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Mar 24th 2023
Day 10 of #100dayswithMachineLearning

Topic - Data Engineer Vs Data Analyst Vs Data Scientist Vs ML Engineer

Do you want to start a career in the field of #DataScience #MachineLearning but confused about the different job titles available in this Data-Driven career and the appropriate skill sets needed to excel in one

#Data powers today's world ransformed radically by #data @avizyt Image
This article aims to demystify the different job titles for #datascience and #machinelearning based career paths. We would look into some job titles such as #DataAnalyst, Data Scientist, Data Engineer, and Machine Learning #Engineer

Blog Link -…
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Feb 19th 2023
State of the #Cloud 2023: An in-depth report on the latest trends and risks ⛈

#cloudsecurity #CNAPP #CISO #Engineer

Report highlights in thread 🧵 or download the full report for free here 👇…
☁️ The responsibility of #security professionals to stay up-to-date on the state of the #cloud has never been greater.

🛡 With cloud adoption continuing to grow, it is crucial to proactively address potential threats and ensure secure deployment of solutions.

☁️ The number of API calls increased by 15% in #AWS, 20% in #Azure, and 45% in #GCP, leading to expanded attack surfaces.

👨‍🏫 57% of companies use more than one #cloud platform, requiring greater knowledge from #cloudsecurity teams.

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Feb 7th 2023
NEW: Lotta articles dropping today about Elon Musk & Twitter, and none of it is good.

A long-term fix doesn’t just involve getting Twitter’s costs under control. It has to involve making Twitter a better place for most people to spend time.
Twitter’s expenses have definitely gone down. That happens when a company lays off half its workers, watches more resign, and then simply doesn’t pay severance to many of them.
#elonmusk #elonQ
Though it created the most obvious immediate problems, I don’t think Musk’s redpilling will be the thing that destroys Twitter’s advertising business. Musk apparently loves being friends with right-wing Twitter users and trolls, and he has unbanned some of them.
Read 8 tweets
Dec 29th 2022
If you want to become a better #structural #engineer, you should learn programming.
Knowing how to code can help you advance your career by improving yourself in the the following areas:

A.k.a. my top 10 reasons to learn #programming:
(6 "hard" + 4 "soft" skills)

A thread 🧵>
Soft Skills:
1./ The most obvious:
-- Problem solving --
Improve your problem-solving skills and logical thinking by learning to dissect more complex problems into smaller, more manageable ones, and tackling them one by one
-- Communication and collaboration --
Learn to communicate your ideas more effectively to other professionals and teammates, by being able to break down more complex problems into smaller bites.
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Nov 11th 2022
A giant ship's engine broke down,the ship’s owners tried one ‘professional’ after another but none of them could figure out how to fix the broken engine and no one could repair it, so they hired a Mechanical #Engineer with over 40 years of experience. Image
He inspected the engine very carefully, from top to bottom. After seeing everything, the engineer unloaded the bag and pulled out a small hammer.
He knocked something gently. Soon, the engine came to life again. The engine has been fixed!
A week later, the owners received an invoice from the old man for $20,000.
What?! the owners exclaimed. “He hardly did anything..!!!”.
So they wrote to the man; “Please send us an itemized invoice''
Read 5 tweets
Apr 17th 2022
5 Takeaways from the Book "Rework"!! 📚

[A Thread 🧵]

#bookreview #rework #business
1. ASAP is poison. 🚫

The term "as soon as possible" has no defined definition. As a result, you may not be able to precisely prioritise items in this case.
2. Meetings are toxic.🤝

We just debate, compare, and quarrel in meetings, and we pay less attention to work. On the contrary, if we want anything useful to happen, we should organise workshops.
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Mar 3rd 2022
These views never seize to amaze! 👀The Giza pyramid complex (Giza necropolis) أهرامات الجيزة is the site on the Giza Plateau in Greater #Cairo, Egypt that includes the Great #Pyramid of #Giza, the Pyramid of Khafre, & the Pyramid of Menkaure, & the Great #Sphinx #Archaeology
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Mar 3rd 2022
Abu Simbel أبو سمبل are 2 massive temples cut in sandstone along a cliff in #Egypt. The complex is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site known as the Nubian Monuments. The complex was relocated in its entirety in 1968 on an artificial hill. #Archaeology #history #ancientEgypt
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Jan 6th 2022
THREAD on #Shakespeare #DAG and the #bees … yes… you read that right… 🙈
1. To #bee or not to be… that is the #question… by Shakespeare
2. #Skakespeare ‘s #love of life was Anne Hathaway…🙈 (forget the current one and that her husband looks like Shakespeare🙈)
Read 22 tweets
Dec 7th 2021
1/19 @swapleonicorn #Crypto #BSC $LEOS $LEON
- What is it?
- Who are the people behind it?
- What are it's future plans?
- Why do I think it's essential?

