This is particularly important for LMIC that have relied heavily on #Sinopharm administration, and while the @WHO approved this vaccine, the VE data for adults >60 yo have been missing. Now we have the comparison that clearly shows two things (2/n)
1. The 3 vaccines provide significant protection against infection, hospitalization, ICU admission and death. This is great, and it means, as expected, that the #VaccinesWork.
2. The 3 vaccines are not made equal. This means that the level of protection is not the same. (3/n)
Look at the comparison between #Sinopharm and #PfizerBNTech VE in different categories, and in particular for adults > 50 yo. #Pfizer vaccine over-performs #Sinopharm in all the categories: infection, and more importantly hospitalization, ICU and death. (4/n)
Then look at the comparison between unvaccinated people and people who received #Sinopharm. It is clear that the prognosis and chance of getting sick is way much better for the vaccinated individuals. So #Sinopharm works. (5/n)
Why am I writing all this then? It is because many LMIC, like #Montenegro, used #Sinopharm to vaccinate the most vulnerable population that had the priority because #Sinopharm was the vaccine that was available and could be obtained the fastest (6/n)
Now, some 6-8 months later these same vaccinated but vulnerable individuals have the least protection. With #delta raging around this is a problem. They will certainly do better than the unvaccinated group of the same age, BUT some will get very sick and some will die. (7/n)
What I'm advocating for is that this information is taken into account when making national strategies for 3rd dose boosts in LMIC, and that vulnerable groups that had previously received #Sinopharm - if possible - have a priority to get #Pfizer@ijzcg@MinZdravlja@VladaCG (8/n)
Sa zadovoljstvom objavljujem početak druge sezone serijala za djecu 📢 'Znanje je moć'.
Prošle godine su učesnici bila djeca iz PG i NK, a ove godine se nadam da ćemo zainteresovati djecu iz čitave Crne Gore! 👇
Teme su vezane za #nauku i naučna otkrića. Ja i gosti ćemo odgovarati na pitanja i dijeliti naše znanje i iskustvo sa djecom ⏲️ svake subote od 9-10 sati ujutro.
Proslijedite dalje, sve što je potrebno su internet konekcija i dječija radoznalost. Zoom link će biti dostupan👇
... preko adrese 📩 Pošaljite poruku sa imenom, uzrastom i iz kog grada se javljate.
S obzirom da smo na žalost još u pandemiji, od 10-10h15 ću biti dostupna za pitanja odraslih vezana za koronavirus i kovid. 👇
Prikladna igra riječi kada se govori o @SeaDanceFest kao 👑 ove turističke sezone.
Koronavirusi su dobili ime od latinske rijeci #corona sto znači #kruna ili #vijenac jer pod mikroskopom izgledaju kao da su na površini ukrašeni krunom. (1/n) 🧵
Zbunjena činjenicom da se ovakvo okupljanje dešava pročitala sam preventivne mjere 👇 i mogu reći da su ovakve mjere mogle da doprinesu ⬇️ prenosa virusa u junu / julu ove godine, ali definitivno ne sada zato što #delta soj zahtijeva mnogo više (2/n)…
Onda sam pročitala studiju 👇 koja je uradjena posle Exit festivala u Novom Sadu, koji se desio početkom jula, i tada je od oko 700 ucesnika samo 1 osoba bila pozitivna na ulazu na festival (uporedite sa sada). Posle festivala je situacija bila ista (3/n)…
The @WHO has authorized #Sinopharm vaccine for emergency use, which is great!
The hope is that the manufacturers will participate in #Covax program @CEPIvaccines as @mariangelasimao mentioned, which is especially important for LMICs and global fight with the pandemic (1/12)
As I wrote before 👇 and as the @WHO_Europe@WHO stated in the announcement yesterday, the efficacy of #Sinopharm vaccine in older adults > 60 yo couldn't be assesses.
❓In other words - we do not know how well this vulnerable group is protected❓
Moreover the @WHO recommends that countries using #Sinopharm vaccine conduct their own safety & effectiveness studies in the older adult group.
While I am a big supporter of @WHO@WHO_Europe and everything they do, this suggestion poses a fundamental problem. Here is why👇(3/12)
A summary of my research on the #Sinopharm inactivated virus vaccine aka *BBIBP-CorV*
📝 1st report describing technology and immunogenicity / safety in primates (🧵)
📝 2nd report with Phase I/II results - 100% seroconversion, but missing phase II data for >60 group
📝 Several Phase III trials started last summer and later, but no released data yet. 86% efficacy reported from Phase III interim data from UEA Dec 2020, but only via press release (no data shown) (🧵)
Thanks to the @CEPIvaccines@WHO@EuWHOEurope#Covax and others, 24,000 doses of #AstraZeneca vaccines arrived in 🇲🇪 last week, and this is just fantastic! But as in other European countries, there is a lot of hesitancy and fear related to this vaccine. 👇🏻 (🧵)
The ministry of health @MinZdravlja made the #AstraZeneca vaccine available to all 65+ old citizens, and this is great news as they are the most vulnerable group that was not eligible for @sputnikvaccine and #Sinopharm vaccines given in previous weeks to people 70+ 👇🏻
The main fear from what I understand is related to the inconsistent recommendations about the appropriate target groups and recent reports of #thrombotic events recorded in several EU countries now. Let’s address the issues one by one 👇🏻
1. I want to applaud all the medical workers in #Montenegro - epidemiologists, support staff, technicians, nurses, doctors - who are at the front line, caring for the many sick people in the hospitals around the country (🧵1/10)
I want to make sure that what I’ll say is #not meant to indicate that the #services you provide in 🇲🇪 are not good - I know that you are doing your very best, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart (2/10)
*reminder: health services is not a synonym for health system
My comment that it doesn’t make sense to use #CFR (or as was referred to ‘lethality’) for comparisons between countries, and as a mirror of the quality of health system quality is based on the following facts (3/10)