[4/19] Now for the answer to the question. The simple but disheartening answer is: No. 😳
But don't worry, you'll soon see why that's simply a "cosmetic issue" and nothing to be concerned about.
[5/19] The reason for my statement is that the so-called "genesis block" (or Ledger) is absent from the #XRPL.
To be more specific, the first #32569 closed ledgers are missing and cannot be examined further, as is the Ledger #299 (+ account balances) specified in the question.
[6/19] In contrast to #BTC, which requires to DL the whole TX history in order to know the full set of #UTXOs & execute new TX, #XRPL leverages what are known as "ledger entries", which collectively reflect all balances at a particular moment in time.
[7/19] That is why it is not essential to know the account balances of every genesis account and ledger in order to be absolutely assured that no more than 100B #XRP exist.
In principle, assuming that extra #XRP existed in the past,
. . .
[8/19] . . .
The latest we'd learn about it is ledger #32570, which holds the status of all balances and objects ("account state data") held in the closed ledgers at this time that has been validated beforehand ("parent hash"), as well as
. . .
[9/19] . . .
the set of transactions that were applied to the prior ledger to produce the newest one, and finally metadata about the ledger version (ledger index, crypto. hash) and information about the parent ledger that served as a basis. 🧐
[10/19] As defined in the code, the state data, which is required to know the balances of each account, is stored in every ledger, so that the #XRPL will continue to work without issue even when the first week of #XRPLedger history is virtually gone.
[11/19] This is stated in the #XRPL documentation:
"Unlike many blockchain technologies, each new "block" in the #XRP Ledger contains the entirety of the current state, so you don't need to collect the entire history to know what's happening now"
[12/19] @krippenreiter, you may argue, that's not true! I don't want to trust; I want to verify!
That is precisely the appropriate mentality, therefore let us apply it by utilizing a WebSocket API of a #XRPL rippled server in "reporting-mode" 😉
All the servers running at the time had the same bug. #Transactions were properly saved as were, I believe, all the #nodes inside the ledgers. Only the ledger headers are missing. I tried to reconstruct the headers but got stuck on 32,569."
[18/19] Because all that was lost were the ledger headers, there is still hope that the #XRPL history may be retrieved at some point in time because all of the transactions are still available (though privately held by @JoelKatz AFAIK).
Not all is lost in this endeavor. 😇
[19/19] Danke an jeden Leser, der sich die Zeit genommen hat, diesen langen Thread zu lesen ❤️
Falls dir der Thread gefallen hat, kannst du mir hier gerne folgen: @krippenreiter
1 #XRP is represented as 1,000,000 drops in #XRPL terms or technical contexts such as the #rippled#APIs response we received from the reporting server.
[3/7] Think about "drops" in the same manner that you think of #SATs.
It is, in reality, the smallest technical unit utilized for exact measurements.
@WKahneman 1/ Certainly one of the finest tedious rants I've heard in a long time 😉
But let me add a few more facts to your fantastic thread:
@WKahneman 2/ First and foremost, if you're looking for a quick way to find the first or oldest commit, often known as changes to the repository, ever recorded on XRPLF/rippled, here it is: 👇
@WKahneman 3/ You can see when the #XRPL was initially built, who was involved in the early stages, what issues were addressed, and what improvements were implemented at what point in time. 🧐
[1/🧵] #LiquidityHub—Einigen als Begriff vielleicht bereits bekannt, ist es das natürliche Upgrade der #Ripple#ODL (on-demand-liquidity) Plattform.
Noch nicht offiziell "gelaunched", gibt es dennoch erste Eindrücke und Informationen, die sehenswert sind. 👇🧵
[2/19] Der Umgang und volle Nutzen von #Crypto wird bei weitem noch nicht ausgereizt und steckt in der Wirtschafts- & Business-Welt noch in den Kinderschuhen.
Aber woran liegt das? Was ist der Flaschenhals?
Welcher 🔑 öffnet das 🔓 zur Massenadoption?
[3/19] Schaut man sich den neuesten Blogbeitrag—Enterprise Applications of #Crypto Liquidity—von #Ripple an, stellt man schnell fest, dass Unternehmen aus aller Welt derzeit beim "investieren, kaufen, verkaufen und halten" feststecken und darüber nicht hinauskommen.
2/ Ähnlich wie bei MetaMask ist #GemWallet eine "Browser-Extension"-App für den einfachen Umgang im #Web3, jedoch nativ auf dem #XRPL.
Funktionen sind z.B.:
• GemWallet #API (Brücke zwischen Websites und der Browser-Extension)
• Bezahlungen
• #Private/#Pubkey-Generierungen
3/ 🛠️ Möchte man also per #API (NPM/Node.js oder CDN/Browser) eine Brücke zwischen dem #XRPL und seiner eigenen #Web3-#dApp herstellen, bietet #GemWallet die dafür notwendigen Tools und Werkzeuge.
[1/18] #CryptoMeansBusiness—Die neue Marketing Kampagne von @Ripple—die anschaulich aufbereitet, aber von den wenigsten Leuten in Gänze verstanden wurde
Lass uns hinter den Vorhang schauen & die Kampagne mit diesem 🧵 etwas genauer unter die Lupe nehmen! 👀
[2/18] Mit dem Hashtag #CryptoMeansBusiness möchte #Ripple auf die sich scheinbar fortbewegende, aber tatsächlich stagnierende Finanzwelt aufmerksam machen (Status Quo)
Als Metapher gedeutet, soll sich jeder angesprochen fühlen, aus dem Kreislauf auszubrechen.
[3/18] Um diese Kampagne auf die Beine zu stellen hat #Ripple mit @irisworldwide—einer "Global Creative" Firma und Agenturfirma von @Cheil_Worldwide, sowie @mckinney zusammen gearbeitet, um die Kampagne nach NYC, London, Dubai, Singapur und São Paulo zu bringen.