Find here a vizualisation of the NL data. This are all admission.
We don't have this infromation available for #Covid by age nor for C19 vaccination status by age. @rivm@hugodejonge Please publish this data.
@rivm@hugodejonge 2/ Let's zoom in on the latest months. The numbers in the age group < 30 years is vanish small. But this is the so called unvaccinated "at risk" group. It's already obvious from this that the statement from Hugo:
"the unvaccinated are flooding the hospitals"
is impossible!
3/ Let's further zoom in on ICU:
People below 30 (so the dominating unvaccinated group) are NOT in ICUs.
The vast majority (80%) is above age 50. But this group is almost fully (~90%) vaccinated.
There is some magic going on if 90% of patient are unvaccinated.
4/ What is the vaccination level by age? Around 90% above age of 50. All statements regarding that 90% of ICU occupancy are unvaccinated is mathematically impossible and not credible @hugodejonge. Please publish the above requested data.
5/ Let's show the < 29 years only. And those are all cause admissions. Children, teens and students are "stealing" the ICU places?
Please explain this @hugodejonge. They are at risk and need protection? No. But this is not new. And I'm sure that you are clever enough to know.
6/ I saved the dashboard in Tableau public.
Also this comparison 0-25 years versus all on the same y-axis scale makes it even further clear how flawed the push to vaccinate the below 25 is.
2/ I’m wondering if there are still people around today who would be able to do something like E04DGF and CVode. I doubt that anything has improved at those levels. Is E04DGF still the fastest?
3/ The problem is also, that SW will come and bite the semiconductors, so the HW itself. After having done some work with Cadence I can only say: what a mess. It’s a patch and collection of pieces that they have procured over time. But nothing is consistent across modules.
Die Folge mit Mastermind Prof. Kremsner war genial. Ich habe mich zu tode gelacht. Er spielte mit Lanz wie eine Katze mit der Maus. Minimale Antworten. Man konnte so richtig sehen wie es im Gehirn von Lanz gearbeitet hat. 😂 Ab Minute 55
Lanz: Was war das Problem mit Curevac?
K: Die Dosis.
L: Was war denn das Problem.
K: Zu niedrig.
L: Ja aber dann kann man das einfach höher machen.
K: Wie ich gesagt habe bei 12 µg war bei Phase eins das Limit wegen Nebenwirkungen.
L: Und Dosis von bei den anderen? 😂👏
2/ The story is interesting. It seems to have been long clear, that the unmodified approach isn't working. The immune system attacks unmodified RNA making higher (effective) dosing impossible.
3/ Both #Moderna and #Biontech used #Pseudouridin which allows them to have 10x higher dosage compared with the unmodified approach. The media further state, that the dose was "unfortunately" chosen too low in the CureVac trial.
1/ A great summary! After having peer reviewed many papers in the past, I can't leave this uncommented. There is just too much truth in it. But also many things missing. @markdhumphries
2/ "only one of Einstein’s 300 or so published papers was ever peer-reviewed, which so disgusted him that he never submitted a paper to that journal again."
He was not alone. Nature rejected Kary Mullis PCR paper (Nobel Price awared).
3/ Peer Review is nothing more than "please have a look". It's a basic check, not a quality endorsment. Most papers I received were Chinese low quality papers pushing into high-end journals like Phys. Rev. B or Phys. Rev. Letters. I rejected (or redirected elswhere) most of them.
Das hier ist ein großer Vertuschungsskandal, insbesondere kombiniert mit dem „Ermächtigungsgesetz“ 2.0 der sich Notbremse nennt. Der Flyer erklärt das Testproblem sehr anschaulich.
2/ Der Flyer ist eine gute Darstellung vom Satz von Bayes. Vor der bundeseinheitlichen Notbremse war er noch aufzufinden. Jetzt mit ist es aus dem Netz verschwunden. Es visualisiert dass es zu ewigen „locked-in“ Ausgangsperren kommen kann, alleine mit falsch positiven Tests.
3/ Gegen das neue Gesetzt (eine Groteske basierend auf nicht wissenschaftlichen Methoden) kann nur per Bundesverfassungsgericht vorgegangen werden, und nur als Einzelperson. Sammelklagen sind ausgeschlossen.