Here's my write up to give insight into this hot, trending project. As always #DYOR and #NFA.
2/19 #LEONICORNSWAP is a #BSC advanced AMM (#DEX) which seems focused on #Security as it's prime objective, with features such as #lottery, #NFTs #marketplace, #IDO (IJOs), #Staking and many other features that are yet to be announced. (See Road Map)
3/19 Lets delve deeper into the objectives of the #DEX. As I previously mentioned, #Security seems the number one priority, audited by @hackenclub and @certik_io. Something we are all unfamiliar with on the #BSC network is the common #RUG pull security issues with #IDO (presales)
Read 22 tweets
Oct 7th 2021
A petición de @ramloarc vamos a empezar a compartir más contenido #backend

Empezando con lo que trabajo en GitLab.

¿Cómo aprendí #rails #ruby ?

La vieja confiable documentación.

Pásenle que hay mucho trabajo remoto…
@ramloarc Si de verdad quieren entender el funcionamiento del MVC de Rails,

hagan una prueba creando una mountable app, que en #rails serian #railsengines

@ramloarc Hace 3 años, hice una prueba técnica básica,

Crear una API con #ruby #Rails y luego mostrar esos datos en un grafico de lineas.

Por acá pueden echarle un ojito

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Oct 2nd 2021
Studies have found that leaders who focus on the strengths of their teams have better outcomes both in terms of business and employee engagement.
As an engineering manager, do you know what are your strengths of your team members? As a software engineer, what skill is your single greatest strength?
As a senior engineering manager who was once a software developer, I’d say my ability to think and act like a CEO was my greatest strength that has helped me in my career growth and progression.
#developer #engineer #engineeringmanager #careerintech
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Sep 14th 2021
A #story of an #afternoon of 1971 #Bengal.
A beautiful,fair glowing skinned,#generalclass, #traditional, #Hinduwoman used to live with her #husband (who used to work in railways) and her 15yrs old #son & 4 years old #Daughter.
She was also a prime worshipper of Maa Durga...
Some years ago, when her #son was of 13 yrs, he started showing his interest in #Politics and started being with #hinduextremists.
He also started going to #akharas,for #gym work and #shastravidya.
Onto which he was #punished by not given #food for a #day by...
his mother, as she wanted him to be an #Engineer and become #rich.
The son left his interest, and started #studying in guidence of his #mother.
It was the time of #Bangladeshliberation #war, when he went to a nearby #Temple with his mother and #sister one #evening ...
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Jul 5th 2021
🎉 I'm super excited to announce that I recently joined Univeris as a Site Reliability Engineer.
I am highly passionate about Site reliability engineering and DevOps engineering, and it's been a wonderful experience working at Univeris, managing infrastructure at a large scale.
Moreover, it's going great learning and implementing in-demand tools and technologies along with their best practices. I'm glad to be a part of this esteemed organization as a part-time engineer.
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Jun 2nd 2021
I had attended a webinar recently and learnt something incredibly unique! I discovered that you could be a Data Scientist, but having a #specialisation is IMPORTANT!

What is a "specialisation"? How many kinds of specialisations are there in #DataScience Domain?

Thread🧵 Image
One can acquire all the skills of a Data Scientist, but having specialisation in a particular skill can set you apart from the rest. It can be anything! You can analyse data as no one else; data visualisation or database management (#DBMS) could be your niche.🤩
☑️Data Visualisation
If you have a knack for producing beautiful graphical representations from the data, this could be your domain of specialisation, and you could become a Data #Visualisation Engineer. Image
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May 27th 2021
Generally speaking #infrastructure is defined as the basic #physical systems of any #business, #region, or that of any #nation... including #transportation systems, #communication #networks, #sewage, #water supply & #electrical #grid systems. #BuildBackBetter #logistics #stimulus
Various types of #infrastructure #construction based projects typically drive the bulk of conversations amongst those of us vested in the arduous process of "progress" moving forward.
#Highway improvement, #street & #road maintenance & #bridge building commonly take center stage.
Mass #transit, #airport & #airways, #municipal #WaterSupply, #waste management along with waste #Water #management,
#power generation & #transmission, #HazardousWaste removal & #storage ALL must be considered while addressing basic underlying societal frameworks. #sustainability
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May 23rd 2021
Beware of blue check (w/ few exceptions). #UHN offers ice cream & music in exchange for those willing to take 1st experimental injection - w/ emphasis on #children, 12 yrs of age & up.

