Welcome to Day 2⃣ of the #InDivEU Final Conference!
As always we'll be highlighting the best bits from today's panels and you can also watch LIVE ON STREAM! 👉
Check out the agenda for today! We're discussing the perspectives of different political actors on #DifferentiatedIntegration, the #SingleMarket, and Experimentalist Governance!
"We assembled a team of more than 30 researchers to study government programmes and key speeches in the EU27 2004-2019. While EU affairs featured prominently, #Differentiation played almost no part"
- Stefan Telle from @EUI_EU on the salience of DI for Europe's governments
"Our findings support the notion that #DifferentiatedIntegration is considered most as a tool to overcome gridlock"
- According to Stefan Telle's research in #InDivEU, DI is not so much an 'option' for EU policy in the EU27, but a solution to gridlock
"We assumed that DI would perhaps be seen more favourably in countries with major opt-outs such as from Schengen or the Euro. BUT in those countries, #Differentiation was not necessarily seen more positively. This is because opting out comes at a cost"
- Stefan Telle (@EUI_EU)
Decisions around #DifferentiatedIntegration are not just the prerogative of governments in power 👉 @_mlorimer from @LSEnews has been investigating the views of party actors writ-large
She interviewed multiple politicians, advisors, and more in 7 Member States
"Many party actors worry about some Member States using #Differentiation to get out of investing their own fair share in the European project"
"Respondents from wealthier & older Member States tended to be more in favour of DI than those from poorer & newer Member States"
- @_mlorimer's research shows New Member States are fearful #Differentiation would lead to their relegation to a 'second tier' of EU membership
.@_mlorimer (@LSEnews) discovered in her #InDivEU research that there was no clear divide between left, centre, and right-wing parties regarding the EU and #Differentiation 👉 much more important is which country these parties are from
"This discussion is far removed from people's everyday lives" 👉 @CatherineDVries never used the words 'Differentiated Integration' in her #InDivEU research about citizens' views of DI "because practically no one knows what these words mean
So, what DO citizens think of DI?
"'Multi-speed' Europe is less popular in the Netherlands and Sweden, whereas opt-out support is high. This is because the former is an idea that 'comes from Brussels', whereas the latter moves the country 'further away' from Brussels"
"In the @Europarl_EN, the policy is mostly in favour of unified integration, but there are a lot of complex differences: there are also those who want to leave the EU, there are also those who want to destroy the EU"
We're moving now to a Q&A session in this panel on governments, parties, and citizens: if you want to get your questions in the chat you can head over to our livestream! 👉
Welcome back to the #InDivEU Final Conference! In this next panel @BrigidLaffan moderates a discussion on DI and the #SingleMarket between @p_chiocchetti, Michael Keating, and Christian Frommelt
If you want to learn more about our speakers for this panel check out our handy guide! 👉 tepsa.eu/wp-content/upl…
How can we build closer relations with European neighbours while preserving the integrity of the #SingleMarket? @p_chiocchetti has developed a number of models for specific countries as part of his #InDivEU research
In @p_chiocchetti's research, three models are proposed: a country can chose accession, close external integration, or grow more distant to the EU"
"Useful options include deep multilateral agreements in the European Economic Area, as well as deep bilateral agreements, and even shallower agreements"
"In a context of enlargement fatigue in the EU and rising euroscepticism outside the EU, external integration remains a viable option for closer cooperation with the neighbourhhood"
- @p_chiocchetti concludes his presentation in this panel
Following @p_chiocchetti's definition and analysis of external #differentiation, we turn to @aberdeenuni's Michael Keating, whose research analyses the unique dynamics of 🇬🇧🇨🇭🇹🇷 in relation to Europe - today Michael will talk in particular about #Brexit
"In #brexit, sovereignty issues trumped market access - so the eventual deal ended up more recognisably on the #WTO model than a standard EU Association Agreement. The concept of partnership disappeared in lieu of a base free trade deal"
"We really can't predict what will happen in the EU-UK relationship: the tough lines on both sides, the difficulties of equivalence, and the sheer complexity of the agreement"
"There is a real prospect of a breakup of 🇬🇧 as a result of #brexit, and of the different parts of the UK re-integrating to different levels after that breakup"
"The secret to success for external integration is flexibility: being pragmatic is the key to finding a balance between maintaining autonomy and ensuring efficiency"
"The vision of #sovereignty which has triumphed in England is different from the vision of sovereignty in Scotland, or in Northern Ireland - in other words the UK is a bit like the EU in that way"
"Even within external integration there is #differentiation, leading to some difficulty in defining terms like external differentiation and internal differentiation against each other"
- Christian Frommelt on the difficulties of distinguishing between different versions of DI
"The UK does have the potential to compete with an undermine the #SingleMarket whereas other countries can't" - Michael Keating, @aberdeenuni
Is #Brexit a game-changer for external #differentiation?
"It could have been if it ended in an agreement that would allow more integration. The real game changer would have have been an institutional framework agreement between 🇨🇭 and 🇪🇺" - Christian Frommelt, @LieInstitut
"I see more rigidity in Europe when dealing with third countries after #Brexit, with the desire to clearly distinguish between membership and external integration" - @p_chiocchetti, @EUI_EU
On that note @BrigidLaffan closes this panel on External DI and the integrity of the #SingleMarket 👉 thanks to our panellists @p_chiocchetti, Michael Keating, and Christian Frommelt
And tune back in at 14:30 CET for our next panel!
Welcome back to the #InDivEU Final Conference! We're about to start our final panel on Flexible Implementation, Experimentalist Governance, and Diversity in 🇪🇺➡️ those are all scary sounding words, but our great panel is here to illuminate us!
