THREAD: So if you love #fishing and your water, something to consider. I have bald eagles, trumpeter swans, pelicans, herons here on the Lower #Wisconsin#River. Lead kills #birds. I lose probably more than my share of jigs and hanging with the @riveralliancewi got me thinking.
I am more pragmatist than activist, but #environmentalism hits home as you watch eagles soar as you fish pristine, delicate waterways. The 92 miles LWR is mostly in conservancy, and is recognized as a @RamsarConv Wetlands of International Importance.
So I cultivated a local guy who makes lures out of his garage. Very skilled fisherman too and I have learned a lot from him out on the water. Had him cast me this initial run of jigs out of tin bismuth alloy.
Amazing event today remembering how 30 years ago the @WisDems and @wisgop could achieve major bipartisan legislation: founding the #Wisconsin State Riverway. Republican Gov. @TommyForHealth and Democrat Spencer Black argued a lot but still got this landmark law in place.
@WisDems@wisgop@TommyForHealth So much has changed. The first and current, after 30 years, exective director of the Riverway Board Mark Cupp correctly observes in this article in the Isthmus:
“Today, it’s difficult for a staff person to fraternize with the enemy.”
Organizational anthropologist @Linda_A_Hill on how ecosystems, partnerships and leaders successfully innovate in regulated industries: Innovation =novel+useful…
@Linda_A_Hill "You never have too many cooks in the kitchen. Your job as a leader is to get these cooks to cook together."
@Linda_A_Hill "Unleash and harness that team to get what it needs to do. Sometimes they are very top down because that is what's needed. At other times it is bottom up."