Mobile internet services (2G/3G/4G/CDMA), all SMS services, dongle services, etc, provided on mobile networks (except voice calls) in the Patiala district of Punjab will be suspended from 9.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday, according to an order issued by the state. (1/5) #KeepItOn
The order comes a day after communal clashes in Patiala and the reasons stated are - to avoid the spread of misinformation through social media, to thwart ‘anti-national’ & ‘anti-social’ activities, and to maintain peace & prevent the loss of life or damage to property (2/5)
Suspension of mobile internet services results in huge economic losses, especially for small businesses that depend on digital payment services. Food delivery partners and cab drivers face severe hurdles in doing their jobs as mobile internet is essential for their work. (3/5)
Internet shutdowns also have a severe impact on access to healthcare, education, information and more. We urge the State authorities to reconsider the internet shutdown imposed and restore internet in Patiala district immediately. (4/5) #LetTheNetWork
@SFLCIn has been running the first-ever internet shutdown tracker at to document all the instances of internet suspensions in the country. To help us continue resisting internet shutdowns donate today at (5/5)
Seven years ago, the central government’s Digital India initiative acknowledged that expanded internet access was the key to attain digital inclusion. But India’s tryst with internet shutdowns tells a different story...… #InternetShutdowns
In the absence of any formally announced orders for Internet shutdowns to the public before or after a network disruption, documenting these restrictions is important.
Over the past few months, @SFLCin has received information that the mobile Internet is frequently suspended in various regions of Kashmir for nearly 10 hours every day. Here's a brief thread on the situation.
@SFLCin found that the areas facing such suspensions are Anchar, Eidgah, Qamarwari, Soura, MR Gung, Nowhatta, Safa Kadal, Bagyass of Srinagar district; Wanpoh of Kulgam district, Qaimoh and the Litter area in the Pulwama district of Kashmir.
This trend has been going on since August 2021. Apart from a couple of news articles, there hasn’t been any official order published regarding this. @SFLCin filed an application under the RTI Act to obtain orders of shutdown in November 2021 but haven't received a reply so far.
The Internet has become a means of livelihood for people especially during the pandemic where the majority of citizens are still working and studying from home. Internet is used to verify information as well. #pandemic#letthenetwork#keepiton#farmersrprotest
Internet shutdown cannot be used as a tool to suppress dissent. This is a violation of the right to freedom of speech and expression as well as the right to life. The impact of such shutdowns on citizens and the economy is huge. #FreeSpeech#RepublicIndia#FakeNews
The letter reinstated the plight of the citizens of #JammuAndKashmir as the region has had more than 365 days of restricted communication. Till 10th August 2020, #India has witnessed 433 #InternetShutdowns in total, out of which 55 have happened in 2020 alone and 106 in 2019.