1/ big news of the day (be let see how it unfolds in the coming days before shouting victory)
Source is Arestovich (but Gen staff don't talk about it yet) #Severodonesk#Asterovich#Ukraine#Russia
3/ so now you know why this guy is banned from #UAarmy#Ukraine from reporting with the troops. that's why i'm always telling you to wait and double check all the infos.
this guy is ridiculed now. your word as a value; the fame of the day as none. #Severodonetsk
4/ seems to me you need to study a bit more... ;-)
5/ c'est dans ces moments ou l'on apprend a reconnaitre les bons "nanalystes" (il aime les forces "russo-republicaines".. et prend des cartes de...
ok vous avez le topo) #Ukraine
le type est pile poil au point😂😂😂😂🤪🤪😬
6/ YES you read it well...! the incredible clever counter attack (they checked all the 5 boxes) by #UAarmy in #Severodonestk might push back the Orcs #Russians out of the center of the city!
(of course we need to wait to see how it goes but that's giant good news!) #Ukraine
7/ "Kadyrov said the city of #Severodonetsk is fully under control by his elite Chechens troops! and brave Russians soldiers!"........narrator voice : No we are f*ck!
9/ Tonight is really amazing... like putting a lantern in the night on top of a boat and watching all the fish coming.
These guys are clueless and it's "Magical" !
PS. have a look at this "artistic" pseudo Tacmap that means NOTHING! pure BS! (units/boom boom/big circles)
10/ jpp de ces debiles... 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
11/ even better ...
11/ Le résumé de la matinée 03 Mai 22 est rapide: rien n'a changé depuis plusieurs jours. ça y est. on est entré dans cette zone que j'attendais depuis 2 mois (Cf compte à rebours) ça commence à trop piquer trop pour les Russes sur cette zone. Tenir encore 2/3 semaines.. #Ukraine
1/ Update infos for general informations about both #Ukraine -nians losses and #Russian ones, of the day (image below) and week (Excel tab in following tweets)
- Pertes Russes estimées et tableaux recap de la semaine. (mini thread)
2/ on notera que j'ai mis à jour les tab aussi pour les "assertions" russes... qui sont de l'ordre du grand délire, mais bon... je fais ça "bien". (NB les prisonniers Russes ne sont pas à jour et ceux prétendus UKr sont non confirmés par @unhcr ou @CroixRouge )
3/ tableau perso recap. (for the new comers but i've explained a lot about this specific "mind game" here - tableau d'attrition & potential limits) i'll put a link of a short explanation if needed - this is only on the current situation/nb troops involved not all Ru potential).
1/ Information update : #UkraineMap#Severodonestk
Russians are still totally in the city & about 50% reamins under control of strong UA forces. but contrary to some reports yesterday saying they pushed Ru away is false. it"s quite hard now. and it's going to be harder as i said
2/ Good #Ukrainians troops have been killed and wounded in the last days of this epic battle and as i told you the "seconds couteaux" (territorial defense helping or ex soldiers, can't outnumber the actual Ru forces in the area) the fight could go on couple of days like that..
3/ but don't expect much more really (i mean the simple fact that Ru troops are massively destroyed here is as perfect as it gets of course), because ru artillerie/aviation is also playing a big part here, and Ru still have lots of supports and a good supply chain in this area.
Very interesting and quite well known by now but what is astonishing is that they still have all their "potentials". These should become a priority asap. (maybe Ukr can't reach comm centers) need some Himars then ;-)
poke @Col_Brown14
People can read this washingtonpost.com/national-secur…
3/ Palantine electronic warfare system in action
▫️Electronic warfare troops perform electronic warfare tasks to suppress enemy force and weapon control systems during the special military operation.
▫️Palantine system blocks the control signal of reconnaissance UAVs of AFU,
1/Map update! #CarteUkraine#UkraineMap#Severodonestk
Russians are pushed back in the city as reported for the last day. about 50% under control of strong UA forces.
also confirmations this morning from free villages around #UAarmy is having a blast now.. less so Ru. #Ukraine
2/ From the #Luhansk Governor. 03 Juin - end of the day.
Also i got confirmation from other sources. and IMINT.
ALL the accounts doubting these last days... anyhow
Still a long way to go, but the dynamics is strong on #Ukraine -nian side now.
1/ Hello there! Pour finir le Mois de Mai :
Map Update #UkraineMap#ukrainemap#Ukraine
Several maps here to recap the situation in the #UkraineInvasion#UkraineRussiaWar at the end of May 2022
first of all & even if i've never asked for anything : please just share for others.
2/ Topo map / front lines #UkraineWar#Україна#Ukraine
this is 26th Mai but still correct for general aspect and limits (see much more detailed areas in foowing maps)
je mets tout en anglais pour que tt le monde puisse lire mais je pense que mes lecteurs Fra sont Ok avec ça..
3/ les 5 zones que j'ai défini pour montrer les détails. Here the 5 different areas i'm showing in the following tweets.
Zone #UkraineWar#Україна#UkraineMap
1/ Map Update #UkraineMap - Quick & dirty- Focus #Kherson Oblast - some credible sources indicates #UAarmy of #Ukraine pushed Ru out of #Mykolayivka other areas as reported yesterday witnessing intense combat & heavy artillery duel (per Gen staff).
fightings to take #Snihurivka