Prikladna igra riječi kada se govori o @SeaDanceFest kao 👑 ove turističke sezone.
Koronavirusi su dobili ime od latinske rijeci #corona sto znači #kruna ili #vijenac jer pod mikroskopom izgledaju kao da su na površini ukrašeni krunom. (1/n) 🧵
Zbunjena činjenicom da se ovakvo okupljanje dešava pročitala sam preventivne mjere 👇 i mogu reći da su ovakve mjere mogle da doprinesu ⬇️ prenosa virusa u junu / julu ove godine, ali definitivno ne sada zato što #delta soj zahtijeva mnogo više (2/n)…
Onda sam pročitala studiju 👇 koja je uradjena posle Exit festivala u Novom Sadu, koji se desio početkom jula, i tada je od oko 700 ucesnika samo 1 osoba bila pozitivna na ulazu na festival (uporedite sa sada). Posle festivala je situacija bila ista (3/n)…
Zašto i kako? Zato što je lokalna transmisija tada bila jako niska, i zato što #delta soj nije bio dominantan. Podsjetnik - #delta soj se prenosi brže i svaka inficirana osoba - pod virusu pogodnim uslovima (čitaj gužve) - može da inficira 6-10 drugih. (4/n)
Dodatno, uslovi da se udje na Exit festival su bili strožiji, i vakcinacija je morala biti kompletna. To je za #delta soj veoma važno, jer je pokazano da osobe posle jedne primljene doze imaju jako nisku zaštitu. Antigenski testovi takodje daju često lažne - rezultate (5/n)
Festival će se održati do kraja iz poznatih razloga, ali kad se uzmu u obzir troškovi testiranja, mobilizacije zdravstvenih radnika koji sjede u Buljarici, i liječenja osoba koje će sa zabave izaći inficirane, finansijska dobit će biti smiješna (ulaznica 20 eura/noć) (6/n)
U momentu kada se djeca i roditelji pripremaju za početak školske godine, kada je lokalna transmisija toliko visoka u CG da je pitanje kako će se nastava odvijati uprkos svim mjerama, kada su bolnice svakog dana sve punije, ljudi umiru od #covid19 ...(7/n)
... druge zemlje počinju masovno da vakcinišu 3. dozom, vakcinišu se djeca starija od 12 god (kod nas još nije počelo, a kad će ne znamo), jedina smo zemlja na crvenoj listi u Evropi ... (8/n)
... onda je poslednja stvar koja ovoj zemlji i njenim gradjanima treba, parafraziram, @VladaCG@DritanAbazovic "da se radujemo muzici i dobrom raspoloženju".
@SeaDanceFest nije kruna nego pečat koji će nam ostaviti ova sezona za gradjane CG da se nose sa posledicama. (9/n)
Ja bih voljela da je drugačije, ali #vakcinisan = #relaksiran definitivno više ne drži vodu ni kod nas ni u drugim zemljama. Predlažem naivno da se sav prihod od festivala da školama da se djeci i nastavnom osoblju obezbijede dobre maske, ventilatori, gel za ruke, sapun. (10/10)
The @WHO has authorized #Sinopharm vaccine for emergency use, which is great!
The hope is that the manufacturers will participate in #Covax program @CEPIvaccines as @mariangelasimao mentioned, which is especially important for LMICs and global fight with the pandemic (1/12)
As I wrote before 👇 and as the @WHO_Europe@WHO stated in the announcement yesterday, the efficacy of #Sinopharm vaccine in older adults > 60 yo couldn't be assesses.
❓In other words - we do not know how well this vulnerable group is protected❓
Moreover the @WHO recommends that countries using #Sinopharm vaccine conduct their own safety & effectiveness studies in the older adult group.
While I am a big supporter of @WHO@WHO_Europe and everything they do, this suggestion poses a fundamental problem. Here is why👇(3/12)
A summary of my research on the #Sinopharm inactivated virus vaccine aka *BBIBP-CorV*
📝 1st report describing technology and immunogenicity / safety in primates (🧵)
📝 2nd report with Phase I/II results - 100% seroconversion, but missing phase II data for >60 group
📝 Several Phase III trials started last summer and later, but no released data yet. 86% efficacy reported from Phase III interim data from UEA Dec 2020, but only via press release (no data shown) (🧵)
Thanks to the @CEPIvaccines@WHO@EuWHOEurope#Covax and others, 24,000 doses of #AstraZeneca vaccines arrived in 🇲🇪 last week, and this is just fantastic! But as in other European countries, there is a lot of hesitancy and fear related to this vaccine. 👇🏻 (🧵)
The ministry of health @MinZdravlja made the #AstraZeneca vaccine available to all 65+ old citizens, and this is great news as they are the most vulnerable group that was not eligible for @sputnikvaccine and #Sinopharm vaccines given in previous weeks to people 70+ 👇🏻
The main fear from what I understand is related to the inconsistent recommendations about the appropriate target groups and recent reports of #thrombotic events recorded in several EU countries now. Let’s address the issues one by one 👇🏻
1. I want to applaud all the medical workers in #Montenegro - epidemiologists, support staff, technicians, nurses, doctors - who are at the front line, caring for the many sick people in the hospitals around the country (🧵1/10)
I want to make sure that what I’ll say is #not meant to indicate that the #services you provide in 🇲🇪 are not good - I know that you are doing your very best, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart (2/10)
*reminder: health services is not a synonym for health system
My comment that it doesn’t make sense to use #CFR (or as was referred to ‘lethality’) for comparisons between countries, and as a mirror of the quality of health system quality is based on the following facts (3/10)
The main findings are discussed in the 🧵 that follows (1/n)
KSHV and its cousin EBV use an envelope glycoprotein complex called gH/gL to bind to #EphA2 receptor tyrosine kinase to gain access to host cells. We set to determine the structure of the KSHV gH/gL-EphA2 complex and perform functional studies to understand the mechanism (2/n)
While we were gathering the functional data Su et al. published the 3.2 A structure and provided some interesting insights few months ago.
But under our 'no scoop good enough' mantra we kept working and obtained some cool data that we can now share (3/n)
Seemingly good news are coming from 🇲🇪 and this makes me happy, but I implore @VladaCG not to give false idea of security to its citizens. The number of detected cases dropped by 50% as their graph shows, but that is largely due to the ⬇️ numbers of tested performed daily. (1/4)
If you look at the incidence rate, it shows a very small decrease that cannot be reliably attributed to 'a better situation' in #Montenegro (2/4)
Don't be fooled that the situation will get better until most people are vaccinated. The B.1.1.7 (UK) strain that is wracking havoc around Europe now is growing in Montenegro too, it's just that we don't know which % it is at now because of the lack of sequencing (3/4)