@anthonyzenkus@GeoffYoung4KY#FDR “…the liberty of democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of power to a point where it becomes stronger than the democratic state itself.
That, in its essence, is #Fascism - ownership of Govt by an individual…group, or…other controlling private power.”
@jeffreyatucker July 2019 (#TypeA 🦠) #MysteriousRespiratoryIllness (coughs, fevers, pneumonia) near #FortDetrick started infecting & killing thrice as many people without international fanfare.
@nyetengale Nikolai Patrushev, Secretary of the Russian Security Council ::
“The West continues to act in line with the inhuman doctrine of the #GoldenBillion, which implies a significant reduction in the world’s population in various ways.”
@RealGeorgeWebb1 Why isn’t anybody looking for the original 🦠 release at the most obvious place on the planet = #FortDetrick the world’s largest bioweapons lab?
It’s so bloody clear they released Type A 🦠 first in 🇺🇸 approx June 2019…the CDC even shut them down for breaches end of July 2019.
@RealGeorgeWebb1 Here’s a tiny tip of the iceberg of evidence pointing directly at #FtDetrick as the original release + it’s beyond any reasonable doubt that Covid = fifth gen 🇺🇸 warfare project.
Also telling is how many web links piecing it all together have been wiped.
@BrianLenzkes@FatEmperor I’d studied the #SpanishFlu in-depth + knew early on that they were doing the things with #covid that they’d realized were the opposite of effective a century earlier (hence, never being done again until 2020).
The best study on #NPI outcomes ::
@BrianLenzkes@FatEmperor The so-called #SpanishFlu started in my home state Kansas + the WuFlu started at #FortDetrick.
There were so many 💉 administered BEFORE it was a pandemic, they couldn't keep track of who had what.