It was the early 1990’s. 🇺🇸 was supposed to be part of a multinational coalition under a United Nations 🇺🇳 (“Blue Helmet”) command structure in Somalia 🇸🇴.
🇺🇸 had 1 job: help defend emergency food relief convoys.
Instead, somebody decided to be “John Wayne” and go off script!
In BROAD DAYLIGHT, those MFs decided they were going to fly across town (in full view) into a “hot” landing zone, in the heart of rebel-controlled #Mogadishu, and then try to *capture* the rebel Gen. Mohammed Aideed.
Later, we ended up with THIS mess:
And that, my friends, is how you fu#k up a mission.
In the end, the Americans sent to rescue other Americans who mission-crept their way into a mess they couldn’t handle, had to be rescued by a pissed off Pakistani general, who kinda “took his time” about relieving them.