2/5. “What is needed is a #LossAndDamage Fund under the @UNFCC, with needs based finance, a window for rapid onset events, a window for slow onset and importantly a window for small grants directly accessible to communities.”
3/5. “Developed countries are pointing heavily to existing funding arrangements. But this will not do. We need finance that is additional to Official Development Assistance (ODA), additional to #Mitigation, and additional to #Adaptation.”
4/5. “We need grant based support because loans will bring communities further into debt. For #LossAndDamage it is not working with loans.”
1/25. Today is the ninth day of the #BonnClimateConference (#SB58) and it saw the continuation of discussions on the #SantiagoNetwork for #LossAndDamage, a number of excellent side events, and importantly the adoption of the agenda. Here are some of our highlights!🧵
2/25. This morning kicked off with three #LossAndDamage side events happening at the same time! Sadly we could not get to them all, but the good news is that there are webcasts with which to revisit them.
2/6. “When talking about #ClimateFinance, the issue of corruption keeps coming up and yes there is a challenge there. "
3/6. “But why are we just talking about developing countries, in developed countries we also have corruption, legalising lobbying is corruption, double counting #ClimateFinance is corruption.”
2/4. “All developing countries should be eligible [to access the #LossAndDamage Fund] and it is important to keep that language for unity. We know that it is LDC’s, SIDs & Africa that are going to be prioritised. Rich countries should trust developing countries to sort that out.”
3/4. “When we look at Pakistan, when we look at Colombia, Philippines, they don't fall in those categories, so how are you going to support them? If developing countries can decide, there can be a response when needed."
1/38. Today is the eighth day of the #BonnClimateConference (#SB58) and it saw the closing plenary of the Technical Dialogue of the #GST, discussions on the #SantiagoNetwork, the continuation of the #NCQG’s 6th Technical Expert Dialogue and the first stocktaking plenary. 🧵
2/38. Today also saw a focus on #HumanRights with a number of side events and an action drawing attention to the key message that “there can be no #ClimateJustice without #HumanRights”.
1/4. “It is very surprising that at this time we are still arguing for #HumanRights [within multilateral processes]. We are facing harassment, surveillance and sexual harassment...Countries normally vocal are remaining quiet.” @CamilaZepedaL, Head of Delegation, Mexico 🇲🇽.
2/3. "As a country we speak up and defend #Pariticpation, defend #HumanRights, we are left alone in many negotiating rooms, including those discussing #LossAndDamage."
3/4. "We have made complaints as a government...Host agreements (for @UNFCCC COP's) going forwards need to protect accountability, the right to assembly and #FreeSpeech. We have proposed language to make sure those agreements public and transparent to ensure #HumanRights."