#Enterovirus#Myocarditis is getting a lot of attention in the media right now so, I'm here to share a general overview of what this is.
According to our professional organization, @ACCinTouch , the definition of myocarditis is any condition that causes inflammation of the heart. There are a big list of causes, and the most common ones in adults are different from the most common ones in kids.
Enterovirus is a specific category of virus, and it is one of the infections (overall most common cause in all ages) which is capable of causing heart inflammation.
Baby viral myocarditis is something that can get extremely dangerous very quickly, and can put babies lives in danger. How do you know somebody has this? Look for pallor, sweating, altered activity level, and repeated vomiting with eating in babies. fn.bmj.com/content/89/5/F…
The overall amount of infants who get enterovirus myocarditis is small, but the amount of babies who die or get very sick is a large fraction of that small group unfortunately. pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20444813/
You might see cold symptoms too (pure cold symptoms in babies don't come along with the other symptoms).
Once the diagnosis is established by seeing the patient, EKG, echocardiogram, and sometimes cardiac MRI, you'll get close interactions with a cardiologist to help fix things.
Baby viral myocarditis has been occuring for a long long time, well before antivaxxers discovered this. We've sometimes even had to struggle to save babies in the Intensive Care Unit because they were so ill (Citation: Moss and Adams Heart Disease in Infants and Children).
Mechanism of infant viral myocarditis: thought to be a mixture of incomplete clearance of virus and partially the immune response pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36827455/#&gid… .
Connection with COVID vaccines? First off, COVID vaccine associated immunodeficiency is an invalid condition, from a willful misinterpretation of an old COVID vaccine project in Australia. covid19infovaccines.com/en-posts/can-c…
It is impossible to give your newborn infant a fictional condition; HIV Proteins were used as a part of the vaccine design process but no actual HIV virus was there. The project was closed down anyway due to false positive HIV tests out of an abundance of caution.
Second, you don't need anything to give an infant an immunodeficiency, they already are relatively immunodeficient when born, in unique ways, needing their vaccines to be given at certain intervals and ages to actually work. chop.edu/centers-progra…
Mums can share their immunity from antibodies (passive immunity) with kids, but the baby will gradually break down these antibodies and it is generally the case that the baby's own immunity will catch up with exposure to vaccinations and the world.
Third, the cluster of myocarditis in England was in infants under 28 days old, which is an age group where COVID vaccines are not authorized in any country. gov.wales/written-statem…
Babies cannot get vaccine myocarditis if they didn't get vaccinated in the first place.
The ultimate take home here is to allow the public to recognize what the symptoms of a really sick infant might be, and get the infant to medical assistance.
On the vaccine spike thing: No, COVID spike is not efficiently produced in a fetus upon vaccination of a mum. Antibodies do get to the fetus, which helps them get some immunity. The vaccine itself is not efficiently transferred to the fetus.
@drcole12 is making mistakes here that even a #pathology trainee would be embarrassed to make. His core claim is that spike protein from vaccines is inducing blood clotting. This is generally false.
The source of his data is @ArneBurkhardt , who first off, makes so many logical errors that it deserves a thread of its own.
Next, Cole presents slides from Burkhardt's presentation free of context, to give the reader a veneer of legitimacy, but in reality, all deceased people have blood clots. The basis of his claim is essentially the slide shown above, with an absence of awareness of basic dying.
The most basic way - he blocked almost all of #Medtwitter for disagreeing with him, and simultaneously claims that everyone needs to at least listen to people who disagree.
Whatever happened to actions speak louder than words @VPrasadMDMPH?
I was dedicatedly enough to vaccine myocarditis that I both personally participated in caring for patients with this condition by the usual @ACCinTouch standards and participated in the clinical research on this topic.
That’s about as close as you can get to asking the hard questions.
The expectation for a physician or clinical researcher is to always ask questions accompanied by standardized scientific reasoning, along with attempts to understand, or demonstrated proficiency in the current research. Asking questions accompanied by deflection,
#Pathology#COVID19#spike#autopsy The German pathologist @ArneBurkhardt is getting a lot of stuff wrong with his presentations to the EU parliament and other interested parties on his supposed technique to determine vaccine related adverse events after autopsy.
First off, its not cool to represent yourself as a member of a pathology group in Reutlingen when you are no longer officially employed there. A qualifier like "former" would be better. The people who actually work there: pathologie-reutlingen.de
#Antivax#vaccineswork#primarycare If you have read the book Turtles all the way down, by an anonymous author, and edited by @ChildrensHD attorney Mary Holland, you have been deliberately, and systematically lied to. A small sampling of the antivax strategies used:
1. Claim that nobody knows how to read scientific studies except for them. If you intentionally misinterpret studies on traditional vaccines, you can literally come up with any conclusion you want.
2. Using deliberately hostile language in reference to the men and women who spent their professional careers working on immunizations. Much of what @ChildrensHD does is to create imaginary hostility to spread their message.
One part of his presentation focuses on statins, and the controversy surrounding his project with Abramson/ Malhotra et al about the risk/ benefit ratio of statins. As a quick recap, statins are intended to lower cholesterol, and Malhotra's position is that...
as many people as possible should stop their statins and focus on exercise. This narrative is as usual based upon distortions of the evidence, and normal cardiologists don't need to distort the evidence to make their point.