Both SARS2 and HIV viruses invade the brain. Do they share tinnitus and/or hearing loss as well? Are the mechanisms different or the same?
If so, does the vaxx spike cause this too?…
The spike protein causes membrane permeabilization, it causes the immune system to degrade the endothelium and it can cause the chronic conditions listed below. So spike exposure would seem to be a big risk factor for tinnitus.…
It can also damage nerves so possibly it is damaging the auditory nerve? This seems less likely since people with tinnitus are still able to process speech.
The tinnitus could be a precursor to hearing loss and dementia.…
Does the durable synthetic 💉 spike accelerate the same pathophysiological mechanisms which occur with SARS2? We know 💉 post COVID infection causes loss of immunity. Does also it help the destruction of other pathophysiologies of the 🦠?
That would be after the cells of the aorta expressed synthetic spike protein and were attacked and scarred by the immune system, creating #aortitis, causing #aorticrupture and #calcification. Let's do a twitter search on this phenomenon shall we? >
Now we need a charity to raise funds for pro bono autopsies of #DeathByVaxx.
As the pathology of Dr. Arne Burkhardt and @drcole12 found, 💉 spike protein in EVERY ORGAN causing massive lymphocyte infiltration and cell necrosis. #Evidence#Nuremberg2
The W.H.O. budget = 15% from U.S. government, 10% from Gates Foundation.
GAVI is also a Gates organization.
Fauci and #BioweaponsBoys offshored primate research to Sudan.
It's not a coincidence that these two interviews came out within 24 hours of each other. The elites sense public opinion is turning. They are reinforcing the false narrative they tried to force on the world that we had to accept their lethal totalitarian edicts for "safety."