Two Ukrainian women from #Mariupol have been guests of my family since the day before yesterday. Sad news from relatives in the surrounded town last night. People are dying because they lack drugs like #insulin and food. The #Russians
are no longer allowing #aid supplies into the city. Anyone who tries to help will be shot at. The husband and father of the two only ate a single potato yesterday. You can only pay in cash in the few shops, but the banks no longer have cash.
@KyivIndependent (3/x)
Both women who are our guests realized last night that their father and husband has no chance of surviving and will soon die if no help comes. The daughter (30) tries not to show anything. The mother (50) could hardly eat anything because she
@KyivIndependent (4/x)
couldn't bear that her husband only had one small potato to eat that day.
Our guests have their smartphones in their hands all day long because they don't know when their relatives can call them because the connection is not stable. yesterday great fear when
@KyivIndependent (6/x)
shot at by tanks while fleeing. Both women described how other cars were hit directly in front of them. They were among those cars that could get away from the tanks.
God bless the people of Mariupol and all of #Ukraine ❤️
Kritikpunkt 2
Mit der - übrigens durch einen Großgesellschafter von Springer mitfinanzierten - Gangelt-Studie hat er zusammen mit #Laschet#Lockerungen befördert, obwohl Studie nicht repräsentativ war.
Kritikpunkt 3
Die Gangelt-Studie hat Tote ausgeblendet und damit die Sterberate verfälscht, weil sie die Infektionen für einen längeren Zeitraum einschloss als die Zahl der Gestorbenen.