My biggest moment of disappointment in Scheer’s leadership didn’t come on election night, but instead in his comments following the first post-election caucus meeting, when he showed no willingness to learn & grow with with regard to LGBTQ Canadians
Maybe it’s my #NovaScotia bias, but I also note that the O’Toole campaign defined @PeterMacKay as an unreliable conservative during the @CPC_HQ leadership, only to have O’Toole ran to the left of not only his leadership campaign — but to MacKay’s as well - during the general
Essentially O’Toole’s strategy was a bet that victory requires conservatives to hew closer to Liberal Party positions on contentious issues like the carbon tax
As leader he was entitled to make that bet. But that strategy failed. I want to hear how he will learn and grow
Some of those defending O’Toole are respected conservatives
Others, however, come from people who are ignorant of conservative voter coalition and/or hostile to it’s success
Their dream CPC is a Liberal B-Team with lower deficits
They could use more conservative friends
As for me, there is no secret where I stand when it comes to what the CPC should do in order to grow & win. Earlier this year, I expanded on it at length in the tweets below
Liberal Premier Iain Rankin, who styles himself a progressive leader, performed his best Justin Trudeau impression saying he "she decided she was going to withdraw" and expressing sympathy.
First - not an insignificant number of people - including seniors, those with literacy challenges and those who live in rural areas will be disenfranchised by this decision. I expect precedent setting litigation #covid19nfld
2/8 Weak seams in democracy appear where least expected
Like when you vote in 🇨🇦 you first speak to a little old lady or bored undergrad who hands you a ballot & crosses off your name in a little book
If poll workers are too scared to work entire electoral process stops working
3/8 With hindsight there is hubris in @FureyAndrew’s decision to call this vote. Newfoundlanders and Labradorians don’t have a magic power that repels the virus
A lesson for 🇨🇦, too If Trudeau’s vaccine crisis hadn’t already cooled his ardour for a spring election, this may have
2/25 I want to expand on the points in that column & elaborate on how 🇨🇦conservative philosophy & policy intersect with electoral strategy of the @CPC_HQ
If you ignore strategy you get to watch Liberals govern 😡
If you ignore your principles you get to become the Liberals 😱
3/25 Here’s a start. At the risk of unfairly singling out @konradyakabuski, virtually every assumption in the story below is wrong
Conservative electoral coalition is very different than Brian Mulroney’s day. Too many commentators are stuck in 1980s
2/7 We ALL knew McKenna was lying/unserious when she said there was no plan to raise carbon tax over $50/tonne
When it comes to carbon taxes there has always been a Liberal hidden agenda
But McKenna was so excited to break this promise, she couldn't wait for after Election Day
3/7 The fact is that - if saving the planet is the REAL goal -- the current Nordhaus-based modelling that the IPCC relies on requires a carbon tax of AT LEAST $135 per tonne.
That's over 25 cents/litre in NEW tax gas taxes. At minimum. IPCC says tax could go into the $1,000s!
1/8 Some thoughts about today's plastics announcement from Trudeau.
First - Plastic litter is the among worst kinds of litter. It ruins our parks & pollutes our lakes, rivers and oceans. So a mature, balanced approach to reducing plastic should earn support across party lines
2/8 In fact it's worth noting the Trudeau Liberals are late to the party when it comes to plastics
Under the leadership of @fordnation and @RodPhillips01, the Ontario PC Government's environment plant includes serious measures to "reduce plastic waste"