🗣️At 11:30 am (PST) we'll discuss LA's groundbreaking new guaranteed income program with supervisors @HollyJMitchell & @SheilaKuehl, Dr. Bob Ross of @CalEndow, @staciawestphd and Carrie Miller of LA's Poverty Alleviation Initiative. Join us via FB Live: fb.me/e/3fEooSOUV
Welcome to today's briefing, "Groundbreaking Guaranteed Income Program to Provide LA County Residents Financial Room to 'Breathe'" You can follow the convo here @EthnicMediaSvc and via FB Live fb.me/e/3fEooSOUV
The #COVID19 pandemic laid bare economic inequalities that are especially pronounced in Los Angeles, one of the nation's most populous counties, where an estimated 25% of children live in poverty, says moderator @PilarMarrero.
Our first speaker is @HollyJMitchell, Chair of the LA County Board of Supervisors.
This is a "historic" and "unprecedented" conversation about the Breathe program. "One's ability to breathe has taken on new meaning, particularly for low income communities," says Mitchell.
Just to have that little extra room to "take care of your family" makes all the difference.
These past 2 years of fighting a health and economic pandemic have exposed all the Angelinos who are barely hanging on, says @HollyJMitchell. "I want to create the opportunity to build back equitably."
Guaranteed income is a very powerful tool to combat poverty and create that equitable recovery. LA County is investing $36 million to put $1000 into the hands of Angelinos over a 3-year period.
"This has been a long time coming," says @HollyJMitchell. "This is an opp to dismantle the personal, racist and sexist arguments that people in poverty need to pull themselves up by the bootstraps."
Our next speaker is @SheilaKuehl, LA County Board of Supervisors, 3rd District. "We know so many people in LA County are just one paycheck from homelessness," says Kuehl.
"When families do well, their whole community is shown to do better. When families are in crisis, it can destabilize a whole community. With room to breathe, families are able to contribute positively to the community."
A hero of mine, Nelson Mandela, said "overcoming poverty is not an act of charity, it is an act of justice," says @SheilaKuehl.
Our entitlement programs are never funded enough to help keep roofs over people's heads, says @HollyJMitchell. It takes one unexpected crisis to derail a family's budget.
"I hope this programs helps inform fed and state policy for entitlement programs," says @HollyJMitchell.
Poverty is rarely the fault of someone impoverished. My hope is it helps the whole community and that everyone else should be doing this across CA and the country, adds @SheilaKuehl
Dr. Bob Ross of @CalEndow says there is a well documented phenomenon called the social determinants of health. The social factors that affect health are substantial, he notes.
Poverty, affordable housing, public ed and transportation are the kinds of issues that can have a "durable" impact on someones health and quality of life.
We're interested in the health and wellness benefits of families that participate in the Breathe pilot program. "We know poverty is bad for health," Ross explains.
We're committing $2 million statewide to evaluate these pilots, $1 million in LA County. "We really admire the courage of the LA County Board of Supes" for taking the lead on this.
What will it take to bring programs like Breathe to other cities and counties in CA? "It's happening all over the state, and what it takes is courageous leadership," says @HollyJMitchell.
The Stockton model played a significant role in spurring the Breathe program. Learn more about implementing #UBI programs in cities and counties: basicincome.stanford.edu/research/paper…
"The narratives and understanding of poverty in America needs to be turned on its head," says Dr. Ross. "We know poverty is structurally mediated. Homelessness structurally mediated. Our society is manufacturing homeless people."
We need to take a new approach, to evaluate strategies with data and science, and not just follow the sound bites that shape so much policy, says Dr. Ross.
"I would encourage every city to take a look at this," adds @SheilaKuehl. "If Compton can do it, every city can do it."
Carrie Miller is with the LA County Poverty Alleviation Initiative. ceo.lacounty.gov/pai/
1000 residents will get $1000 a month for 3 years. Applications will open March 31 through April 13. We are selecting participants randomly. For those who want to apply in person, there are drop-in centers available.
