A thread on how lots of people waking up to #RussianAggression on 24 February and seeing the Kremlin for what it is for the first time:A regime of war criminals and kleptocrats which threatens peace in Europe and worldwide.
And asking: How could we have known? Who knew?
There is plenty of people who knew and have been warning about #Putin and his regime since the 90s or early 2000s, including myself.
I will not reiterate all the evidence here once again, but just show some lesser known bits of telling media of previous years:
Here is a video clip of the Russian Communist Party KPRF for the Duma elections of 2011, where they accurately predict that corruption will only grow, elections will only get more simulated, terms lengths extended,czardom returned & Russians impoverished
This is a video clip from after the falsified Duma elections of Dec 2011,in which Putin, who announced that he would switch places with Medvedev and return to the presidency,is shown shooting his competitors,including @navalny to win the rigged race:
This article by @andrewmichta was published on 9 February 2015, but sounds like it could have been written a month ago or yesterday:
#Habeck und Waffenlieferungen an die #Ukraine - Kontext: Was tut Russland?
Seit 2014 gab es hunderte Expertenberichte über russische Waffen und Waffenlieferungen in den #Donbas im großen Stil. Der bekannteste Fall ist der der abgeschossenen Boeing #MH17.
In jüngster Zeit haben 2 investigative Recherchen das Bild weiter vervollständigt:
Erstens ein Bericht über die Zugladungen voller Waffen und Munition, die Anfang 2015 während heftiger Kämpfe von Russland in den #Donbas gingen.
Und zweitens die Berichte darüber, wie der Kreml Geheimdienst-Killer nach #Tschechien & #Bulgarien schickte, um mit Bombenanschlägen und Attentaten #Waffenlieferungen an die #Ukraine zu verhindern.