Every time you sit for a Puja, the poojari asks you for your GOTRA. why?
Gotra is simply the science of Genetics aka Gene Mapping
What is the Gotra system?
Why do we have this system of Gotras?
Read on..
Why do we consider the knowledge of one's Gotra to be so important to decide marriages?
Why should only Sons carry the Gotra of father, why not Daughters?
How / Why does Gotra of a Daughter change after she gets married? What is the logic?
(3/10) This is an amazing & ancient genetic science followed in Sanatana Dharma for centuries!
The word GOTRA is formed from two Sanskrit words, GAU (meaning, Cow) and TRAHI (meaning, Shed).
GOTRA means Cow-shed. GOTRA is like a cowshed protecting a particular male lineage.
We identify our male lineage / Gotra by considering to be descendants of the 8 great Rishi (Sapta Rishi + Bharadwaj Rishi). All the other Gotra evolved from these only.
Biologically, the human body has 23 pairs of chromosomes (one from the father and one from the mother).
On these 23 pairs, there is one pair called Sex Chromosomes, which decides the Gender of a person.
During conception, if the resultant cell is XX chromosome, then the child will be a Girl. If it is XY, then it will be a Boy.
In XY - X is from Mother and Y is from Father.
In this, Y is unique and it doesn't mix. So in XY, Y will suppress the X and the son will get Y chromosomes. Y is the only chromosome that gets passed down only between male lineage. (Father to Son and to Grandson).
Women never get the Y chromosome.
Hence, the Y chromosome plays a crucial role in genetics, in identifying the genealogy. Since women never get the Y chromosome, the Gotra of the woman is said to be of her husband, and therefore changes after she is married.
There are 8 different Y chromosomes from 8 Rishis. If we are from the same Gotra, then it means we are from the same root ancestor.
Marriages between the same Gotra will increase the risk of causing genetic disorders as same Gotra Y chromosomes cannot have crossover,...
..and it will activate the defective cells.
If this continues, it will reduce the size and strength of the Y chromosome which is crucial for the creation of males.
If no Y chromosome is present in this world, then it will cause males to become extinct.
The Gotra system is thus an ancient method devised by our great #Maharishis to avoid #genetic disorders and attempt to protect the Y #chromosome.
Amazing bio-science by our Maharishis. Our #Heritage is unarguably THE GREATEST
Please learn about #ZeroFIR and if a police officer denies registering an FIR, at least get an entry into DR register, and you must immediately look for registering complaints online too.
(3/4) #IndianJails are just another world where one doesn't repent their mistakes/crimes instead they learn the new ones/ways of committing more crime coz the police's behavior leaves an impression that one can get away easily by paying away to #Police
Found this #interesting and some #FactSpitting write up on #quora which is an eye opener on why / how #population explosion is a huge problem! Read the thread below!
(2/9) #FakeIdentity and fake #VoterID are being provided to those who have illegally entered into India. Isn't this rigging the #elections ?
While there is #POCSOAct to protect children from being sexually exploited and to protect them, #PersonalLaws are just taking away that protection from children. This is exactly why #UCC#UniformCivilCode becomes an urgent need.
(1/6) #FalseNews in Circulation!! Many of my contacts have been sharing it on their #whatsapp status instead of #Twitter / #instagram / #Facebook coz ur account doesn't get suspended on WP as easily and you get away by spreading the #fakenews! Lets check some data to validate!
(2/6) NEVER try to hurt the image of my country. These false GDP data is not accurate at all and has no authentic source. Before you believe such information and become the peddler of false news by forwarding it, at least verify it from valid sources.
(3/6) Its mentioned that during Manmohan's time the GDP was 10.1% which is wrong. During his time the highest GDP was only 8.1%. source #WorldBank data