Yes… the famous hexagon… from our beloved #bees 🐝 but wait… there is more…
when you take a deeper look through #nature you realize how very fascinating it truly is…”interacting feedback loops” “information carriers in these systems” regeneration through PIN proteins…
…and then you arrive to the #human… #Perimysium and also our largest newly discovered organ… #Interstitium and well by the same logic of feedback loop of plants, and #hgtp we realize that the ancient #Sanskrit “science” of #nadis represent a match…
I also talked about the #nadis in my pinned video… if you want to better understand it… they help/block the flow of energy through their paths and our chakra system…
in #matrix4 we learn that the Analyst rebuilt Neo’s body… but how is that possible??? It is a living flesh… not a computer… well… I’m glad you asked… [I know it is a movie]
I’m not gonna get into the movie details of his source code not working and using Trinity’s and their #love… however it is possible per science in basics to rebuilt a body… and we can use #nature and #dag to truly understand it.
The same way as @Conste11ation ‘s #HGTP#DAG is capable of connecting to everything… so are we and so is everything in our body… as we are electromagnetic beings and were built on the same principles… DAG is the key to the future based on the laws of nature &ancient knowledge
I am an #engineer by grade, but my mind works #mysterious ways 🙈😂 and perhaps that’s the reason that after somewhat understanding the technology behind #DAG@Conste11ation and also seeing the connections that I’m seeing… and knowing that the #USAF supports them I do too 💚😎💚
“Magnetic fields are the essential, but often "secret" ingredients of the interstellar medium and the process of making stars.”…
Did you know that per Alchemy one of the two main ingredients of the philosopher’s stone is magnesia??? Aka Magnesium [special thanks to @mariahkcg1 ]
Thread on Ezra.. as my mind is blown away again...
Ezra —> עזרא
Ezra in Hebrew means —> HELP OR HELP OF GOD. I did not know that and with that my search and reading took me on a mind blowing path... talking about “Biblical”
So I just watched the movie: Valerian (thank you @JasonQ38367909) and I had a thought (well many but I share that one). What did general Filitt say when talking about why he had to do it? If you watched it you do know he never mentioned that we were in a war with an alien race.
But everywhere you look the plot is explained by “an unspecified alien ship” got shot down which then destroyed planet Mül.
Interesting on somewhat the same thought-train “swallow-a-red-hot-ironball which you can not spit out even if you try” 👈🏻REDPILL 👉🏻THE GATELESS GATE👉🏻”like a dumb man who has had a dream” 👉🏻ENERGY👉🏻”I am not a human being”