"magical thinking" is a term that's difficult to talk about in Western culture, because (as with most if not all abstract concepts in Western thought) "magic" has no honest or certain meaning in mainstream Western discourse. but I will make some attempt to explain.
let me start with an example: the television. television—the sending of video images over long distances to a dedicated "set" for viewing them—is long-established technology. TV video may be communicated through a variety of media—radiofrequency broadcasts were the first.
the television itself isn't "magic" (...I don't think), but established and well-understood technology that achieves some sort of *approximation* of a thing that might, in a myth or a fantasy story, be achieved through magical means: viewing things from a long distance.
it'd be fair to describe the achievement of television as "magical"—in a poetic sense, I suppose. it was a startling technological jump, going from audio-only broadcasts to video.
but television itself is still a *limited* thing, with numerous technical constraints.
there's complex apparatus necessary both for broadcasting or sending television signals long distances, and for receiving them into a TV set at home. this machinery can only do certain things in a certain way.
anything *outside* this expected behavior _could_ be "magic".
Sadako, from the superb horror film _Ringu_, supplies us an example of *magic* (or something supernatural at any rate) involving a television: somehow a recording of her (with no certain source) can function as a medium for her, allowing her to jump from place to place.
TV and video recordings were not designed to work in such a strange fashion; therefore—in the fictional universe of _Ringu_, anyway—the TV is being used in a supernatural or *magical* manner.
there's numerous other fictional examples of televisions as conduits for magic.
but that's fiction. Sadako has never emerged from any ordinary television set, that I'm aware of.
however...there are people who make promises about #technology that amount to the promise of *supernatural powers* of some sort, achieved through technological wizardry.
this is "magical thinking" about technology: assuming, or hoping, or claiming, or *selling* the notion that technology can do things that no physical apparatus can possibly carry out. @elonmusk's promises about #Mars, for example, amount to "magical thinking".
but @elonmusk is in good company: #capitalism and #marketing have furnished a fruitful growing medium for "magical thinking" about science and technology. people in #business and #finance (and, sadly, in #computers as well) tend to be thunderously ignorant about science.
they *do* know it's capable of marvels; therefore it's easy for them to pretend that it's capable of ANY marvel. @elonmusk is one of a long line of scam artists of this type—celebrity CEOs or dodgy "inventors" making claims that they couldn't possibly follow through on.
so the real question is...
...why hasn't American #media and #journalism collectively noticed this? why has @elonmusk benefited from so much uncritical coverage? yes, he's gotten some damaging investigative pieces written about him, but they've gotten no traction.
Americans like to pretend that they're wise to con games, even as they get suckered again. @RonaldReagan was a scam. @realDonaldTrump lives for scamming people. so does @elonmusk—so where's all the *skepticism* about all these people? where's the journalistic scrutiny?
I suppose we all know the answer (@mtaibbi maybe hasn't caught the clue yet.)
@RonaldReagan and @elonmusk and the rest of them have been *protected* in the press. even while Musk AND the @GOP both continue to rail against The Media™ for hating them and being biased...
...the corporate power structures of American #media, all those managers and executives who control most of the world's presses, have bent over backwards to accommodate their wishes. if the press had been honest, @elonmusk would be a nobody—because Elon Musk is a fraud.
he's only famous now because #journalism hardly tried to stop @elonmusk, *or* @realDonaldTrump, *or* @RonaldReagan. it was especially nauseating to see the press going along with the illusions about Reagan—keeping up the pretence that he wasn't a scripted dummy President.
so why'd this happen?
probably it's easy to guess. #capitalism, of course, has a lot to do with it.
"God" falls easily from the lips of the world's worst human beings. @MattWalshBlog thirsts to impregnate children, and perhaps has actually done that—and he's a "man of God". his child rapist friend @joshduggar—a "man of God".
@dalepartridge is a grifter, a confidence trickster, a squalid grasping man of #business consumed by avarice and pride—but, a "man of God". @laurenboebert habitually embezzles public money for her private use—but she's "faithful" to "God".
it's an astonishing phenomenon.
clearly "God" is something different from what @dalepartridge &c. all pretend He's about, i.e. infinite everything. all power, all knowledge, all love, etc. etc. etc.
in fact this "God" is defined by the *absence of definite qualities*. omnipotence is void, featureless.
this may alarm some of my readers, so I feel like I ought to explain and qualify my words somewhat.
it is my considered opinion that a *certain conception of God* must be laid to rest. I've loosely termed this conception of God "the #Christian God", but that's tricky...
...since #Christianity is such a fearfully atomized and scattered assortment of different cults, all of them centered in some way on the #Bible and the spiritual event known to Christians as the Incarnation, that the very word "#Christian" no longer has a certain meaning.
it cannot be denied, however, that there is a #Christian mainstream in Western society; its American manifestation is particularly noisy, very well-funded from money trickling down from wealthy capitalists like the Koch Brothers, and fascıstic in its political inclination.
and really this is what the failure of #capitalism boils down to: capitalists hate *equilibrium*. a healthy planet full of life is a physical system—one of profound complexity, but still, a system in dynamic equilibrium, maintaining an approximately steady state over time.
"steady state", in economic terms, would mean a #business that continues to provide approximately the same services or products over time to a steady clientele—not a *constant* number of clients but one that varies up and down with time, oscillating about a steady average.
and this #business would continue over time to charge about the same for its products or services, and the profit rakeoff going towards workforce and #management pay would also remain about the same. this approximately stable state would be a business at equilibrium.
@jordanbpeterson a sure sign @jordanbpeterson is really a dunce, is that he *talks* like a dunce about science. this muddled, profoundly ignorant man—who undoubtedly pretends, like all #Christian fanatics do these days, to be a champion and guardian of science—*makes fun* of science.
@jordanbpeterson global warming isn't tough to grasp if you know a few basic things about science. @jordanbpeterson could learn these things, if he weren't dedicated to *remaining* the dunce that he is.
the _carbon cycle_ of the Earth involves the interchange of carbon between physical phases.
and I'll tell you something else about #time while I'm at it.
certain persons in this society have a unique privilege: they're able to *reset* time—effectively, because they inhabit a society that permits them to slice away their own pasts and forget they never happened.
I admit that's on my mind because of "Disco Elysium", which puts the player in the head of a detective who's melted down so completely from booze and burnout that they suffer total amnesia. that's not a new conceit exactly, but DE explores it with a certain thoroughness.
in particular, "Disco Elysium" reminds you very completely of how even a complete amnesiac like Harry du Bois can still keep up some approximation of ordinary social function because he's locked into a social role that's rigidly defined and constrained and *supported*.
I got taught "Palmer method" #cursive handwriting in school. it was a traumatic process as you might imagine; we've suffered from poor motor coördination all our remembered life, and also there's signs that we probably would have been left-handed if we weren't traumatized.
that style of cursive writing, however, is best adapted for formal communication. cursive is slow to write and takes up a lot of space on the page.
but #education, which is now utterly subordinate to the antic needs of #capitalism, likes *speed* and short time intervals.
hence schools have phased out cursive handwriting, so that it's easier for students to do tests and papers in class. of course, right-wing (and racıst) dullards of the @DouthatNYT / @thomaschattwill / @charlesmurray sort blame the disappearance of cursive on, you know...