People interested will find a map on the above website and can determine if they live in designated areas that will be part of the program.
Immigration status is not an eligibility requirement, so undocumented immigrants will be allowed to apply, notes Miller.
Dr. Stacia West is Director for the Ctr. For Guaranteed Income Research, UPenn. penncgir.org
We know something about guaranteed income. In Stockton, we found people were better able to get jobs, spend time with families, and they were better mentally and physically. That was after a 1 year program.
We need the help of people who are selected into the program as well as those who are not accepted to be able to analyze the data and determine differences between participants and non-participants, Dr. West explains.
All data will be kept completely confidential, Dr. West says. Surveys will be available in 20 languages.
Funds will be disbursed through debit cars. The money is considered a public benefit and so it is not considered taxable income.
Programs like Breathe are a way of getting at our health care costs. We have the most expensive health care system in the world, says Dr. Ross of @CalEndow
If this program can reduce stress and depression, it will bring chronic disease reduction benefits which in turn can bring down costs. "If that fails as a political argument, I don't know where to go from there."
"We hope the program speaks for itself and breaks through the political divide in DC."
We want to make sure this program is not just for those people who access mainstream press. We want to make sure the folks we're trying to reach understand this is for them, that they can apply, says Carrie Miller.
"This one program is not going to solve poverty in America," says Dr. Ross. "It will take a multitude of approaches, but this is the kind of groundbreaking approach we need to disrupt poverty in this country."
Thanks to all our speakers for today's briefing. Visit @EthnicMediaSvc for follow-up reporting on this and other briefings.
The #Covid pandemic has deepened education divides for children. Millions have fallen behind in reading and math levels. In under 30 mins we'll be discussing strategies to bridge the learning gap with @louisfr, @Hayin & @arosesocol Follow via FB Live: fb.me/e/1KynGrBuW
Welcome to today's briefing, "Kids and Learning Loss: How Do We Catch Up?" You can follow the convo here @EthnicMediaSvc and via FB Live fb.me/e/1KynGrBuW
"We are looking to reframe the narrative, from what students have lost to what they can gain," says EMS ED Sandy Close. "It's easy to cover learning loss, but the challenge for reporters is to find what could be working."
Speakers include: Faustina Palmatier, Karen Society of Buffalo; Aung M. Naing, President and Co-founder, Network of Myanmar American Associations @netmaa Sudarshan Pyakurel, Executive Director, Bhutanese Community of Central Ohio
Also: Parshuram Chamlagai: Bhutanese Community Association of Pittsburgh; Omer Kanat, Founder and President, Uyghur Human Rights Project @Omerkanat1@uyghurproject
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Welcome to today's briefing, "Moving Beyond Hate: Asian American Women Respond to Uptick in Hate Attacks." You can follow the convo here @EthnicMediaSvc or via FB live at fb.me/e/1GPrUvRyn
Our speakers today are: Sung Yeon Choimorrow, Executive Dir. of @NAPAWF; Marita Etcubañez, Senior Director of Strategic Initiatives with @AAAJ_AAJC, Michelle Kang of the Atlanta Korean Committee against Asian Hate and Sasanna Yee.
Welcome to today’s briefing, Facing the end of Roe v Wade. Remember you can follow the convo here @EThnicMediaSvc or via FB Live fb.me/e/4v9buZbPK Our speakers today are Lisa Matsubara and Jodi Hicks with @PPActionCA and Jessica Pinckney of @access_rj.
🎊It's Friday! Which means it's time for our weekly media briefing. Today we're talkin' cars and the red flags ⚠️ you need to watch for when making a purchase. You can follow the convo @EthnicMediaSvc starting at 11am PST or via FB live: fb.me/e/14uSsEdjt@FTC@HERAdvocates
Two really useful resources from the @FTC for consumers preparing to buy or lease a vehicle:
Buying a used car from a dealer: consumer.ftc.gov/articles/buyin…