On the eve of the parliamentary vote on @pritipatel’s Nationality & Borders Bill which breaches both intn’l & domestic law, hundreds of protesters gathered on Brighton beach to show that they are #TogetherWithRefugees
“The Bill assesses people’s right to claim asylum based on how they arrived rather than on their need” @RSECEO of @RefugeeTogether on how anyone arriving by ‘irregular’ routes will have less protection & security & it will be harder than ever for them to come here to seek safety.
“This cruel & inhumane piece of legislation seeks to grant immunity to Border Force officials who are complicit in the deaths of families crossing the Channel”
They found that the Bill breached intn’l human rights in 10 ways & concluded that it is “the biggest legal assault on intn’l refugee law ever seen in the UK.” theguardian.com/world/2021/oct…
“The govt is not pretending that it will spare authentic victims of persecution from punishment any longer. The mask is off. The state will treat genuine refugees as criminals” @NickCohen4
‘Safe & legal routes’ = shut down
‘Refugee visas’ = non-existent
A dangerous & misleading narrative of “invasion” is evident in the media
Last year, @BBCBreakfast & @SkyNews both sent news teams to pursue ‘migrant dinghies’ in the Channel
It appears they were using charter boats which weren’t designed, equipped or crewed for maritime rescue.
A new @amnesty report reveals how govts around the world have relied on censorship & punishment - using new legislation - to shut down reporting & target people who have been critical of govt response to #COVID19. amnesty.org/en/latest/news…
2/. Numerous countries have put in place oppressive laws including Tanzania, Russia, Nicaragua & China
In China, more than 5,500 criminal investigations were opened against people who’d published information about the outbreak in the first 2 months of the #COVID19 pandemic alone
1/. #BREAKING#COVID NEWSFLASH: The “official scientific advisers" behind the #HerdImmunityScandal were in reality were political advisors, appointed by politicians, who's advice had little or no basis in science (e.g. “Dr” David Halpern who has a doctorate in Political Science)
Occupy’s incredible positive energy was underpinned by a cohesive sense of anger at corporate greed, govt mismanagement & inequality newint.org/features/web-e…
“This is the most hopeful I’ve felt for a long time.”
For those involved those early stages of Occupy Wall St in Zuccotti Park - nicknamed Liberty Plaza - the mood was intoxicating & contagious
But as Žižek warned: “Remember carnivals come cheap. What matters is the day after”.
1/. #PandoraPapers reveal secret dealings of 330+ politicians & officials - including 35 current & former heads of state & govt
Exposé is based on a leaked dataset of 11.9 million files from all over the world & include disclosures about Tory party donors google.co.uk/amp/s/amp.theg…
2/. “The tax system is a haven of scams, perks, City deals and profits" (#TonyBlair 1994)