2/Here are those data broken out by age group. Every fully vaccinated age group has a lower risk than every unvaccinated group.
3/The impact of vaccination on risk of death from #COVID19 is even more stark.
In October, an unvaccinated person had a 14X higher risk of dying from COVID19 compared to a fully vaccinated person.
4/In terms of risk of death by age, a fully vaccinated 80+ y/o has roughly the same risk of death from #COVID19 as an unvaccinated 50-64 year old.
Same with a fully vaccinated 65-79 y/o and an unvaccinated 30-49 y/o.
5/What role do boosters play?
In Oct, an unvaccinated person had a 10X higher risk of testing positive for COVID compared to a boosted person.
6/The impact of boosters on death rates is even more striking.
In Oct, an unvaccinated person had a 20X lower risk of dying from #COVID19 compared to a fully vaccinated person with an additional/booster dose.
Not many medical interventions can achieve that.
7/Let's look at hospitalization by vaccine status.
For adults, the cumulative #COVID19 associated hospitalization rate was about 8X higher in unvaccinated persons (blue line) compared with vaccinated ones (green line).
1/There are so many things going on with #COVID19 right now. In some respects, it seems like March 2020 again, even though it's not.
One reason COVID19 is bewildering right now is that no one is going the same speed on the highway.
2/On the highway, people driving faster than you are maniacs.
And people going slower than you are pokey.
3/Right now, in the face of Omicron, COVID is similar.
No two people conceive of their COVID risk in precisely the same way. That creates mismatches of perception, much like driving down a long stretch the highway.
I would like to distill what we know, what we do not know, and what this all means for you right now.
2/On 11/26/21, the @WHO officially designated B.1.1.529 (#omicron) a "variant of concern."
It cited a "large number of mutations, some of which are concerning" and "preliminary evidence" of "an increased risk of reinfection with this variant.."
3/In short, scientists are concerned because #omicron exhibits an unusual number of mutations across the #SARSCoV2 genome, with >30 on the spike protein.
The spike is the part of the virus that allows it to gain access to human cells and reproduce. (h/t @_nference)
1/A recurring refrain I hear about #COVID19#vaccines is, "Why should I get the shot since I can still get COVID after?"
I want to discuss why that isn't exactly an accurate assessment why it doesn't accord with the way that most of us think about risk in our daily lives.
2/Let's start with the core notion: that you can still get #COVID19 after being fully #vaccinated.
That is true. But the statement lacks critical context. While you can still get COVID after getting a vaccine, you are MUCH less likely to do so.
The relative risk matters.
3/At baseline, the #COVID19 vaccines have an effectiveness of around 80-90%.
Vaccine effectiveness is a measure derived from clinical trials and calculates the relative risk of being affected in a vaccinated population vs. an unvaccinated one.
1/We are all tired of #COVID19. But the virus, sadly, is not done with us.
If you're looking to help your fellow Mainers through this difficult time, there's something you can do: volunteer with Maine Responds (maineresponds.org).
2/Maine Responds is our state's public health #volunteer network.
Hundreds of your neighbors are using their skills to help the entire state’s #publichealth system.
And it's an impressive, well-oiled machine. Some quick stats 👇🏾
3/Since March 2020, Maine Responds has built a #COVID19 response team of 519 activated #volunteers.
They've donated 38,917 hours during 6,474 shifts.
The #volunteers have carried out 34 distinct missions - both one-time as well as sustained, long-term efforts.