"Flexible Implementation has always been a part of EU law, most obviously in Directives. But still there is no explicit attention given to the concept as a way to accommodate the EU's diversity"
To explain 'Experimentalist Governance' we turn to @UvA_Amsterdam's Jonathan Zeitlin: "national, regional and local authorities are allowed to implement policy in such a way as best suits their local context; these lower-level units are meant to report back to ensure success"
"Permanent DI is a pretty blunt instrument. It's a binary: you embrace it or reject it. DI in the 'Experimentalist Governance' form allows us to move past such gridlock by bringing to the fore the diversity of each local system"
"All the understandings of DI are useful when we discuss the facts: all the EU27 are very different. Different geographies, histories, economies, cultures. The EU as a project should aim to more convergence, not less."
"When you negotiate Membership, you begin to understand #differentiation: how far you are from the standard you have to apply as a Member. Negotiating is more about reaching that standard than negotiating away from it"
"Croatia wants to become a fully integrated Member State. Hopefully in the next year or 2023 we will make a next step: the citizens want the same opportunities as any other citizens"
"I support what Amb. @IrenaAndrassy has said: convergence should always be the aim. The more DI we have, the more complexity we have. Uniform rules are a preference, but of course we understand that we need to take diversity into account"
"I am heartened by the extent to which the #InDivEU project was a success given the complications posed by #COVID19 since early 2020: the #InDivEU project only met in person once"
"This is not the end of the #InDivEU project, we have more activities coming up; and #InDivEU will not be the end of research on DI: #Differentiation will remain a key feature of the EU and of EU studies"
"There is no final word on anything to do with European integration, you will have much more to study in the coming years"
- TEPSA Secretary-General @CloosJim on the future of #InDivEU and DI research
"Diversity is a fact of life in the EU, and DI is a way of handling that diversity. It is linked to the nature of the EU and the perception of the EU citizens: 'one size fits all' is not always a good solution"
"For me there was a lot in this Final Conference that I found interesting. Overall, while DI can give rise to some risks and fears, DI has always allowed the EU to move forward"
- TEPSA Secretary-General @CloosJim, longstanding EU practitioner, formerly of the @EUCouncil
On that note, TEPSA Secretary-General @CloosJim formally closes the #InDivEU Final Conference "A Differentiated Future for the European Union?"
If you want to learn more about the #InDivEU project you can check out the project's website 👉 indiveu.eui.eu
... and before we bring an end to this thread we will also thank @EUI_EU and @ETH_en for their support in the #InDivEU project & final conference, as well as to all our speakers over the last two days, from the #InDivEU consortium and beyond!
While we're on a break from the #InDivEU Final Conference, let's return to our upcoming book "European Solidarity in Action and the Future of Europe: Views from the Capitals"
Yesterday we heard the 🇸🇰 perspective, today we're teaming up with @oegfe for the continuation
We're broadcasting LIVE on Facebook, so go follow along there!
"I see an overall danger. We have so many influences from outside: Russia, the USA, capital, and many more who invest so much in splitting society [...] No society can work if you have such divides"
- @Evelyn_Regner MEP on the dangers posed to Europe in 2021
The #InDivEU Final Conference starts TODAY! Welcome to Day 1 - we've got a bunch of great panels on #DifferentiatedIntegration and the #FutureofEurope so make sure to tune in to our 📺 LIVESTREAM 👉
Today we're highlighting the key moments of the conference right here on Twitter, but you can also follow our livestream if you want to tune in to our agenda!
We're currently having some brief words of welcome from Lucia Mokrá, Chairperson of the TEPSA Board, and Frank Schimmelfennig, #InDivEU's Scientific Lead
If you want to learn more about what's coming up today, read our event agenda 📖👉 tepsa.eu/wp-content/upl…
“European Solidarity: (Mis)interpretation in Slovakia” is about to go LIVE on #zoom! Make sure to tune in while you still can for the views on European #solidarity from 🇸🇰
Lucia Mokrá, Chairperson of the TEPSA Board gives a presentation of the 🇸🇰 chapter of "European Solidarity in Action and the Future of Europe: Views from the Capitals", which she co-authored with Andrea Figulová, this event's moderator
We welcome @koztoma, Director-General for Europe at @SlovakiaMFA, who speaks about defining solidarity, interpreting solidarity, and Slovakia's experience with solidarity
This episode we're joined by @MichaelKaeding, co-editor of "European Solidarity in Action and the Future of Europe: Views from the Capitals"
Together with @_PaulSchmidt and @JohannesPollak, Michael has co-edited the book, which analyses 41 European countries from the perspective of European #solidarity - but the main question is: "does European solidarity actually exist?"
"On the one hand you have Ireland being showered with #solidarity during the #Brexit negotiations; on the other hand you have Poland which sees European solidarity as a one-way street"
"European Solidarity: Perspectives from the Southern Member States" is about to start! If you haven't already, join us and @iprinova on #Zoom to discover the Southern views on #COVID19 and #EuropeanSolidarity
We will be highlighting our debate: it takes place in the framework of TEPSA's new book "Solidarity in Action and the Future of Europe", edited by @MichaelKaeding (@unidue), Johannes Pollak (@WebsterVienna), and @_PaulSchmidt (@oegfe), who is moderating this event
"Different countries, depending on their history and culture, have different viewpoints on #solidarity [...] you will find in this book 41 contributions from 41 experts from 41 European countries"
- @_PaulSchmidt explains the rationale of exploring "Views from the Capitals"