If you are, you are probably under-researched
or following some FUDsters that are 1 Coin MAXI's
Before continuing to talk down on a regulated network that's working with Tier 1 Banks
Please answer the ?'s below
Have you researched the following: 1. What is the ITFA? 2. What is Enigio? 3. What is the TFD Initiative? 4. What is the ITFA's DNI Initiative? 5. What token does the DASL bridge use for R3? 6. What is TradeFinex? 7. Who is ADGM? 8. @AndreCasterman is transforming capital markets
Please do yourself the favour and take an hour to research all those.
Great description for beginners of what Distributed Ledger Technology is.
World bank mentions lack of interoperability but there are two great solutions for that: 1. @quant_network - #Overledger Solution 2. @Interledger - Interledger Protocol ILP
A citizen's vision on the future of the global trade finance industry and some of the main players leading the 4th Industrial Revolution in the global supply chainπβοΈ
This is a technical deep-dive thread on regulated technology initiatives
Digitalization of documents will automate and remove the mess and expense of paper (eTRs). It will also create an auditable fraud detectable ledger of transactions in which will collect big data that AI can learn from to improve efficiency #DLT#Blockchain
Digital documents create a "Digital Twin" that is fully trackable through the lifecycle of the trade documents journey. Paper documents could not do this.
This will allow ports and shipping companies to see where their items are in transit and what to expect
This represents a lack of funding for small and medium enterprises around the world
40% of global SMEs face loan rejection
Digitalization in trade will help close the gap but global standards and legislation are required to realize this potential *UNCITRAL < MLETR dDOC standard
To understand how big those numbers are let's look at the perspective instead of dollars let's convert it to time:
One trillion seconds of ordinary clock time =
( 1012 sec)/( 3.16 x 107 sec/yr) = 31,546 years!
1.8 Trillion $ = 56,782 years
ICC doc 5 Trillion $ = 157,730 years