1. Relative vs absolute risk reduction: Vaccine effectiveness has always been calculated using RRR; there is no secret statistical conspiracy. This explains in more detail: reuters.com/article/factch…
ReducciĂłn del riesgo relativo frente al absoluto: la eficacia de la vacuna siempre se ha calculado utilizando RRR; no hay ninguna conspiraciĂłn estadĂstica secreta. Esto explica con más detalle: www-reuters-com.translate.goog/article/factch…
2. Early unblinding equals no long term safety data. No, safety monitoring has been happening since the release of the vaccinations in Dec 2020, by every major national health authority @CDCgov ,@TGAgovau@EMA_News , and many more. The vax are the worlds most scrutinized vax.
El desenmascaramiento temprano significa que no hay datos de seguridad a largo plazo. No, el monitoreo de seguridad ha estado ocurriendo desde el lanzamiento de las vacunas en diciembre de 2020, por parte de todas las principales autoridades nacionales de salud.
3. Pfizer vaccinations caused an increased risk in illness - No. The onset of new variants made the efficacy of the vaccination decrease. The modern variants are more able to evade immunity.
Las vacunas de Pfizer provocaron un aumento del riesgo de enfermedad - No. La aparición de nuevas variantes hizo que la eficacia de la vacuna disminuyera. Las nuevas variantes son más capaces de evadir la inmunidad.
4. The adverse events increased - No, you reach this conclusion by only reading VAERS and performing no additional analysis. VAERS specifically says not to analyze adverse events in this way. The ACIP does more sophisticated analyses: cdc.gov/vaccines/acip/…
Los eventos adversos aumentaron: no, se llega a esta conclusiĂłn solo leyendo VAERS y sin realizar ningĂşn análisis adicional. VAERS dice especĂficamente que no se analicen los eventos adversos de esta manera. Preguntalo al SEFV-H: aemps.gob.es/medicamentosUs…
5. Deaths increased after COVID vaccination: no, if I wave my hands today there will be deaths in the next year. It doesn't mean they are related. These cases deserve meticulous physician review, not Rumble.com videos.
6. Pfizer skipped steps in the trials - No actually, all major FDA/EMA approved vaccinations completed all steps of the vaccine trials correctly but did some steps simultaneously to help speed things up during the pandemic. hackensackmeridianhealth.org/en/HealthU/202…
Pfizer se saltó pasos en los ensayos. No, en realidad, todas las principales vacunas aprobadas por la FDA/EMA completaron correctamente todos los pasos de los ensayos de vacunas, pero realizaron algunos pasos simultáneamente para ayudar a acelerar las cosas durante la pandemia.
7. Wrong age for target population - No, now we know that all age groups are affected by COVID-19, even newborns and infants (who may get croup/ multisystem inflammatory syndrome). Vaccination benefits all approved age groups.
8. Tested on the healthy, given to the sick - No, if you actually read the clinical trial summaries, people with certain comorbidities were included (document below is the 5-11 age group). fda.gov/media/153409/d…
Probado en personas sanas, dado a los enfermos - No, si realmente lee los resĂşmenes de los ensayos clĂnicos, se incluyeron personas con ciertas comorbilidades (el documento aqui es el grupo de edad de 5 a 11 años)
9. Pregnant women were excluded - They were excluded from the initial trials but, they are now extremely well studied and vaccinating them, has been shown to be very safe and effective. Vaccination protects against COVID in pregnancy which can be very bad.
Las mujeres embarazadas fueron excluidas - Ahora están extremadamente bien estudiados y se ha demostrado que vacunarlas es muy seguro y efectivo. La vacunación protege contra el COVID en el embarazo que puede seria. espanol.cdc.gov/coronavirus/20….
25. Getting that Pfizer library of vax clinical trial data - its fine to look at it, but remember that Pfizer didn't approve their own vaccine. Its taking time to release the documents because all federally protected patient information and company trade secrets must be deleted.
17. Myocarditis mortality is 20% at 6.5 years/ Clots form in your heart - This is a misrepresentation of an adult myocarditis study. Clots can happen after vax, but they are far more common w/ SARS-COV2. The people who scare you about myocarditis usually aren't the cardiologists.
10. Control groups didn't control for previous infection - we're getting better at predicting old COVID infection but current tests have their limitations. Given that these limitations were worse at the beginning of the trials, it is highly likely that they were included.
How to determine what a genuine scientific debate looks like. Citation credits: Dr Nini Munoz.
TLDR: 1. Not all things in science are debatable. Pundits would have you think otherwise. 2. General debate tactics don't necessarily fly in scientific debate.
Witness an example of a really well done scientific debate on Quantum physics (citation credits @WorldSciFest :
#MedTwitter Hi again from your neighborhood cardiologist - This article from the UK is getting quite a lot of interest because it has worked harder in determining the incidence of COVID vaccine myocarditis after boosters. Let's think through this one. medrxiv.org/content/10.110…
#Vaccineswork#COVID19#COVID19France#COVID19Vic#tweetiatrician The structure of their study is essentially that they looked at 42 million Brits >13 years of age and checked, based upon national medical records, whether or not they had COVID disease myocarditis, Vax myo, and...
Which dose and which vaccine it happened after (COVID disease, Moderna, Ox-Astra Zeneca, or Pfizer). They found some data that correlate with the prior Nature study at nature.com/articles/s4159… .
#Medtwitter#Cardiotwitter for the crowd who thinks docs aren't reliable sources of information on COVID vaccines, please consider hearing it directly from this patient who almost died because she waited for Novavax. Translated from DE. Please hear it from @citoyen_lauris .
After a month's break on Twitter, I'm back with my personal Covid experience.
I've been back from the hospital for three days - 19 days of which have been in the intensive care unit. With my new constant companion, the home oxygen.