Understand this, all: this man is lying. He denies all conversations, emails, and meetings on topics Trump *hired him to specialize in*.
He's not a judge, and was removed from office for gross dereliction of duty—his offenses almost rising to the level of open insurrection against the U.S. government (to wit, SCOTUS).
It *isn't*, though—it's about SANCTIONS negotiations.
Sessions pretends to misunderstand questions; answers questions he's not asked instead of those he is; plays dumb; "can't recall"—it's all an embarrassment to Congress and America.
They're trying to *harm* the probe if they can—these people are without shame.
One of those two things is true.
So, to review: Sessions knows zero on the pardon power (a bad topic for Trump), but a ton about leaking statutes (a good topic for Trump).
Got it.
Okay, then stop meeting with Donald Trump. Ever. You're well aware he's a prospective witness (and likely target) in the Russia probe. You can't hold those meetings and *not* be infected by politics and bias.
Because he's been doing that all morning and afternoon so far.
We need the names of those colonels.
And I can tell you his claim he can't talk about conversations he had with presidential *advisors* is "Pants on Fire"—and he knows it. politifact.com/truth-o-meter/…
CILLINE: Did you ever exchange any email, text message or other communication to or from Mr. Papadopoulos about Russia or any other subject?
SESSIONS: I'm confident I did not.
DC: Did anyone ever forward you a message about Mr. Papadopoulos?
JS: I don't recall it.