There was a lot going on in April in terms of meetups all over the world. You can find out more about accessibility, how to learn React Native as a junior, AR apps, using SVG, libraries, debugging and much more!
Strategies For Using React Native In A Brownfield App via @htormey
What do you do when you have to integrate #ReactNative into a large existing native code base? This talk is from the perspective of an experienced native #iOS developer.…
Using SVG in React Native via @oriharel
In this talk, Ori shows you how he integrated the use of #SVG with the opinionated component and state system of #React, but at the same time keeping things highly performant when interacting with the #UI thread.…
Learn How To Protect Your Routes, With #React 18, Amplify, Lambda in 50 minutes via @ErikCH
In this video Erik creates a React 18 app with #Amplify with protected routes, and a custom authenticator for a #Lambda function.…
Start from the beginning and build your #programming career step by step with the help of these popular tech talks focusing on career development and self-improvement.
Are you a #JavaScript#developer looking for ways to improve from day to day? You’ve come to the right place! Bury yourself in encryption, testing, closures and many more talks from #JS experts all over the world.
#JavaScript Tests in #Node, the Browser, and CI via @rob_rich
Watch as Rob live-codes sync tests, async with callbacks, promise-based tests, and async/await tests. He crafts tests in Node, tests in the Browser, and unit tests that run from CI.…
Do you want to take your knowledge in #Python to the next level? Learn how to build a @WhatsApp Chatbot, how to code music recommendations like @Spotify , dive into Domain Driven Design Patterns, Data Analysis, and more!
Simple, Open Music Recommendations in Python via @robotmakesmesad
Can simple open-source tools compete with the music recommendations provided by @Spotify and other big names?
#React was indeed in the spotlight last month, so we spared your time and collected the champions of #meetup videos in January. Which one is your favorite? 🥳
😎2nd: #React Performance with React Dev Tools by @yanaiEdri @ReactNext
All of us are familiar with the react #devtool - how to select a component and observe the state and the props - but this tool also has the profiler tab.
#React and #ReactNative videos were definitely in the flow in 2021 and are expected to dominate 2022 as well! Better catch up on the top 10 #meetupvideos from last year so you won’t be falling behind. 😎
Expert guide to React Navigation by @callstackio
Satya Sahoo and Mateusz Kosoń, #softwareengineers at Callstack, are talking about the #React Navigation library. During the conversation, they cover a wide range of topics related to it.
Improving apps with Custom Hooks and React-Query by @_zachdtaylor
Zach Taylor will be going over two things that can greatly help you improve the quality of your React code: custom hooks and react-query.