ππ1/2: The #Giza Pleateu is home to some of the most astonishing #ancient#megalithic structures on the planet. Many question how it was built as these fascinating structures seemed to have been built using some technologies more advanced than our modern day tools. #Archaeology
ππ 2/2 I think most people don't understand what they are looking at, this stone was a practice stone being worked on by the #civilization that proceeded the original, they tried to replicate the work that had been done previously effortlessly. #Archaeology#Megalithic#Ancient
ππ This video provides a visual perspective on how difficult it is to move multi-ton blocks of granite, & how difficult moving #megalithic stones with modern technology, let alone many thousands of years ago. The key is alternative & #ancient methodologies. #Archaeology
ππ I've always had several issues with the accepted hypothesis of how the #Pyramids of #Giza were built. As a Construction professional specializing in the area of logistical coordination & application of construction methodologies I feel compelled to speak my mind. #Archeology
ππ These calculations assume 500 stones a day. This is a rough estimate, assuming a 8-hour day, 290 days a year, with 20 years to build the pyramid. Also assuming that more time had to be used for the huge granite blocks for the King's chamber & upper part of the #pyramid.
ππ In 2003 the Secret Tunnel Of The Pyramid of #FeatheredSerpent was discovered beneath the #Pyramid in the #ancient ruins of #Teotihuacan. It remained undisturbed for 2,000 years. The sealed-off passage was found to contain thousands of extraordinary treasures. #Archaeology
ππ The secret tunnel was discovered by using a radar. It was a group of researchers from Mexico's National University,Β back in 2003 in the ancient city of #Teotihuacan, #Mexico, located about 30 miles NE of Mexico City. #Archaeology#Megalithic#Ancient#Pyramid
Video credit: Mexico 'powder-glittered tunnel' reveals ancient relics in Teotihuacan @ On Demand News
ππ In 2003 the Secret Tunnel Of The Pyramid of #FeatheredSerpent was discovered beneath the #Pyramid in the #ancient ruins of #Teotihuacan. It remained undisturbed for 2,000 years. The sealed-off passage was found to contain thousands of extraordinary treasures. #Archaeology
ππ P1: The excavation of a 340-foot-long tunnel beneath the Temple of the #PlumedSerpent at #Teotihuacan. The tunnel contained seeds, pottery, sculptures, jewelry, shells, & animal bones. Its walls had been covered with a powder made from ground metallic minerals. #Archaeology
ππ P2: The secret tunnel was discovered by using a radar. It was a group of researchers from Mexico's National University,Β back in 2003 in the ancient city of #Teotihuacan, #Mexico, located about 30 miles NE of Mexico City. #Archaeology#Megalithic#Ancient#Pyramid
ππ According to recent research, there is evidence of a 4th #Pyramid which was said to be dismantled in 1759, & it took 10 months. This pyramid would have been different from the others, around 100 ft smaller than the others and apparently had a cube on top. #Archaeology#Giza
ππ P1: A 4th great #Pyramid of #Giza in the 1700's was documented & sketched along with the 3 that we know about today by a Danish naval captain. It may now finally have been found by a space outside the #Menkaure enclosure. #Archeology#lost4thpyramid#Egyptology#Egypt
ππ P2: This so called tomb is located on the #Giza Plateau, which is believed by some #Egyptologists to be a 4th #Pyramid of Giza. It was identified as a pyramid by John Shae Perring & Colonel Howard Vyse who visited the site in 1837β1838. #Archaeology#Megalithic#Ancient
ππMy video from the #archaeological discovery made on the #Miami River. The findings include 7,000-year-old spearheads, abundant evidence of indigenous settlements in the area dating back to the time of the emergence of the 1st cities in #Mesopotamia, & before the Roman Empire.
ππ P1: Quote from the site: "You're going back to the time of the emergence of the first cities in #Mesopotamia. It's thousands of years before the Roman Republic and the #Roman Empire. By any measure, this is an early manifestation of human activity. This is legitimately old."
ππ P2: Although the dig is not yet complete on the #Miami River's south bank just west of the #Brickell Avenue bridge, are already recasting what #anthropologists and #historians thought they knew about the presence of prehistoric and #indigenous people here. #Archaeology
ππ The builders of the great #Pyramid of #Giza knew something that we still don't. We remain perplexed by the complexity & precision of it. Itβs engineered & constructed with designs of intricacy & functional in nature with unparalleled still in these modern times. #Archaeology
ππ P1: #Pyramid power refers to the theory that the ancient #Egyptian pyramids & objects of similar shape can confer a variety of benefits. There is a substantial amount of evidence to suggest that in fact is the main purpose of the construction of the pyramids. #Archaeology
Image credit & copyright: 1998 @ Christooner P. Dunn google.com/search?
q=great+pyramid+hydrogen+reactor&espv=210&es_sm=91&source=Inms&tbm=isch&sa=X&β¬ great-pyramids-at-giza%3B500%3B433