1/ Here’s the scoop on what they hell is going on with #GOPTaxScam.
A couple days ago, the conference committee (Senate and House conferees) for #TaxCutsandJobsAct (barf) or #HR1 voted to move the bill to the House for a vote.
(Ok, we knew that would happen, the House if fucking crazy and no one really understands them.)
Sooooo…this afternoon, because the GOP is RUSHING to get this passed AND the Senate votes on EVERYTHING; a Motion to Proceed (MTP) on #HR1 passed (51-48 McCain absent).
This just means that yes, the Senate agrees to consider HR1 and plans to vote on passage.
Individual Senators can raise a “point of order” on any provision in a budget rec. bill they think violates the rules, prompting parliamentarian review.
Dem Senators are paying fucking attention and racing the clock to comb 600 pages of tax policy (thanks to badass #resistance activists) looking for violations. They found *at least* two this afternoon.
Good question!
It means the Senate has two options:
1. Get rid of the provision
2. Move it out of reconciliation leaving it open to filibuster.
They're going to have to get rid of the violations.
Another good question imaginary twitter person!
The House and Senate must pass identical bills...so guess what!?
Ok, so what's the big deal—they're just going to pass it right?
In Oct. Congress had to pass a budget resolution to lay out directives for the tax bill (it's a weird budget rec process, just go with it) which included a 1.5 trillion cap on expanding the deficit over 10 years.
Wait a second—that's MORE than 1.5! (EXACTLY)
We've bought *some* time.