1. You can't gain experience from a book (or website or app or ...)
The only way you gain #experience is by doing things over time.
That's it!
No shortcuts!
No cheat codes!
And I've had the time to gain the experience which shows on my #resume & portfolio.
2. I grew up before the Internet!
The Internet's biggest #advantage can also be its biggest failure. "Just Google it!" has become the modern mantra because it's easier to find a #solution than to figure it out.
My ability to problem solve is becoming rare! And marketable!
3. Knowledge is exponential.
When I learn something new, I'm not just adding it to my previous #knowledge. I'm combining & merging it with my previous knowledge, often in combinations that have not been seen before.
These combinations can be a valuable commodity!
4. My family is my superpower
Being the head of a #family teaches you a lot of skills that are really valuable such as:
- negotiation
- #TimeManagement
- perseverance
- grit
- #ProjectManagement
- compromise
- just-in-time approach
- agile design
Some tips for the Olds:
1. Keep learning new tech 2. Be open to new ideas 3. Leverage your experience 4. Old ideas + new #tech = #innovation 5. Mentor a Young 6. Share your experience 7. Acknowledge you still have lots to learn
Some tips for the Youngs:
1. Sometimes, the old ways still work 2. #Leverage an Old's #experience 3. Find an Old to mentor you 4. Find ways to expand your experience 5. Believing you know everything should be a red flag that you don't
If you need to perform some audio editing, Audacity is a huge help. I often use it when fixing audio for a video or converting a recording for use in a phone system menu.