1/ Clear evidence of a circulation problem in #LongCovid. We know #SARSCoV2 causes a pan-vasculitis & hyper coagulability. Every long hauler whose blood has been tested has been +ve for microclots
⚠️Medics, pls note, a normal D dimer does NOT exclude the presence of microclots🧵
2/ D-dimer measures fibrinogens degradation products (FDPs). Because the microclots are not being broken down, d-dimer will not be raised.
3/ Unfortunately a blood test for microclots is not yet currently available in the UK outside of the research setting.
4/ It’s not uncommon for patients with #LongCovid to experience #chronicbreathlessness, and for a D dimer and CTPA to return to normal. In this instance, please request a ventilation-perfusion scan.
5/ A CTPA is only good at picking up central, large clots; it fails to look at the peripheries. A VQ scan will pick up on small peripheral ventilation-perfusion defects.
1/ We are seeing an increase in strokes, PEs, DVTs, MI, even amongst the previously healthy. The risk factor? Covid infection. We know infection with SARS CoV-2 causes a pro thrombotic vasculitis. 🧵
2/ You would be mistaken to believe being young and healthy protects you from the harms of #COVID19.
Mild infection has been shown to lead to brain damage and significantly increase risk of cardiovascular and neurological complications. nature.com/articles/s4159…
3/ This large-scale study of 150k people showed even a mild case of COVID-19 can substantially increase a person’s risk of cardiovascular problems - some 20 types in all - for at least a year after diagnosis. nature.com/articles/s4159…
2/ A report by Household Pulse Survey (HPS), conducted by Census Bureau in America, found 16 million working-aged Americans (18-65 years) currently have #LongCovid.
Of those affected, between 2-4 million, are unable to work due to the severity condition.
3/ The impact on lost wages alone is estimated to be $170 billion a year (and potentially as high as $230 billion) brookings.edu/research/new-d…
And for the albeists out there, ‘vulnerble’ includes YOU. You are mistaken to believe being young, fit or healthily will protect you from the harms of #SARSCoV2. Covid doesn’t discriminate. #CovidisAirborne#CovidIsNotOver#WearAMask😷
Mild Covid cardiovascular damage: A large-scale study of 150k people showed even a mild case of COVID-19 can substantially increase a person’s risk of cardiovascular problems - some 20 types in all - for at least a year after diagnosis..
.. For example, the study found those recovered from COVID-19 were 52% more likely to have a stroke and 72% more likely to experience heart failure compared to a control group.
A vaccine is a drug. And as with any drug, it carries risk of adverse reaction.#Vaccineinjury needs to be discussed openly & honestly. Failure to do so will erode trust in future vaccination programmes. Patients who performed there civic duty should not be abandoned or gaslighted
1/ A word of warning. It doesn’t matter on which side of the fence you sit - left or right - everyone living in the UK should be concerned right now. Current government have already removed our right to peacefully protest. Now they want to remove our #HumanRights 🧵
2/ The European Convention on Human Rights (#ECHR) are international laws which protect us all.
They protect our right to freedom; our right to marry; our right not to be tortured, and more..
3/ Do not be fooled. The European Convention on Human Rights has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with being a part, or not a part, of Europe. Do not let this government convince you otherwise.
2/ The LCRI is a collaboration between Long Covid patients, researchers, and clinicians to rapidly and comprehensively study the topic of SARSCoV2 #viralpersistence in Long Covid and the general population.
3/ The organisation was founded by patients and those with close ties to condition, and the research programme is being led by Chief Scientific Officer @microbeminded2.