what on earth are we doing to our kids, our future, the future of the world?
and no wonder the 1,000 households I deliver medicines to, each month, who are all disabled, sick or pensioners are terrified of switching even one fire on, when this is my parents new bill, with a warning of a further increase to £6,600 in October:
they are going to bin the GDPR and grab our NHS data just as they attend the US private healthcare conference in Vegas, whilst forcing us all to utilise the Palantir healthcare app that will scrape all our personal data
Ian Duncan Smiths proposals on the bonfire of regulations, I'm wondering if anyone involved in Finance, Human Resources and other industries might take a look.
the reason I am sharing under the #RussiaUkraine hashtag is that there are multiple mentions in the 2 volumes about Ukraine, and Manafort, and Manafort also worked ten years as a lobbyist for former Ukrainian president Yanukovych, Putin's buddy, Trump's 2016 campaign manager.