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1/ Assam State Museum has 13,802 objects and out of which 1,621 are displayed. @himantabiswa sir if you can get these #Archaeological objects scanned, it will be a great boon for Assam Heritage and Tourism.… Image
@himantabiswa 2/ This represent a beautiful female figure standing in tribhanga posture against a plain damaged back ground.
11th Century
Pic 1 : restored with Photoshop
Pic 2 : Poor Quality Government site NMMA
@himantabiswa you need to focus here boss.
#Assam #Archaeology Read here NMMA description ...Image
3/ Pic 1 : NMMA with description as Dancing Girls.
Pic 2 : restored image
#Assam #Archaeology As per NMMA these are danci...Image
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1/Friday we made it! We saw briefly/incompletely how #pollen #beetles preserved in #peat can shed light on long term #ecological change. There are other 'proxies' + the #peatland #archaeological record, esp rich in 🇮🇪, a remarkable 'archive' of past people/environments/climate A black and white drawing o...
2/#Peat is remarkable for so many reasons, long regarded as of little 'use', now known to be an #ecosystem 'superstar' (TBD further tomorrow!) key for preservation of #Palaeoenvironmental + #Archaeological record. Photo: woody fen peat in auger @Calum_Sweeney_ @EcomuseumsLive A long metal soil sampler c...
3/In this sense, we can think of #Peatlands as representing an intersection between how we understand long term #ecological change, #ClimateChange, human activity/impact + data key for #Conservation #Rehabilitation #Restoration of #Ecosystems Image 1: From Book Image 2! ImageImage
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1/ An evening thread! Yesterday #Pollen next its beetles #Palaeoentomology - preserved in #peat fragments of bugs (wing cases, head capsules etc) are difficult to ID but provide key evidence of #Palaeoenvironments - #Prehistoric #woodland, #Biodiversity changes+extinctions! Two people, stood in a pit with an exposed face of peat in f
2/Dr Eileen Reilly (photo 1, r) passed away too young. Her #Palaeoentomological work was groundbreaking. Demonstrated presence of beetles in #prehistory now extinct/rare in 🇮🇪 many associated with wood/trees (Saproxylic), 'Urwald relict' group (see table!) A table showing extinct/rare species found in peat samples f
3/E.g: photos 1+2 #Archaeological excavations, Lisheen Bog, Co.Tipp. Samples from Bronze Age oak wood plank trackway, contained remains of Prostomis mandibularis+other bugs. Primary #woodland present in this period despite clearance/farming. A table showing rare/extinct beetles including wood loving t
Read 10 tweets
1/Hi all! This afternoon we look (selectively) at what pollen records, tell us about long term changes, from the end of the last Glaciation. How has climate, humans+related processes shaped the 🇮🇪 vegetation over thousands of years? (Nick Miller, From Cogan's Shed, 2004) Image
2/Difficult to summarise 1000s yrs in tweets! Image by Gill Plunkett @QUBelfast does good jobNB. highly generalised, much spatial variation across country; Key points: development of woodland as climate warms start of #Holocene hazel dominant, oak, elm, later alder, how dense? A pollen graph showing curv...
3/Closed canopy? But NB1 Concept of 'Climax' woodland largely discredited; : 'openess' is under-represented in #pollen records! NB2; #ClimateChange driving some changes; other processes inc. soil development. When does human activity impact? Now that's a good qu! A photograph of a woodland ...
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👀💭My video from the #archaeological discovery made on the #Miami River. The findings include 7,000-year-old spearheads, abundant evidence of indigenous settlements in the area dating back to the time of the emergence of the 1st cities in #Mesopotamia, & before the Roman Empire.
👀💭 P1: Quote from the site: "You're going back to the time of the emergence of the first cities in #Mesopotamia. It's thousands of years before the Roman Republic and the #Roman Empire. By any measure, this is an early manifestation of human activity. This is legitimately old." ImageImageImageImage
👀💭 P2: Although the dig is not yet complete on the #Miami River's south bank just west of the #Brickell Avenue bridge, are already recasting what #anthropologists and #historians thought they knew about the presence of prehistoric and #indigenous people here. #Archaeology ImageImage
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After Antarctica and some backpacking, my Antarctica money ran out. Luckily I had a job lined up at Çatalhöyük @catalhoyuk_arch - a posterchild site for post-processual #archaeology!

My first full time #sciart gig as a archaeological illustrator!
I'd like to spotlight the ongoing #archaeological #illustration of Çatalhöyük illustrator @kjkillackey who was a great help in showing me the ropes, and her incredible work!

(Katy hope you don't mind I pulled this image from your feed.) Image
Also part of our little Çatalhöyük #sciviz office there was @jasonq, archaeological #photographer whose work you can see here: (screenshot here)

Jason did a lot of climbing in scaffolding to get useful overhead shots of the dig! Image
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I started playing #guitar in college. Some of my friends back home played, so I thought I'd learn. It's been years since I kept up with it. With no job and an empty house, I had time. Plus, I could crank up my amp. Ava would have hated it. All the more reason to do it.
Strumming a few chords or playing a riff through a loud amp usually makes me feel better. It's more of a distraction this time. My amp is a little old. Even a #ragpicker might pass on it. "If you're not going to play it, sell it," Ava nagged. Life always got in the way.
Or I got in the way. Not even ten years ago I kept getting sick all the time. Painful stomach cramps would radiate weakness throughout my body. I learned how to wash it away like healing #rainwater. That's when I really started to figure out who I was and what I could do.
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Endere is an #archaeological site in Xinjiang, #China, in the southern #Taklamakan Desert, a part of the southern route of the ancient Silk Road. It has been tentatively identified with a place called Saca that is mentioned in documents written in Kharoṣṭhī script.
@vajrayudha11 @ajaatashatru Central column of Diwane khas in Fatehpur Sikri follows this general pattern. Square base, octagonal, 16sided polygon and then circular. 4stone bridges are attached to the throne above pillar. #Hindu #architecture
1. Plan of ruined fort, Endere, Xinjiang
2. Remains of Stupa which follows typical square, square and cylindrical pattern.
Plan of fort itself is somewhat circular.
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