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.10… (2)
Record heat, plus late arrival of seasonal rains, have played a key role in CA's extremely severe wildfire seasons in recent years. Autumn 2020 exemplified this trend: vegetation conditions were, by a wide margin, the most flammable on record.#CAfireagupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.102… (3)