UHN Partners:

1. BlueRock
3. Technion

#4IR #Biotech #Vaccines #CndPoli #tdot
"BlueRock is using its unique cell+gene platform to direct cellular differentiation & #genetically #engineer #cells to create an entirely new generation of cellular medicines in the areas of neurology, cardiology, & #immunology."

#UHN partner #CCRM: "A network of academics, industry & entrepreneurs, CCRM translates scientific discoveries into marketable products." CCRM launched in #Toronto on June 14 2011.

The "free" experimental shots will be manufactured by CCRM partner #Pfizer.
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Apr 20th 2021
SaaS-y salaries are 30% more than traditional IT services — and they’re making it tougher for traditional IT service firms to find the right talent…

By @pabsgill
@pabsgill If you’re an #Engineer in India, the job market is tough. There’s a lot of competition and companies are selective about who they hire. But one thing that can give you an edge over other candidates is the right set of skills — SaaS-y skills.

#SaaS #IT
@pabsgill India’s software-as-a-service (#SaaS) market is still young, but that’s where the real money is, if you’re an #Engineer. The demand is overflowing, especially after the #COVID19Pandemic’s ‘digital transformation’ wave.
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Mar 10th 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 03/10/2021…
Adaptation, not irrigation, recommended for Midwest corn farmers…

#adaptation #agriculture #midwest #CornProduction
Chemical signal in plants reduces growth processes in favor of defense…

#PlantGrowth #ChemicalStimulus
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Sep 13th 2020
As an #engineer I like to plan things out (only to see those plans inexplicably fall apart), and so the idea is that today I will talk about my background and why came to love the space sector.
On Monday I’ll introduce where I work with a bit of a history lesson, then on Tuesday I will talk specifically about my current job role and what “optical systems engineering” really means. All whilst keeping you engaged with vaguely entertaining GIFs.
On Wednesday I’m aiming to ask you guys a bunch of questions, then on Thursday I will talking space-culture (think books, movies, podcasts etc.).
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Aug 22nd 2020
Over the last few months the DIY #engineer in me has been busy turning the family home to #smarthome via a plethora of #IOT products. In the thread below are few of my observations and a possible glimpse into where I see this space moving. Always happy to receive feedback.
1/n So one of the first steps before going #Smarthome is to identify the ecosystem you wish to plug your home into. Now the two primary options that most users should choose are @Google & @amazon #Alexa. Over an above these you have exotic options which I stayed away from.
2/n I nailed my choice down to @alexa99 for these reasons. 1) A ton of compatible products available on @amazonIN. 2) #Echo input devices available by the dozen fitting all sizes from dot to spot to show etc. 3) Relative ease of setting up once you get a hang of it. 4) #Alexa!
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Aug 3rd 2020
Engineering a City #thread
Having spent my entire childhood in #Kochi (#Cochin ), it feels criminal to not know the story of how the city came to be the #metropolis it is today. Putting together a thread to trace the journey of the city which has been so endearingly mine (1)
Part 1: The #Malabar Mud-Banks
The story of Cochin is not just about how an engineering marvel can change social fabric, but also of many tenets of #British #Colonialism in India which is often taken for granted, passed off lazily as exploitation, missing nuance (2)
As with any coastal town, the cultural and economic history of Kochi is intertwined with maritime trade routes since the time of the Early Romans and Arabs. Thanks to the #biennale , most of us would now be familiar with the term #Muzuris (3)
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Jul 30th 2020
#CCP #READ strategy: "We are the most advanced in #AI so you must open your colleges, universities, research labs, AI start ups & AI companies to (#CCP approved) Chinese students, researchers, professors, current & retired #PLA officers, #PartyCapitalists, for mutual benefit"
2/read #CCP #READ (#SREAD, but s is silent in S for spy 🤓)
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Jun 27th 2020
A thread: How I prepared for a #tech role in #FAANG
1. Technical preparation of #python and #SQL
2. Behavioral and cultural screen with @Latesha_Byrd
3. Deep dive on department domain and current tools and techniques
Technical preparation included practicing @LeetCode and @CodeSignalCom for #SQL and #python. I started to time myself and also spoke out loud what I was doing and why to get familiar with #whiteboarding etiquette. I also had my friends mock interview me.
I also utilized @TeamBatcode for more #python practice with primitive #datastructures and #Algorithms. It was consistent practice while talking out loud. I probably worked through about 50-60 problems.
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